As I stood from the bed, I fought the nauseous feeling bubbling in the pit of my stomach. Lifting a hand to cover my mouth, I realized with horror that my breath probably reeked of alcohol. I thought Katsuki might have caught on to my embarrassment but he was still standing at the door, looking down towards his bare feet. His gaze was thoughtful but distant.
I walked over to him but even as I got closer he didn't move. It concerned me, this Katsuki that stood in front of me but seemed miles away. I wrapped my fingers around his forearm, which finally prompted him to look up. The sunlight filtering through his window pronounced the deep red of his eyes. There was a vulnerability there that hadn't been a moment ago, as though he feared that by looking into his eyes I would see all of his darkest thoughts and it terrified him, the idea of being exposed like that.
What happened to you while you were away? I thought, but instead of asking it, I let go of him and leaned forward as I wrapped my arms around his neck to pull him into a hug. At first his body was rigid but after a moment he relaxed as I felt his arms settle in around my waist. He smelled like sweet caramel and I took the opportunity to nuzzle into his neck as I pressed my body against his. I felt his arms tighten around me for the briefest moment before he was pulling away again.
"Go," He said softly.
Trying to hide my disappointment, I nodded once and took a few steps out into the hallway before whipping around. "Hey, just so we're on the same page, we are..." I fiddled with the string of my hoodie, wrapping it around my finger as I felt my face start to heat up. "Together, right? I'm not making any assumptions here?"
Just then, a door swung open and Kirishima popped his head out from the room next to Bakugo's. "Oh hey Nakano, sorry, I was just seeing if Bakugo was -"
"Hey, buzz off shitty hair, I'm talking to my girlfriend!" Bakugo snapped as he glared in Kirishima's direction.
If my heart was being monitored in that moment I'm sure it would have skipped a beat. Girlfriend? Did he really just say that? I felt my face breaking out into an idiotic grin, so I turned my face away from Katsuki, in the direction of Kirishima.
"Oh, my bad!" He said, but before turning away our eyes locked and I saw Kirishima's triumphant smile as he flashed me a thumbs up. When his door closed with a click, we were left alone in the silent hallway.
"Satisfied?" The sound of his voice made me look in his direction and I was surprised to see that a deep blush had spread across his cheeks. His crimson eyes avoided mine and I felt my smile deepen. I couldn't remember the last time I smiled so hard my cheeks hurt. I felt light enough that I worried I would float away, carried by the soft breeze of this love that seemed to be sweeping me away.
"Yes." I said and he finally looked at me. "Very."
"Tch," He scoffed as he turned away. "Whatever. Do you need me to go with you or what?"
"No, I can handle this one on my own. I'll catch you up after I talk with him, okay?" My feet suddenly felt heavy at the prospect of walking away from him but I pushed forth. I hadn't anticipated how much movement would aggravate the splitting headache and bouts of nausea that rolled through me so I tried to focus on the feeling of the soft carpeting beneath my feet.
"Y/n!" Hearing him call out my name before I turned the corner sent a buzzing sensation rippling through me. I spun around and found that he was still standing in the doorway of his room.
"Yeah?" I said, my voice sounding an octave higher than usual.
"Are you wearing that when you go to talk to him?"
His question threw me off and I looked down, assessing my outfit as I tried to figure out what he was getting at. "Well.." I said, giving a shrug of my shoulders and frowning slightly. "I don't want everybody else to see my neck. I mean, I technically haven't seen it yet, I just feel it and I'm assuming based on how Mina reacted that it's pretty bruised. So I figured I would wear my hood up to conceal it. And if I pull my hair out like this -"
I yanked the hood up to demonstrate what I was talking about, pulling my hair out so that it was lying on either side of my face, the thick black waves further shrouding an observers sight of my neck as it hung down over my chest. "Does that work? Can you see it?"
He stared at me for a few seconds, that familiar blank look covering his features that made it difficult to read what he might be thinking or feeling. Then he abruptly turned away and disappeared from sight. I stood there feeling stupid and suddenly painfully unaware of what to do with my hands. He appeared again a few seconds later holding a dark piece of clothing as he strode towards me.
"This will do," He said, tossing it at me and after snatching it out of the air I held it up to inspect what I quickly realized was a black hoodie with a skull design featured on the front.
I felt a smirk tug at my lips as I looked up at him, hugging the material close to my chest as I said, "Awww, you want me to wear your hoodie?"
He scowled at me as he responded, "Yours reeks of whiskey, idiot! So I'm doing this to save your ass."
"Sure you are, babe," I said teasingly as I spun around and walked away before he could get another word in.

Emote: Bakugo x OC Reader
FanfictionYour quirk allows you to feel others emotions through physical contact and make others feel whatever emotion you project on them. Your journey leads you to class 1-A, where you are suddenly face to face with one of the most emotionally reactive stud...