The next part of the moonstone

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~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 11 ~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Hello Cassandra," the girl started. "It's nice to see you again."
"Zhan Tiri... What do you want from me?!" she asked angrily. "I don't want anything from you Cassandra. The question is what you want. Aren't you tired of everyone asking you to become a ladylike queen?" Asked Zhan Tiri as she got closer. Cassandra took a step back. "No! Everyone is trying the best for me. And I'm trying to be a good queen too!" She crossed her arms angrily. "And you want to give up everything? What about your mother?" When Cassandra heard this, she froze and looked at Zhan Tiri in shock. "There's a way to bring them back to life. You just have to ..."

"No!", Cassandra interrupted. "I am no longer controllable! I know your games Zhan Tiri! Get out!" Zhan Tiri started laughing hilariously.
"Oh dearest Cassandra! You can send me away but never banish from your own mind!" With a diabolical laugh she slowly disappeared into the fog.

Cassandra looked at her in shock

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Cassandra looked at her in shock. She dropped to her knees in relief and then looked over at Rapunzel.
She was already asleep, but that didn't stop Cassandra from waking her up. She walked slowly over to her and tried to shake her awake. "Rapunzel! Rapunzel!" She called out. Then the young queen turned on her back and looked at Cassandra wearily. "What?" She asked confused. "Cassandra? What's going on?"
"I need to talk to you! It's about ... Um..." Somehow the name didn't came out. "What do you want to talk about?" Rapunzel asked worriedly. "Is it about a guy? Are you in love?"
"No Rapunzel! I ..."
"Well ... If you don't feel comfortable with it, you don't have to tell me." Cassandra exhaled deeply. "Sorry Rapunzel."
"Alright." In the blue moonlight, Cassandra's hair started to glow blue. "Cassandra!" Rapunzel called in shock. "What is it?" Cassandra asked confused. "Your hair! I'll get you a mirror!" Rapunzel called and ran. Cassandra remained seated with an eyebrow raised and looked confusedly after her best friend. When Rapunzel came back with a silver hand mirror, Cassandra's hair was pitch black again except for one blue streak. "I don't understand! Just now ... your hair was still completely blue!" "What do you mean?" "Well they glowed ... Just like..." "Back then when I stole the moonstone?" Cassandra asked, getting up.

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"Yes..." Rapunzel put the mirror in her turquoise-blue bag. "We should go back to sleep. Tomorrow will be a hard day for us," said Rapunzel and lay down on the soft grass. Cassandra leaned against a tree and looked up at the sky. The moon was bluish, so everyone should have noticed it. Maybe for some people it was just a spectacle of nature, but many, especially from the dark kingdom and Corona, should know that it has something to do with her. She slowly closed her eyes and after only a little time she also found her sleep.

The next morning, after breakfast, Rapunzel and Cassandra were already moving in the caravan. They followed the map to their destination. Who knows what to expect there? But after a little while, Cassandra started to feel something strange. "Hey Rapunzel. Wait a minute." The horses stop and Rapunzel looked at Cassandra in confusion. "What's going on?" She asked. Cassandra stood up cautiously and looked around a bit. She jumped off the caravan and then said in a mysterious voice: "I can feel another part of the moonstone nearby." Rapunzel just looked at her in shock and then came down to her.
"What do you think, how many parts are there in total?", She asked and approached her best friend. "I don't know. Many, I guess. If Zhan Tiri is waiting for us, we need all the parts and cannot travel straight to our destination. Follow me. We leave the caravan here.

Cassandra went ahead and Rapunzel followed blindly. After a few minutes they arrived at the edge of the forest. The floor was rocky and brown. It was wasteland ... In front of them was a cliff. The two approached carefully. When they got to the edge, they looked over. There was a single plate in the middle of the endless emptiness. "How should we get over there? Actually I would use my hair but, you know."
She pointed to her short brown hair and Cassandra broached her chin brooding.
"If the moonstone is so powerful, maybe I can create a bridge with just one part of the moonstone to lead us over there."
"Cassandra No! You know exactly what happens when I touch the black rocks!"
But Cassandra was already smiling confidently, so Rapunzel knew she was unstoppable. "Don't worry, Your Highness. We'll come up with a solution later."

Then Hector arrived at their caravan. When Max saw Axel, he snorted. Hector jumped off his horse and entered the empty trailer. "Where are they?" He asked himself. "Oh, I could tell you where they are, but that should be worth a price."
Hector turned and there was a young man with a cloak covering his face. Only his black hair was seen. Hector looked at him suspiciously. "To who do I owe the honor?" Asked Hector. "My name doesn't matter. You want to find the girls? I wanna go to the Queen's Party. And I guess we both have exactly that what the other one needs."

"What did you do to them?!" Hector asked angrily in a scream.
"I'm not a man who hurts young ladies, please!" Hector clearly recognized a mean and amused laugh. "No! No, I ... just know where they are. I want an invitation to the party and I'll tell you where they are. Not that difficult, is it?" Hector continued to look at him angrily and silent.
"Your luck that I've got an invitation with me!"
Hector said annoyed and pulled an invitation out of his pocket that hung around Axel.
He handed him the invitation and when he put it in the pocket of his cloak he said:"You can find the two west of here. Always go straight ahead and then you will find them."
Hector nodded and started running immediately. "Thank you, failure," he whispered with a diabolical laugh.

Hector arrived at the wasteland border. He stopped at the edge of the forest and watched the two first. Rapunzel stepped aside and Cassandra stretched out her arm.
Nothing happened... She remembered how Zhan Tiri once said that she should use the anger she carries and then she can control the rocks. But the only anger she felt right now was that of herself. Why had she just stolen the moonstone? Why is this happening again? Can't she finally lead a normal life? But the anger against herself worked. Suddenly, a lot of rocks grew out of the ground in front of her, which created a way to the plate. Hector looked at it in shock. He should intervene! But why didn't he?

"Come on Rapunzel." Cassandra took her piggyback and walked over the bridge with her. Once there, she let Rapunzel down again and saw how part of the moonstone hovered over a platform with the rocks. She thought for a moment, but there was nothing to think about. She has to do this to defeat Zhan Tiri. Which is why she immediately took the part. Suddenly, a beam went off and hit Hector.
When he saw that, he immediately started running. He knew that nothing good would happen now...

The next part of the moonstone

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The next part of the moonstone

Rapunzel Queen of Corona (Englisch)Where stories live. Discover now