(1): confession

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Your eyes follow the lanky red heads frame as he slinks across campus next to his best friend. Your heart races quickly as your feet begin to walk without a second thought. Making your way across the sunny court yard until you're right in front of the pair.
Tendou teases Ushijima loudly as they struggle to get something from the vending machine. Unaware of your small quivering frame behind them. You're rocking softly on your feet as you try to collect enough courage to say something.
Just give him the letter!, you think to yourself. Fiddling with the note you had written him.
It doesn't take long for Ushijima to glance behind himself and see you waiting.
He steps to the side as if to let you get something from the machine.
Tendou's eyes fall to you. They're locked on like a wild beast stares down their prey before attacking.
"Ahhhhhh~ Who's this?" He says excitedly, moving so you can use the machine, "Someone's hungry!"
You're all blushy and flustered now. You didn't need anything from the machine. In fact, if you did need anything the nerves in your stomach would cause you to throw up everywhere.
You struggle to say thank you as you walk in between the two tall boys. Quickly getting something random. Wasting money on something you most likely won't even eat. Tendou's eyes stay trained on you the whole time. He hums softly to himself as he looks you up and down. Taking in your frame.
"I've never seen you around!" He exclaims cheerfully, "Sorry to make you wait so long for lunch."
"I-it's no worry!" You squeak, stuffing the note in your pocket. You've given up. Under these circumstances you won't be able to grow the balls to give him the note. You'll have to try again another day.
Before you can stuff it into your pocket completely however Tendou snatches it up, a wide grin across his face.
"I hope you don't mind. I just happened to notice my name written across it before you tried to hide it~" He teases, unwrapping the paper right then and there. You feel Usijima's eyes bouncing between the two of you like crazy as you nervously shrink down into your shoes. Wanting nothing more than to hide.
In that note is your feelings for Tendou. Your admiration for his volleyball skills and a lengthy description of how cute you find him. Your friend had finally talked you up enough to confess to him. You've been admiring him for so long. Crushing in secret over a boy you don't even know.
Admiring from afar.
Tendou's eyes scan the paper. A rather large smile playing against his lips as he reads the final words,

I was wondering if we could possibly hang out sometime.

His eyes find yours. You're covering your face with your hands, holding the packaged milk bread below your gaze as if you're hiding behind it. Slowly you let your eyes settle on his. Taking in his cocky expression.
"Well....what's your name?"
That question rings through your ears.
"(L/N) (Y/N)!" You shyly answer.
You're positive your cheeks are bright pink.
"Awe~! How cute! Look at this it's a confession letter!" Tendou shoves it towards his friend giddily.
"Yeah, I can see that." The brown hairs voice comes out unamused.
Oh god..., you think.
"Isn't it CUTE!"
"I feel like I'm intruding..." Before Ushijima can walk away Tendou is pulling at his arm to make him stay. Insisting it'll only be a minute before they can get lunch.
Tendou turns his attention back to you, a wishful smile on his face but it fades quickly after he seemed stuck in thought. The idea of a girl crosses his mind. The joy leaving all his features.
"I'm sorry, cutie. I just can't do a relationship right now. But thank you for the confession." His words are now dull. All previous excitement gone.
Leaving you wondering what on earth just happened. Crushed as he walks away.
Already complaining about how hungry he is.

Don't worry >:) next chapter is juicy

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