When you're sick...

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Arthur doesn't have the best idea of how to help you get better faster but he tries everything. Tea, fruit, crackers. Sleep. Hot drinks, ice cold drinks, sweating the fever out, cooling you down with a cool cloth. He tries everything because he doesn't want you to be unwell. He stays by your bedside and reads to you when you're awake and falls asleep in the chair.

John takes the best care of you he can, but he doesn't know what he's doing at all. He asks Miss Grimshaw what the best remedy is for whatever illness you have, and then proceeds to give it to you. He watches you sleep just to protect you and if you need anything he will get it for you. No matter what it is.

Javier pays a lot of attention to you. There are a lot of forehead kisses and he touches your face a lot to 'see how the fever is'. He plays the guitar quietly and sings to you when you can't sleep. He uses remedies that was passed down through his family rather than what you're used to. You have no idea if they work but the gentle concern on his face when he looks at you is worth it.

Dutch is pretty affectionate, even if that means he catches whatever you have. He also touches your face a lot. He'd read Evelyn Miller's books to you in the day and finds other books for you to read when he's out. He wants to stay with you 24/7 but as the leader of the gang, it's not practical. But when he returns, he stays up late just to talk to you and ask what you thought of the books and how you're feeling.

Sean doesn't know how to be quiet, really. He's always very bright and sometimes it's a little much but he's fiercely protective of you and if anyone wants to see you, he asks you several times if they can come in. You would always let them in, but Sean thinks that two or three visitors a day is plenty because he's the one taking care of you, not anybody else. 

Non-requested but I've come down with a cold and I just thought this would be fun to do or something... I don't know. Is this technically a oneshot? No idea.

Currently working on a request as well, that should be up soon!

I hope you enjoyed this :D

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