The fight

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~~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter 8~~~~~~~~~~~

Cassandra ran deeper into the cave until she reached the end and noticed that it was already night, because the full moon shined in a bright white.

"Why do I have to be queen? Hector is right, I have no talent for it. And he will never make me a better queen either. Can't I just give up?", She asked desperately and then fell on her knees.

I had hope and courage
To say everything ends well
But I lost myself in a dream, nothing was real, I hardly felt ...
I had lost the control
And my real self came to light
How I would like to have the power
Control of the night

Nothing would matter.
Only I alone would be powerful
Then everything wouldn't matter.
Then I don't need any other choice
And I return bravely
But i've got an unheared voice.

Cassandra looked closely at the moon and suddenly it started to glow in a bright blue.
Something suddenly hit her in the heart and briefly her eyes lit up in a bright blue until she became unconcious.


"Hector! What was that about ?!" Rapunzel yelled at him angrily.
"What? She doesn't care anyway.", Hector replied uninterested.
"How can you say that?" Rapunzel asked confused.
"Don't you notice it? Everything that has happened is definitely not over yet! She wanted to destroy us all and ..."
"I'm looking for Cassandra now!", She interrupted and started to run.  Hector rolled his eyes and slowly followed her.

Rapunzel arrived at the end of the caves and discovered Cassandra passed out on the edge of a cliff.
"Cassandra!" Rapunzel called in shock and ran straight to her to hug her but she was freezing cold.  "What just happened ..." she asked shocked.  Then Hector arrived and didn't even flinch when he saw Cassandra lying on the ground ...
"Hector!" Rapunzel called.  "Please help me!"
"Why should I?" He asked annoyed and came a few steps closer.
"Hector ..." Rapunzel started with tears in her eyes.  "She's my best friend and I'm afraid for her. She's cold and I don't know what happened ..."
When Hector saw Rapunzel crying, he bent down to the two and groaned in annoyance.
He touched Cassandra's forehead and felt the cold.  He looked at her in shock.  "To be honest, I don't think that's normal anymore ..."
Rapunzel cried a little more and hugged Cassandra tightly.
"Rapunzel, wait ..." he said and she released Cassandra.  Hector took off his warm fur cloak and put it on Cassandra.  Then he took her in his arms and lifted her up.  "I'll take her to the caravan and take care of her until she's better. But only if we turn straight into the dark kingdom."
"Yes, all right Hector. Thank you very much!" Rapunzel called and hugged him.
"And no hugs!" He said angrily.
Rapunzel quickly let go and replied with: "Oh yes ... Of course!"

They went back to the caravan.  When Varian saw Cassandra, he ran straight to her and Hector.
"Cass ... what happened?" He asked in shock.
"She's fine. Don't worry kid," Hector said, walking past Varian.
He went into the caravan and Rapunzel stayed outside with Eugene and Varian.  "Hey guys ... we have to break off our trip. I promised Hector that we would go back to the dark kingdom if he takes care of Cass."
"Good thing. I don't want my pregnant wife to travel halfway around the world for who knows why!" Said Eugene.
"But I'm also worried about Cass. We found her passed out," Rapunzel said.
"We have to wait until Cass wakes up," said Varian.

They drove off later.  Rapunzel and Eugene rode the two horses and Varian sat in the front of the caravan to which the other two horses were attached.

Hector put Cassandra in a bed and sat next to her in a chair.  He sharpened his dagger and looked over at Cassandra several times.
Varian came into the room.
"Hey, how is Cassandra?" Varian asked as he came over to Hector.
"I don't know," he replied without looking up.  Varian went over to Cassandra and stroked her hair.  When he started giggling, Hector turned to Varian in the chair and asked, "What is there to laugh about?"
"Oh ... well, you know ... Most of the time Cass is so cold and annoyed. You rarely see her as ... as gentle as a delicate flower."
Hector played a choke sound and said, "Your words almost make me sick. But you're right..."
He remembered how Cassandra defeated him in the big tree and then became the clumsy queen.  "I just can't understand this girl..."

When they arrived in the dark kingdom, Hector carried Cassandra to her room, which was not easy because of the people who asked for her.
"Damn ... Why didn't she wake up yet?" Hector asked desperately as he paced the room.  Cassandra's owl sat at the table and cocked her head.  "Okay, I still have a few things to take do. You take care of her!" He said to Owl and left the room.

A short time later, Cassandra finally woke up.  "Oh dear ... what the ... I'm in the dark kingdom?" She asked confused as she got up.  "She went over to a mirror and looked into her hazelnut brown eyes. Then she noticed that she was wearing Hector's cloak." Hector?  Oh right ... He wanted to fight me ... "
Cassandra opened the closet and took out a blue gear.  A blue gear with gray, white gloves.
"I sewed that before I and Rapunzel set off. It's royal and still my style. I shouldn't get involved but I'm going to fight Hector."

She changed and then started walking.  She found Hector, Eugene, Varian and Rapunzel In the hall.  Everyone except Hector immediately ran to Cassandra when they saw her.  "Cass! I'm glad you are well," Rapunzel called.  "We were already worried," said Eugene.  "I was afraid for you too," said Varian, and everyone hugged her.  "Thank you guys. But now please step aside." Cassandra said and when the others moved away, Cassandra went to Hector.  She stopped right in front of him and asked, "You wanted to fight, right?"

He looked at her in shock and confusion.  "Please what? You really want to fight? But I said without weapons! "
Cassandra took a few steps back and said, "I don't have any weapons with me."
Hector laughed briefly and started grinning.  "Good. But are you strong enough or is all you can do talking?"
Varian wanted to go in between but Eugene grabbed his shoulder.  "Wait ... she can do it!"

Cassandra exhaled and tried to hit him with her fist, but he dodged and grabbed her wrist.  Then he threw her upside down but she still landed on her feet.  This time Hector reached out with his fist. Cassandra was able to dodge but fell to the floor directly against the wall.  When Hector tried to attack again, Cassandra put a leg up, which was easier because she was sitting and he fell over it.  She grabbed his shoulders and said, "Hello Hector...", with a diabolical yet nice smile.
"And 3 ... 2 ... 1!" Eugene called.  "Cassandra won."
She let go of him and fell back against the wall to sit and breathe.
Hector got up and looked at Cassandra in shock.  She had defeated him again ...
"Hey ... Everyone will leave the room niw," Hector called to the others.
"Okay, we're going," said Eugene in a whisper and they left.  Hector looked at Cassandra angrily and said, "And we both have something to talk about."

The fight

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