Chapter 57

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When the elevator doors opened, I began running. Todoroki made a gesture that signaled me to slow down as he asked the woman at the front desk to send any available backup to our destination near 4210 Echo Street before we continued moving. Bursting through the front doors of the building, I expected there to be chaos in the streets, but there was none, just some murmurs among people standing nearby about thick clouds of smoke in the distance which seemed to be catching the attention of more and more people by the second.

I suppose from here they can't see the destruction that's happening across town, but you can see just the peak of the fires that are raging over there. I thought, and was surprised when Todoroki beckoned me in the opposite direction of the wreckage. He's in trouble. He has to be, Midoriya is not one to be so cryptic. Why else would he send nothing but his location not only to Todoroki, but both of us? 

Staring at Todoroki's back as we ran, all I could hear was the sound of our feet pounding on the sidewalk and my harsh, uneven breaths. I couldn't tell what he was thinking or feeling right now, but he had taken charge of the situation quickly and at this point I was following him blindly. I wasn't sure if we were still a ways away or getting close.

"Do you think he texted Bakugo too?" I asked, the thought hitting me with a sudden gut wrenching force.

"I don't know, but we're almost there," Todoroki said without looking back.

He stopped moving suddenly and I nearly ran into him before skidding to a stop. He was looking at his phone and spun around as though he was trying to match what he was seeing on his phone with his actual surroundings. "This is pretty much -"

A crash from a nearby alleyway drew our attention and Todoroki was moving before I could fully register what was happening. Following after him, I shielded my eyes when flames erupted down the alleyway. When my eyes readjusted to the darkness after the flames subsided, I saw a figure standing in the distance. Squinting as I looked closer, I gasped and took an involuntary step back as he came into view. The crimson tattered scarf wrapped around his neck and flowing in the breeze, the bandages wrapped up the length of his arms, the white crumpled mask around his eyes and his untamed black hair that seemed to be floating around his head were all dead giveaways to his identity.

"You're...Stain," I said, but it came out as a whisper.

'The lacerations were deep and repeated' The doctor's words from that day at the hospital echoed throughout my mind. Deep and repeated. Deep and repeated. I stared at the blades he held in his hands, one a long sword and the other a shorter serrated knife. It looked like there were even more blades attached to the vest he wore.

It suddenly felt as though a thin, wiry string was closing in around my neck. My breath was stolen from my lips and I grasped at my chest, my breath coming out in quick, short bursts as I struggled to take air in. The only thing I could see was Stain and those blades, glinting as they moved when he leaped into the air to avoid an ice attack from Todoroki. It wasn't until that moment that I saw the others as Todoroki used his ice to envelop them and then ease them down a slide made of ice so that they landed by his feet.

That's Midoriya! I thought, staggering forward as I watched his motionless body lay by Todoroki's feet. And is that...Ida? I don't recognize the other person, but he must be a pro hero. Him and Ida are both bleeding, but Midoriya looks fine. Why are none of them moving?!

I had been frozen in place and consumed by my fear of this man, but seeing them like this made something snap inside of me. Rushing forward, I had nearly made it to the group when Midoriya said, "Todoroki, you can't let that guy get your blood! I-I think he controls his enemies actions by swallowing it! That's how he got us!"

Swallowing blood? I felt a wave of nausea overcome me and that's when his small, beady eyes met mine.

"Right, so all I have to do is keep my distance," Todoroki was saying. "Y/n, get the others -"

My feet were frozen again. The movement was swift but since all of my attention was focused on him I saw his hand flash to the vest and surge forward, releasing something into the air. It barely grazed Todoroki but as it approached I know he had been aiming the small blade at me. I saw it coming. And yet, I couldn't move.

Those blood red eyes stayed locked on me, taunting me, as he surged forward and his tongue crept out, attempting to lick the crimson liquid now slipping out of the cut on Todoroki's cheek.

Todoroki was screaming something but I couldn't seem to hear. All I felt was pain and I was falling backwards. I didn't have control.

Why don't I have control? The thought floated like a cloud before it disappeared. Why am I falling? It's as though someone pushed me but no one was in front of me.

Pain. All I could feel was pain.

Did I use my quirk? Am I still breathing? The thoughts weren't seeming to connect to my current reality. Why can't I seem to move? Did he already get me?

I saw a flash of Midoriya's face. There was horror written on it and his lips were moving but I couldn't make out what he was saying. 

I wonder why I can't hear him. He looks like he's scared too. But maybe more angry? I can't tell. 

The ground was hard and cold beneath me and I stared at the night sky.

How did I get here? I wondered and I noticed something wet spreading across my chest. What is that? It's warm...

Pain everywhere. It was spreading.

Why am I here? I thought, my eyelids becoming heavy. I forget.

I gave in to the darkness, letting it completely envelope me and take control as I lost consciousness. 

Author after writing this: Oop, so that happened. Stay tuned :) 

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