The Nagarr

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter 2~~~~~~~~~~~~

Varian came to Cassandra's door and held something behind his back.
"Hey guys. Excuse me, I have to go to Cassandra."
"Um ...", Rapunzel started nervously and slowly closed the door from behind.
"The thing is... we can't find her."
"You lost Cassandra? How can you lose a person?" Varian asked confused.
Then Eugene said warningly:"Just tell everyone who asks that she's okay? Me and Rapunzel will find her. No big deal."
Varian looked sadly at the ground.
"Tell me, what are you holding behind your back?" Asked Eugene curiously.
"Eugene!" Rapunzel shouted angrily.
"It's all right," Varian said, taking out a sword.  It was made from the cassandrium.
"It's nothing special."
Rapunzel leaned forward excitedly to look at it.
"Is that... cassandrium?"
"Yes. I thought she would like a homemade sword. It is retractable and extendable," he said, pulling the handle down which retracted the blade.
"Wow Varian! Impressive!" Rapunzel exclaimed excitedly.
Then she knelt down to pick up Pascal.
She got up and said seriously, "Anyway. Pascal you stay with Varian this time."
She put him down on his shoulder and Varian looked confused at Rapunzel.
"Don't worry kid," said Eugene, supporting his hands on his hips.
"Cassandra can take care of herself."

In the hissing period:
Adira pulled Cassandra away at the right moment. 
Otherwise Axel would have hit her with his horseshoes.
Maximus and Axel got off the carriage and were ready to fight.
"The biggest mistake you can make is if you try to stop them now."
"I'm not the one who took Max and Axel with them. The two are deadly enemies!"
"They are horses," said Adira, annoyed and avoided Maximus at the right moment.
Cassandra tried to calm Maximus.
"Max! Hey! It's me."
Maximus looked at her immediately and calmed down quickly.  He snorted one last time and then angrily lowered his ears when he looked at Axel, who smiled victoriously.
"Good boy," said Cassandra, stroking Maximus.
Adira bridled Axel and said without looking at Cassandra: "You have the heart at the right place. But you have to understand if..."
Cassandra looked back at her and Adira fell silent.  Then she glared at Cassandra.  "It was very risky!"
"If you don't risk anything, where's the fun?"
"It is no longer your job."
Cassandra looked shocked at Adira.
"Not my..." she whispered in shock and slowly lowered her head.
"It was not my decision that you should stop fighting."
"Whose then?" Cassandra asked confused as she slowly raised her head.
"Hector just wanted you..."
"He prescribed that?" She asked shocked and suddenly angry.
"How does he come up with something like that?"
"He has his own character. I think you should fight. I always thought that one day you will surpass me."
Cassandra smiled suddenly at Adira.
"I already have. I'll talk to Hector anyway."
She sat down on Maximus to start riding but suddenly they heard a loud roar.
"What was that?" Asked Cassandra in shock.
The horses became restless and Adira quickly sat on Axel.
"We have to get out of here! Immediately! It's awakened."
Cassandra looked at her in shock and they rode off immediately.

They rode past the carriage but then it was thrown over them.
"What is that thing?"
"This is a Nagarr!"
"What a garr?" Cassandra asked confused.
"A Nagarr! A monstrous creature that only wakes up once in 30 years."
"Great," said Cassandra, drawn out with a sarcastic tone.
"And when does he fall asleep again ?!"
"It depends on the size of the creature."
Then the creature suddenly stood in front of them! 
Huge, wolf-like with wings and pale eyes! 
With a body pattern and sharp teeth.
"Could take a few more days..."
Cassandra discovered a cave nearby.  "Adira! That way!", She called and pointed to the cave. 
Adira nodded and they rode off immediately.
The creature snorted and ran after them. 
It roared and chased them.
Adira arrived first and when Cassandra was in the cave she called:"Max! The wall!"
He hit the wall with his back legs and rocks fell down which blocked the wall.
They heard another roar outside.
"Phew, I think we're safe here," said Cassandra, relieved.
She held on to her aching arm.
"That means we should just leave this cave and go back to Corona right now to warn the others."
Cassandra nodded seriously. 
They pulled on the reins of the horses and rode off quickly.

Arrived at the castle, the two immediately ran to Rapunzel and Eugene in the throne room.
"Rapunzel!" Cassandra immediately called in a serious tone.
"Cassandra!" Rapunzel called and she quickly hugged Cassandra.
"We have to talk," she interrupted and Rapunzel let go fast.
She asked worried, "What happened?"
"The Nagarr is out there!"
"What garr?" Asked Eugene, confused.
"A Nagarr! Not garr. Or is it pronounced Nagerr?"
Cassandra started to giggle and annoyed Adira:"Or Naggar? Maybe Nagoer? Or hey, give him a nickna-"
Suddenly something hit her on the back of the head.
When she turned angrily and looked up, Hector stood there.
"Shut up princess."
"Hector?" She asked confused.
How could he sneak up on her like that?
He crossed his arms and placed them on Cassandra's head, which of course she didn't like. 
That, he always had to show off his size...
"I know about this beast."
Adira rolled her eyes in annoyance.
"Now it starts again," she said annoyed.
He let go of Cassandra and stood next to her.
"It was about 30 years ago when that monster took everything from me!"
"Hector... Even i am a monster to you. Get to the point," said Cassandra, rolling her eyes.
Hector looked at her angrily and then continued to tell: "When it woke up I lost my parents. This beast destroys everything that gets in its way! I was only 11 at the time."
"I thought you were 26 Hector," said Eugene, confused.
"I was. I turned 45 after all. The power of the moonstone is confusing."
"The power of the moonstone?" Cassandra asked confused.
"Hector!" Adira called angrily.
"Eternal youth... you wanted that!" She cried angrily.
"Edmund wanted to destroy the moonstone! Adira wanted to switch off the moonstone! Only you wanted to keep everyone away from him to stay young forever!"
Everyone looked at Cassandra in shock.  Only she looked at Hector angrily, but then he looked back.
"You want to be king and you were ready to take advantage of me! You wanted to be young forever! Do you ever think of anyone other than yourself ?!"
"Of course I do!" He cried angrily.
"Oh and to whom?"
Hector remained silent and his angry look softened.
Cassandra giggled briefly even though she was angry.
"My mother at least thought of Rapunzel so you're much worse than she is!"
Now he looked at her angrily again.
"Let it be Cassandra! Otherwise only you will end up feeling bad," warned Adira.
"What? Just because he..."
Then he suddenly grabbed her neck but did it gently.
"We'll sort this out at the port tomorrow night. Got it?"

The Nagarr

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