Bakugo's POV
Fuck! My thoughts were racing. How the hell did I get myself in this position? That damn emo chick and her stupid emotions and her inability to go more than five minutes without bursting into tears. Lying down like a fucking idiot on the ground, what did she think was going to happen? That she would just take a nap and not get herself hurt or killed or at the very least taken advantage of?
I had picked her up and immediately felt self conscious about how it looked. It felt like such an intimate gesture and I didn't want her to get the wrong idea.
"Oi!" I yelled, shaking her. Her eyelids fluttered open and I was met with those emerald green eyes staring up at me. "I'm setting you on your feet so that you can walk the rest of the way because I'm not carrying your ass, got it?"
She nodded once and I crouched down to put her feet on the ground, keeping my arm around her shoulders when we stood so that I could steady her if needed. Her movements were jerky and she winced as she took a step forward.
"How far away is your house from here?" I asked.
"Just a few blocks," she said. "Really, Bakugo. You don't have to come the rest of the way with me."
Her voice sounded soft and defeated. All of the fight she had put up just a few minutes ago had vanished. I felt something stir within me but couldn't pin down what it was. Sadness? No. Hell no. What the hell is this girl doing to me?! I thought.
"I said I'd walk you home and I keep my word, emo chick," I said and we continued walking together.
Neither of us spoke and I noticed that she was starting to drag her feet a bit, as though it was painful to walk. Had she really been hurt that bad when we fought? I hadn't held back, but I also hadn't gone overboard either. A breeze lifted her hair out of her face so that I could see her profile and it was then that I noticed the pain in her eyes.
"Are you okay?" The words were out of my mouth before I had a chance to catch them.
"No," she said plainly. "No, I'm not."
My mouth opened as though I was going to speak involuntarily again but nothing came out. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know what the fuck was happening to me. Usually I wouldn't give any fucks about somebody not being okay. But this time it was different. I kept trying to ignore it, to shove it down, but deep down I couldn't deny that there was something about this girl that was different than the rest.
She stopped suddenly and turned to face me. "This is it."
She pointed her thumb over her shoulder to indicate the house that we had just stopped in front of. It was a modern looking two story house with colorful flowers lining the edge. I expected her to hover a bit before walking through the gate but she quickly turned around and started unhooking the latch.
"Hey! Where's your phone?" I said.
She turned around, a look of confusion on her face. "What?"
I sighed impatiently. "Your phone, where is it?"
Still looking confused, she began to dig through her bag until she pulled out the device and held it up for me to see. As I snatched it out of her hands, she protested briefly, but I held up my hand to stop her and opened her list of contacts to click the 'add new' button. My fingers moved swiftly as I entered my number and I was just beginning to text myself with it when she peered at the screen.
"We're exchanging numbers?!" There was finally a trace of life in her voice as she choked out the words incredulously.
"Tch," I responded and shoved the phone back into her hand before I began to walk away.
She didn't call out after me and I didn't turn back after I started walking away but I heard the creak of her gate opening and the click as it shut behind her.
I couldn't admit to her that I had hoped she would text me later to let me know that she was doing okay. And I'd rather stab myself in the chest than be the first one to text her like some desperate idiot so at this point it was a waiting game. My hand lifted up to rest on my cheek where she had kissed me. I hadn't been able to get the feeling of it out of my mind.
Is this what it's like to - I began to think but immediately cut the thought off before it could go any further. There's a reason that I have never had much interest in getting close to people. There's no point, really. If I want to become the number one hero, I don't have time to waste making friends. And most people are idiots who are beneath me anyways.
I quickly learned that my house was a short distance away from Nakano's. From her house it was a quick walk to the train station. The train ride was only about five minutes before my stop and then I usually had about a five minute walk to my house from there.
Shortly after I got home and had begun working on my school work, my phone buzzed. I snatched it off the table and saw the notification that I had received a text. I tried to ignore the sudden heightened awareness of my beating heart as I unlocked my phone. My entire body seemed to deflate as I opened the message.
Shitty Hair: Hey man, this algebra stuff is really making me lose my mind. I need a break - wanna go the arcade for a bit?
I immediately felt enraged at Kirishima. Why is he texting me about stupid shit like that? He should know that I wouldn't want to do that bullshit! I thought. The anger faded quickly, though, because although he was annoying and had ridiculous hair, Kirishima was, in fact, a decent friend and he always seemed to go out of his way to make sure I was included even when I clearly had no interest.
My irritation grew throughout the night as my phone quietly sat on my desk. After I had gotten ready for bed, I checked my phone one last time before lying down. No messages.
Fuck her. I thought as I stared at my ceiling. I don't need that bullshit in my life anyways. She got what she wanted, she figured out she could use her stupid pain bullshit and now she'll probably want nothing to do with me. Like I give a shit, anyways! She's annoying as hell and I don't even care, so whatever...
And yet, I couldn't get the memories of the last day out of my head. The way she had felt in my arms. Her laugh bouncing off the walls of the hospital hallways. Her head resting on my shoulder, the entire side of her body pressed to mine. Her tears spilling over onto her rosy cheeks. The look in her eyes when we had fought, so determined and focused. The way her lips had felt on my cheek.
And as I thought back on the memories of the day and drifted into sleep, I dreamed of her.

Emote: Bakugo x OC Reader
FanfictionYour quirk allows you to feel others emotions through physical contact and make others feel whatever emotion you project on them. Your journey leads you to class 1-A, where you are suddenly face to face with one of the most emotionally reactive stud...