Chapter 69

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Bakugo's POV

That selfish piece of shit. I thought. When we first met I thought that she was just bitching because she couldn't handle a few insults thrown her way, but the more I hear about this prick, the more I want to blast that fucker into oblivion. 

When she caught up with me, I was met with that familiar sweet scent of hers. It caused the tension I had been feeling to ease just slightly. The last time I had spent time with her felt like too long ago and I recalled our last interaction. When I thought back to the memory of our kiss it still made my lips tingle. I hadn't seen her since, which largely contributed to the fact that the past week had been boring as hell.

I snuck a glance at her as we were walking down the hallway. Damn if she wasn't looking great even if she was just wearing the usual school uniform.

When she caught my eye, I turned away.

"So, how's it feeling?" I asked, before she could make some sappy comment about how I was staring at her. When she cocked her head to the side and looked at me in confusion, I tapped my chest where she had been stabbed.

"Oh, that! It's doing alright today. At least it doesn't hurt to breath as much as it did in the beginning!" The smile she gave me was sickeningly optimistic. "It's getting better slowly but surely. And there's still medication I take to manage the pain so I'm glad I have that. Aizawa made a comment about me not being able to fully participate in all the activities planned but he wasn't specific. It sucks knowing that I won't be able to do everything but I am still going to push myself to do my best regardless."

"I wouldn't expect anything less." I said.

The smile she gave me was nothing short of fucking adorable and I had to avert my eyes so that I didn't get caught staring again.

"So what kind of training do you think we'll be doing? I heard that it's going to be pretty intense!"

"All I know is I'm going to blow all those other extras out of the water." The thought of it made me practically giddy. "I'm going to use this opportunity to surpass everyone. That includes you, in case that wasn't obvious. Don't think I'm going to take it easy on you just because you've got some scrapes and bruises."

She gasped and smacked my arm. "Scrapes and bruises? Are you fucking kidding me? You're such an asshole!"

"Yeah, an asshole you happen to like for some reason," I reminded her with a smirk.

I had to choke back my laughter at the way her face scrunched up in anger as she gave me a death glare. She didn't deny my statement although she did pick up her pace.

"Who's surpassed who now?!" She exclaimed, speeding ahead.

"I didn't mean literally, you dumbass!" I shouted as we both began running towards the front entrance of the building.

I wasn't sure why I was feeding into this and yet somehow I found myself having fun. When we spotted the doors to the front of the building we both picked up our pace. I had been holding back, but with the end goal in sight I easily zoomed past her, my hand slamming into the metal bar of the door to signal my victory.

"HA!" I taunted, pointing my finger at her. "Admit defeat, weakling!"

She was bent over, hands resting on her knees, about 20 feet away. She was breathing heavily and her dark, curled hair hung down like a curtain shielding me from seeing her face.

"Katsuki," She said between gasps of air. "I think something's wrong. It really hurts."

I realized then that she was clutching at her chest and I immediately began to panic. Did something happened? Maybe she pushed herself too much and the wound reopened while she was running? She was the dumbass who started this in the first place! I thought angrily, as I rushed towards her. 

"Here, put your arm around me, let me help you," I said, grabbing her wrist.

But when my fingers closed in around her soft skin, her head snapped up and she gave me a triumphant look as she said, "HA! Who's the weakling now, helping the fallen enemy?!"

"Hah?!" I scoffed, stepping back to cross my arms over my chest as she burst out laughing. I glared at her as her breathing regulated and she stood up.

"I'm just messing with you," She said, giving me a cocky smile.

Evil witch.

"Fuck off," I said, making my way towards the front doors again without a second glance back.

Looking through the glass of the front door, I could see the others gathered around the buses sitting outside the school. Just seeing them bouncing around looking like a bunch of excited imbeciles sent irritation coursing through me. I hadn't thought ahead to the fact that nobody knew y/n and I were together now. Is that the kind of thing you announce? No, that sounds so fucking lame. It's just to be assumed, right? God, I just knew that they were going to be super fucking annoying about it when they found out and I didn't want to deal with their stupidity this early in the morning.

Y/n appeared beside me, her cheeks colored a deep red and her hair slightly tussled from the run. "It looks like almost everyone is here already!" She said excitedly.

As she laid her hand on the door handle, I blurted, "Wait!"

She looked at me expectantly, her eyes shining with anticipation. "What's up?"

There was no one else nearby, at least as far as I could see. Still, I made it quick to save myself any potential embarrassment as I leaned in to kiss her. It was short but sweet and when I pulled back she blinked a few times in surprise. "Why...?" She spoke softly as though she were in a daze.

"Because we won't be able to do that at the camp, obviously!" I barked before throwing the door open and begrudgingly moving towards the others.

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