Glowing (Charles X Reader)

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H/B = Horse Breed

H/N = Horse Name

G/T = Gun Type

I grab some ammo from Arthur's wagon and head over to my H/B, H/N. "Good horse," I murmur as I mount up. "You ready?" Charles asks.

"Yeah. Let's go rob a stagecoach," I reply.


As we ride to the spot to ambush the stagecoach, I can't help sneaking glances at Charles. I'm not exactly sure if I have a crush on him, per se. He just... I don't know. I'm drawn to him, I guess. And he makes me happy just by being around. Even now, I have a warm, glowy feeling in my chest.

Although that does sound like I've caught feelings.

I dismiss the thought. I don't do that.

Charles pulls me out of my daydreams by stopping.

"We're here," he mutters. "Bandanas on,"

I nod and comply, readying my G/T.

The stagecoach turns the corner. It looks extraordinarily expensive. I could sell that at a fence.

"Now," Charles murmurs.

"Stop the coach, this is a robbery!" I yell, aiming my gun at the drivers.

They stop.

"Alright, where's the money?" I continue shouting and aiming my gun.

"I-it's in the back there... you need the code to the safe," a driver says in close to a whisper.

"Tell me the code," I say. "You put the code in," I turn my attention to Charles.

The sun is at the perfect angle to make his eyes look like glowing pools of honey. My heart melts.

I turn away in an attempt to stop acting like a schoolgirl in love for the first time and start acting like an outlaw that robs stagecoaches and other things for a living.

"The code," I prompt the drivers.

"Um, uh, one," I look at Charles, he nods, having put it in.

"uh... seven?" Charles shakes his head.

"That isn't right," I warn. "I don't think you want to know what happens if you do that again,"

Suddenly I realise just how nervous the drivers are. That doesn't ever happen.

Something isn't right.

I try to catch Charles' attention. "Something ain't ri-" I'm cut off by fiery pain in my shoulder.


I duck and dodge the bullets that are whizzing around. I aim and fire my gun but miss because my shoulder is burning, except, of course, it isn't. I was shot.

I try to shoot, nevertheless. I hit a couple of people.

The stagecoach drives away, leaving me and Charles to deal with the lawmen and armed guards.

"We have to go," Charles mutters.

"You can say that again," I reply, before heading to my horse.

We ride for a few minutes and the world starts spinning. I haven't particularly had time to consider passing out. I didn't think I would. But my arm hurts so much, the dark that's clouding my vision is inevitable. I still try and fight it but it's hopeless.

"Charles..." I whisper, turning to face him.

I can see the concern on his face. "Y/N!"

I fall off the horse, and in the seconds before I lose all consciousness, I feel a pair of strong arms catching me. He puts me on the ground and his face hovers over mine.

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