The first entry

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~~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter 2~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Are you ready?" Cassandra asked from the roof, excitedly.
But then Hector's bearcats came running.
Completely wrapped in a glitter cloud with two pink bows.
"Damn it! Who did this to you?", Hector shouted angrily and ran to the two of them.
Cassandra jumped off the roof and started laughing.
"So you think that's funny? Wait until I deface owl!"
Owl, who was sitting on the roof, suddenly looked grimly at Hector.
Cassandra, laughing, knelt down to his bearcats and said,
"You would never do that."
When she looked at the bows, she discovered two names on them.
"Kiera? Catalina?" She asked. Not angry but not pleased either.
The two stepped forward and then Kiera called: "A farewell present!"
Cassandra laughed again.
"Don't laugh like that! You will wash them! My poor babies!"
She just started to laugh more until she leaned on Hector's shoulder.
"I'm sorry but babies? Two bearcats are certainly better than one daughter, right?"
Now he began to giggle.
"In this case, yes."
She put on an offended look and turned around whereupon she had to laugh again.
Everyone looked at them in confusion.
"What are you talking about?" Asked Rapunzel, confused.
Both fell silent.
They hadn't told anyone about it.
About... that he almost became her father.
It would be too uncomfortable!
"Nothing special!"
Then Adira hugged her from behind.
"So it's nothing special? Or are you just hiding from us that you fell for each other?"
Hector broke loose immediately.
"Adira! Are you actually listening to yourself? You are totally stupid!"
"Oh yeah? Our parents liked me more than you because of my intelligence and strength."
She started to laugh but Hector looked angry.
Cassandra noticed that he was suffering from it and reached for his shirt from behind.
He turned around in amazement and without looking at him she said: "Adira... It is not true that your parents preferred you..."
"What? How do you know something about our family?"
"No parents should have a favorite child. I'm sure they taught Hector discipline in their own way. Without that, he might not be as strong as he is now."
He couldn't take his eyes off her.
The way that she stood up for him...
Varian ran up to the three of them and said:"I don't want to interfere, but don't we want to drive off?"
Cassandra was already looking up with a raised smile.
"Yes of course!"
She screwed up her eyes. It almost looked like...
As if she didn't mean what she said.
But she did! Hector knew that.
Every word was true!
"I'll miss you all!", She called again into the crowd before they finally got into the trailer.

A moment later Cassandra was sitting on the roof of the trailer, writing something in a book.
"What do you have there?" Suddenly asked a curious voice.
Cassandra immediately closed the book, blushing.
Because she realized that the voice belonged to Varian.
"Varian? Hey!"
"What are you writing?"
"Oh nothing!" She exclaimed, giggling nervously.
"If it's nothing then show me," he said as he sat down next to her.
"It's just... a diary. Rapunzel said it would be a good idea to write down my feelings."
But then another voice called: "I didn't knew you have feelings."
Suddenly Hector was sitting in front of her.
"Hector! How long have you been here?!"
She hadn't even noticed when he came here.
That was kind of scary!
He just laughed.
"Let me read it!" He said as he took the book from her.
She tried to get it back but he held it away from her and didn't let her take it.
"Dear diary!" He began to read aloud, so that Quirin and Adira heard it too.
They looked at the roof, confused.
"Oh Rapunzel is so lucky with Eugene. I'm so happy for her!
Hopefully I'll be queen and i hope to be... "
His voice became more confused as he read on: "To be married to the man of my dreams and have a great royal family with him."
She grabbed the book and hit Hector on the head as hard as she could.
Then she jumped down and into the trailer.
Varian glared at Hector.
"What? Don't say you weren't curious."
He got nervous.
"Well, maybe, but we have to respect her privacy after all."
"Oh yeah?!" Hector shouted angrily.
"And what if I tell Cassandra about how you sniffed around in her clothes and tried some of them on?!"
Varian blushed deeply and shouted in shock:"WA-WHAT ?! Y-You know about it?!"
"I see everything. Well, and I don't even want to know what else has happened."
Varian just blushed even more and immediately ran into the trailer without another word.
Just as Hector was leaning back on the roof, Quirin asked, "What kind of conversation was that?"
"Oh nothing!"
"I got it exactly!"
He slowly climbed the roof and Adira sat there bored.
"I don't want my son to be further interested in Cassandra."
Hector looked at Quirin in amazement.
"Why is that? He's just a kid with a crush. That will pass."
"And what if not? She becomes queen and has to get married."
"Well, maybe Varian will be the lucky one."
"Will the kingdom be that lucky too? Picture the worst that could happen to the kingdom and multiply it by the highest number you know! That would happen under Varian's rule!"
Hector just started laughing.
"I thought you were 'proud' of him?"
"I am, of course. But ruling a kingdom is different!"
Hector got up and said, "She won't fall in love with him. And hey Adira!" He shouted.
"What's up?" She asked.
"What is the first place where we'll rest and when will we be there?"
"As I see on the map a small town but we will avoid it."
Hector just unknowingly shrugged and then jumped from the roof to enter the trailer.
But there he saw Cassandra and Varian playing with his bearcats.
Angrily he shouted: "You soften them!"

The first entry

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