Guilt (Van der Linde Gang and Teenage Daughter)

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Requested by: Millzy04. I'm really sorry this took so long, lockdown is ruining my inspiration~ 

But I hope you enjoy it either way!

"So you're with a..." Thomas says as you ride to camp.

"Band of travellers. Yeah," you say. "My dad has made a lot of friends over the years."

"How many people?" he asks.

"Oh, we've had people come and go over the years. We've got just over twenty people with us right now," you admit.

It seems somewhat strange that you're introducing him to the whole gang, but Dutch met him the other day and approved of him to meet everyone. So you're bringing him to camp.

You remember when Dutch met him.

Dutch seemed cold and distant, like he didn't want to meet Thomas. He was on guard. You bit your lip as Thomas approached. What if Dutch doesn't like him?

Yet Thomas walked over cheerful and polite. "Good morning, sir," he offered his hand for Dutch to shake. "I'm Thomas Anderson. I'm sorry about what happened the other day and I hope you can change your mind about me and Miss L/N."

Dutch paused and there was an almost imperceptible shift in his demeanour. Then he shook Thomas's hand and spoke. "You don't need to call me sir, Mr Anderson. I ought to be the one apologising for the other day; it seems that my daughter has chosen well."

You blushed lightly and smiled. Things were going better than you imagined and you might be able to date him after all.

The closer you get to camp, the more nervous you become. You know the others said you should be allowed to see him, and Dutch further confirmed it, but what if they don't like him?

You ride up the path to camp. There's nobody on guard to make it seem normal. The gang decided against hiding all the weapons because to a degree, some are necessary anyway and wouldn't arouse any suspicion.

I hope everyone's dressed okay.

"Wow. Somehow, this wasn't what I expected," Thomas says.

"What did you expect?" you hitch your horse and dismount.

"I'm not sure," he laughs lightly, and your heart skips a beat. "Just... I don't know. Not this."

"I hope it's a good surprise, then," you grab his hand. "Come on. I need to introduce you to-"

"Ah, Mr Anderson!" Dutch interrupts, walking over. "How nice to see you again!"

"It's good to see you too, Mr Macintosh," Thomas replies.

"There are lots of people here that want to meet you, Mr Anderson," Dutch says.

"Please, call me Thomas," Thomas says.

Dutch nods and beckons Hosea over. "Hosea, get over here! I've got someone you need to meet."


A week later and Thomas has barely left camp. You appreciate it. You spend a lot of time with him, but while you're doing chores, he spends time with the others. He often talks to Dutch and hangs around with Javier a lot. Sometimes he talks to Lenny for a while.

I'm so glad that they like him.

Arthur walks over, jolting you out of your thoughts.

"Hey, Arthur," you say, looking up from your washing.

"Hey, Y/N. Can I sit?" he gestures to the box beside you.

"Sure," you say.

He sits and takes a breath before talking. "So Thomas gets along with us well, huh."

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