Trouble (Van der Linde Gang & Teenage Daughter)

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Requested By: Millzy04

*Involves a slight threat of rape*

"Be careful, Y/N," Arthur calls as you mount your horse.

"I will be, Arthur," you reply. "I always am."

He doesn't respond and you ride away.

"Make sure to stay safe," Javier says as you ride past him.

"Of course, Javier," you roll your eyes.

"Okay, okay," he says.

You're not so sure why everyone's been so protective of you. After all, you've been allowed out of camp for several months and you've never gotten into trouble... well, maybe you did get in trouble once or twice. But it's nice to get out of camp. As far as you're concerned, it's heaven to have some freedom. After all, you're 15 years old. You reckon it's time you had some independence.

You pat your horse and ponder where to go.

Maybe I'll head into Valentine.


"That was a good game, gentlemen," you say, "But I've got to go."

You grab your poker winnings and leave the table and realise how much time has passed.

Damn it. I might not be back in time.

You quickly mount your horse and ride back to camp. The sun is setting fast and you know that if you break curfew then you won't be allowed out for ages. Or, at least, a week or two. But it feels like a long time.

You're making good time when you hear voices. You barely have time to register them before three O'Driscolls materialize on the path in front of you.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing out here all alone, eh?" one in front of you asks.

Damn it damn it damn it.

You don't respond and slowly reach for your gun.

"D'you think Colm'd like this one?" the O'Driscoll turns to the other two.

You're not sure if it's the comment or just that the time is right, but you shoot him. As his body crumples, you shoot the other two. Almost too slowly; a bullet misses your shoulder by a few centimetres.

You breathe a sigh of relief and dismount to loot the bodies. Your heart is pounding, and your hands shake from the adrenaline crash, but you think you're okay. Just a little shaken up. After all, it was your first kill.

You hear somebody approach and point your gun at them. "Y/N, it's me," Arthur says.

"Oh. Hey," you say.

"You alright, kid? I heard gunshots and..." his eyes rest on the bodies.

You nod. "I'm fine. They're not, though."

He pats your shoulder. "Come on. Let's get back to camp,"


"Miss Y/N, are you alright?" Miss Grimshaw hurries over.

"Yeah, I'm fine. A little shaken up, I guess."

"Well, let's get some food in you. Come along," Miss Grimshaw sits you down at a table. "I'll bring the food over in just a moment. You sit tight for now."

You look around camp. You feel strange with the knowledge that you ended three men's lives today. Oddly... hollow, almost. Yet there's a weight in your stomach.

I killed people today.

Hosea and Dutch are having a conversation with Arthur. Hosea glances over at you with a hint of worry in his face.

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