I Can't Lose You (Trelawny X Reader)

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Requested by: HeatherB1995. I'm really sorry this took so long, but enjoy!

"Good morning, Y/N," Trelawny says.

"How are you?" you ask, sipping your coffee.

"Well... I can't complain," he says.

"You could complain," you smile a little.

After all, he was just held captive by bounty hunters.

"Well, yes, but we all know I'm not that sort," he gets himself coffee.

"Mmm. You're the type to vanish for three months," you mutter, loud enough for him to hear.

He looks up at you with an expression that says 'seriously?'.

"I'm messing with you," you grin. "Although you do vanish an awful lot... rather like one of your magic tricks,"

"Ah, you've heard of my magical abilities?" he says, raising an eyebrow.

You nod. "But I've never seen them,"

"Well... I can fix that," he says, removing his hat and handing it to you.

"Do you see anything in this hat?" he asks.

"Uh... no," you're confused but play along.

"Well..." he places the hat on the ground and waves his hands over it.

"Ta-da!" he reaches in and pulls out a live rabbit.

"What the hell? How did you-" you say.

"A magician never reveals his secrets," he passes you the rabbit. "It's perfectly tame," he adds.

It is.

"I- wow," you murmur, stroking the rabbit. "You ever thought of starting up a show? In Saint Denis or something? It'd get you arrested less," you say pointedly.

He laughs. "Getting arrested is half the fun, Y/N. And when you don't, it's an awful lot more profitable,"

"Half the fun," you shake your head. "No wonder we keep having to bail you out,"

"Well, Y/N, if you don't think I can successfully plan a robbery... come with me to rob a stagecoach later," he says.

It's barely even a question.

"Alright," you say.

He smiles. "Now, could I have my rabbit back?"

You reluctantly hand it to him, and he puts it on his shoulder.

He walks away with a rabbit perched on his shoulder like a parrot.

What a strange man.

But he makes your heart skip a beat either way.


"Ah, Y/N. Are you ready to leave?" Trelawny asks.

You grab your gun and stand up. "Yep,"

"You shouldn't need that. My intention is for a clean robbery," he murmurs, looking warily at the gun.

"Still," you say. "Just in case. You should always have a gun on you, Trelawny,"

"If you say so," he says, evidently not convinced. "Now. Come along, then! We've got a stagecoach to rob,"


"That worked out pretty well," you remark as you count the money.

"That was the general idea, Y/N," Trelawny smiles slightly.

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