Family (Van der Linde Gang and Teenage Daughter)

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Requested by: Millzy04. 

A/N: I think I'm only going to end up updating on Mondays because that's when I end up writing the most! Also, thank you all so much for 2k reads, it means a lot!

You take a deep breath as you see the familiar trees.

I hope he's here.

You ride up the path to Clemens Point. It's strange not to hear anyone calling to see who's there as you ride through the trees.

The trees open up into the familiar clearing. It's empty and that makes you feel strange. You're used to several tents and wagons and everyone being around. But now it's quiet and deserted with the grass slowly growing over where the tents used to be. You can almost hear the quiet singing of Javier, the conversations, the arguments, the jokes, Abigail's sobs, the anger in Dutch's voice from a week ago. You can almost see the tents. You close your eyes and pretend everything's fine. You pretend that Sean is still alive and still being annoying but amusing. You pretend that Jack is playing with a wooden horse in the dirt, Cain lying down beside him. You pretend Dutch is reading and Hosea is talking to Lenny. You pretend that Charles and John are fixing the wagons. You pretend that Karen is asking Pearson when the stew is. You pretend that Uncle is passed out against the tree. You pretend that Thomas is stood next to you. You can almost feel him beside you. You open your eyes and look to your right, but he's not there.

This place is full of ghosts. There's nothing real left.

You sit and sob for what you had a week ago. You didn't think you'd be losing it.

You're not sure how long you're there for but you feel a hand on your shoulder. You look up and you can't tell who it is, but they look familiar. You blink away the tears blurring your vision and his face slowly comes into view.


He pulls you into a tight hug.

"I'm so sorry," he whispers into your hair. "I didn't mean to hurt you... I was mad and I left you there. I shouldn't have done and I'm sorry."

You pull away and look into his eyes. "I'm sorry for not finding you sooner, but I didn't know where to look and I... I thought that you-"

"I didn't. I would never betray you like that, Y/N," he says. "I love you."

You smile as your pain starts to fade. "I love you too, Thomas."

You kiss.


"The situation is... complicated at camp," you say as you mount your horse.

"It doesn't matter. I'd love to go back," Thomas says. "So tell me about it."

You take a deep breath before speaking.

"Sean is dead, he got killed in an ambush in town," you pause for a second as you blink away tears.

"I heard about that. I'm so sorry," Thomas says.

"And Jack... he was abducted by Braithwaites and is in Saint Denis somewhere. Abigail is distraught... all of us are. He's just a kid, Thomas. They abducted a child."

Thomas nods solemnly. "I see. You're trying to get him back, right?"

"Of course. Arthur and Dutch and John and Hosea are always looking for him. I'm just a little worried about us getting too involved with this Bronte guy... I think he might spell trouble," you admit.

"You all be okay. I've heard about him and... well, he's a criminal, but that's nothing new to you," he smiles slightly. "But I think he's taking good care of Jack. He might be a criminal that owns most of the police force, but he wouldn't hurt a child."

"I really hope so," you say. "I really, really do."


You bring him to camp.

"Oh," he murmurs as soon as you hitch your horses. "I see what you mean about-"

"Ah, Thomas! It's been quite a while," Hosea walks over.

"It has indeed, Mr Matthews," Thomas says.

There's no time for further conversation because Bill yells something that makes everyone stop in their tracks: "Hey, they're back! I think I see Jack!"

Everyone turns to see three horses ride up the path. One of them has two people on it. One adult and a small child.


"Abigail! Abigail! We got you your son, everything-" Dutch is cut off by John yelling over him.

"We got him!" John yells with a grin.

"Momma!" Jack says.

You glance at Thomas and see his grin mirroring yours as your spirit soars. Jack's home.

"I'm fine, Momma. They fed me good. Italian food. You ever eat that?" Jack asks as Abigail rushes over to him.

"Come here you silly boy," Abigail hugs him and smiles and a few tears of joy run down her face. "You got him. You got my son back. Dutch, Arthur, thank you. Thank you."

"I got my son back!" Abigail yells to nobody and everybody. The mood has lifted immeasurably.

"Jack, Jack, Jack. How are you, boy?" Hosea asks, walking over with Mary-Beth and Karen.

"I'm fine, thanks." Jack smiles.

"Everything's okay now, Abigail." Hosea says.

"Can I go play now?" Jack asks.

You laugh slightly and Thomas pulls you into a tight hug.

When you break apart, you walk over to the campfire where everyone's gathered. Javier picks up his guitar. You're holding Thomas's hand and you hope you never have to let go.

There's a golden glow of happiness as everyone sings along to Cielito Lindo.

People are swaying to the music, people are drinking, people are basking in the joy of it all.

And you?

You're with the people you love most in the world. And you wouldn't change a thing.

And as the song ends, you feel excited for what the future will hold because you know that everyone here is your future. Everyone here is your family.

And as the party continues, you smile all night long.


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