Fever (Hosea + Dutch X Male Reader)

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Requested by: 1579---A. I'm so, so, so sorry this took so long, I hope you enjoy it!

"What're you reading?" Dutch saunters over.

"Nothing much. Just something I stole a few weeks ago. I never got to read it," you reply.

Dutch doesn't respond. You look up at him, confused. "What's up?"

"You don't look so good, Y/N," Dutch says. "You feeling okay?"

"I'm fine. You don't have to worry about me, Dutch," you reply.

"Well, if you insist. Maybe you could go and scope out the bank. It's a simple job, just pretend to be doing business." Dutch says.

"Sure, Dutch. I'd be happy to," you get up and put the book back. I guess I won't get to read you just yet.

As you walk to your horse, Hosea looks up.

"Are you sure you should be going out, Y/N? You look a little sick," he says.

"I'm fine, Hosea," you reply.

It's a lie. You don't feel great. Not awful, but not brilliant either. You've not been in this gang long though. You don't want to be perceived as lazy. And you're certain Miss Grimshaw wouldn't have that.

You get on your horse and head out to the bank in town.

You feel worse when you get there. It's a hot, sunny day and the rays of the sun make your head hurt. You put on a hat, drink some water, and hope it'll be okay.

You step into the bank and it's cooler and darker, so that's a relief for you. You speak to the teller about opening an account while looking around the room to see how many guards there are.

"So, how much, then, sir?" the teller asks.

"What?" you ask. Your head is foggy, and you don't remember what you were talking to him about a second ago.

"How much do you want to deposit? I don't have all day," he says in an impatient tone.

"Oh... I'll come back another time, it's fine," you say, struggling to get the words to make sense. Do they make sense? You're not even sure what you're trying to say any more.

All you know is that you feel awful and nobody can know it.

You shiver and stumble back to your horse.

You ride back to camp through the hottest part of the day but you're freezing cold and every time your horse's hoof hits the ground your head hurts.

The pain in your head is starting to make you feel sick.

You ride back into camp and decide to pretend that nothing's wrong.

"Ah, Mr L/N, how did you get on?" Dutch asks.

"It was... fine. There aren't too many guards, but I'd go and check it out again another time if... if I was you," you fight to keep your breathing normal. Your head is pounding, and your vision is starting to swirl and blur. A violent shiver overcomes you and you wonder if you might throw up over Dutch.

I really hope I don't do that...

"Mr L/N, are you okay?" Dutch asks. He's grabbed your arms to steady you.

"I'm... just dandy, Dutch," you say. "Just dandy."

And you faceplant into the dirt.


Your vision is in strange colours.

"Hosea, help me lift him!"

It blacks out and re-surfaces.

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