In prison

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~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter 5~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"One..." Cassandra raised her arm and stones grew out of the fireplace, which allowed the fire to spread.
"Have you gone crazy?" Hector shouted angrily and immediately pocketed his sword.
"Maybe I am. But you're crazy if you think I'll go back!"
She covered the exit with black rocks.
"I tried to warn you but you weren't listening."
Hector grabbed her neck and shouted angrily at her. "You know that if we die here, you do that too!"
"Then at least I don't have to listen to your screams anymore!"
Then Rapunzel intervened and shouted:"Hector let go of her!"
"What? And you don't say anything about her?!"
Rapunzel just looked at him angrily and then he slowly let go of her.

"Go! Get the rest of the diamonds!", They suddenly heard.
It was a well-known female voice. Hector released Cassandra at once. "Don't rush me!" Cried a young man. And already Lady Caine and Andrew stood in front of them.
"What the... what are they doing here?!" Lady Caine called angrily.
"I would be more worried about the fire," Andrew said with his arms crossed, but then he noticed Cassandra. "Cassandra!" He called delightedly. "Hello Andrew," she said bluntly.
He slowly came up to her and kissed her hand.
"I missed you my sweetheart. And you look so beautiful as a villain."
"I'm not evil!"
She immediately pulled her hand away. "It's nice that you all stay so calm, but we're going to be processed into grilled meat!" Exclaimed Eugene.
The fire came closer.
"I suggest we look for an exit!" Eugene cried and took Rapunzel's hand.
"What about you Cassandra?" Rapunzel asked worried but she just gave her an uninterested look.
This made Rapunzel cry.
"Take the treasures and let's go!" Lady Caine called to Andrew but then Cassandra reached out and called:"No step further!"
But something was wrong... No rocks grew.
"Why doesn't that work!" She pointed to the wall and tried to break it open but this didn't work either.
"Hector! We have to go. Please persuade her to come along!" Exclaimed Eugene and he and Rapunzel ran into the next room.
"Yes. We'll join them," Andrew called, and he and Lady Caine ran after them. "Believe me Caine, you won't get away with it!" Rapunzel shouted angrily. "That has to work!", She called and tried to break the wall with the rocks again. "Why isn't that working?! Argh!" Lightning suddenly shot out of the moonstone.
Hector took her by the shoulder and turned her to face him.
"Cassandra! Just let it be!"
"No I can't!" She cried and suddenly a tear ran down her cheek.
He took a deep breath.
"Please come with us. Then everything will be fine."
"Fine? No! Only when I'm alone everything is fine! I don't hurt anyone and i know that nobody hurts me! How can I be sure that you won't try to kill me again?!"

"You can't..."
"Are you serious? Hector, I hate you!"
"I hate you more!"
"Not at all because I hate you so much that..."
"Forget it! Just stay here if you want to," Hector interrupted, getting ready to go. Cassandra turned away and tried to break open the wall again.
Then the lightning came again and the fire approached.
She coughed through the smoke and fell, panting, with her back to the ground.
Hector caught her before hitting the floor.
"Let go of me!" She cried angrily and coughed again.
"With the best will in the world, I can't leave you here!"
He grabbed her arms and pulled her up.

 "With the best will in the world, I can't leave you here!" He grabbed her arms and pulled her up

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"If you leave me here you may even become the king as you want it. Why would you help me if you don't care anyway?!"
"As your royal advisor, that's my job. Stop you from doing stupid things and staying in a burning house."
"Ah yes, right..."
He ran at lightning speed and she immediately held on.
"I told you to let go of me!"
"If I leave you here I have to listen to Rapunzel's whining forever! And Varian's too!"
She growled at him angrily.
They just arrived at three tunnels where he let her go. "Where should we go now?"
"I don't remember..."
Then suddenly the huge mole monster came.
"Oh, I forgot that too!"
She reached out and tried to let the rocks grow to stop him.
But again it didn't work.
Only the lightning shot out of the moonstone and then she fell over.
"Stop it! The moonstone only weakens you!" He drew his sword and attacked the giant mole.
Cassandra leaned against the wall to get up.
She looked around and then noticed a small hole in the ceiling.
The mole would not fit through! "Hector!" She called.
When he reacted she pointed up and shouted:"We have to go up there!" Hector and Cass ran quickly. "
"Come on, lift me up!" Cassandra called, already raising her arms.
"Wait, and what about me?"
He took a rope out of the small pocket attached to his belt and held it out to her.
"I don't know if you'll leave me here!"
"I give you my word."
"Just loose talk!"
Then the mole attacked and Hector pushed Cassandra against the wall to protect her.
"I'm telling the truth. Because you saved me."
"And before that you would have left me behind?"
She shrugged her shoulders but her eyes remained uninterested.

For the other four:
"Do you think we'll ever see them again?" Asked Eugene with his hands, which he held to the back of his head. Rapunzel elbowed him gently in the side.
He quickly put his hands back and Rapunzel said without looking at him: "Of course we will. They surely won't kill each other."
"Yes, but she's going to kill him," said Andrew, laughing.
"This woman is awesome!" He cried with a laugh and Lady Caine rolled her eyes.
Suddenly they felt something strange on the ceiling.
"What's that?" Asked Eugene in shock. Then the ceiling collapsed and the four were torn apart.
Suddenly Eugene and Andrew were on one side and Rapunzel and Lady Caine on the other.
"What happened?" Cried Andrew in shock.
"Stay calm!" Rapunzel called.
"We have to split up now! We'll meet outside!"

 "We have to split up now! We'll meet outside!"

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In prison

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