Chapter 60

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I heard the door slide open but I didn't look. It was either my mom or one of the nurses and I didn't have the energy to pretend to want to have a conversation with either. My mom had already informed me that my father had gone home. Not surprising and yet, it seemed like my heart couldn't win either way whether he was pretending to care or blatantly showing his true colors, it always hurt at the end of the day.


It took one syllable for me to recognize that voice. I was surprised that the heart rate monitors didn't pick up speed as my eyes slid over slowly to find him standing in front of the door. His body was tense and the expression on his face was...angry?

"What happened?" He asked, still not moving.

Maybe this is a dream. I thought and glanced at the IV sticking in my arm. The morphine that was coursing through me was doing the trick and I could barely feel the pain in my chest as I shifted to get a better look at Bakugo. Does morphine give you intense, vivid dreams? Maybe I imagined having that conversation with my mom and none of this is real.

"Who sent you?" I asked suspiciously.

"Tch," He looked annoyed as he rolled his eyes. "No one sent me. Fucking Deku called to tell me that you'd been stabbed in the chest and were in the hospital. Now tell me what the fuck happened."

Tears stung at my eyes as an image flashed through my mind of Midoriya screaming. More images flashed; Todoroki running ahead. Ida, lying on the ground, the blood pooling around his shoulder. The knife slicing through the air. Stain's eyes.

"I was trying to help. I was there to help." I said, as the tears started rolling down my cheeks. "We got the text from Midoriya and I knew that he needed help. I was with Todoroki and we both got the message. It was just a location, why would he do that? He wouldn't, that's the point." I know that I sounded crazy, but I kept going, unable to stop the words that were tumbling out of my mouth. "I followed him, I followed Todoroki and when we got there, he was doing so well. Todoroki was so put together and he took charge and it was my job to get them to safety but I -"

When I put a hand to my chest I felt the pain beneath my fingertips. It was sharp and throbbing and I took a deep breath as though I had just been underwater for as long as I could handle before coming to the surface. The force of my breath caused pain to radiate throughout my upper body and I winced.

"I didn't even help. I didn't even do anything. I don't even know what the fuck happened. I thought that maybe I died. Maybe I'm dead now." There was a numbness that fell over me as the tears started coming faster and I didn't have the heart to look at Bakugo, who hadn't said anything yet. The only sounds that filled the room were the beeps of the machines I was surrounded by and my own sniffles.

"What the fuck, emo chick?!" His voice made my head snap up and his angry crimson eyes pierced me. He began to pace in front of my bed as he spoke. "Why the fuck would you just go blazing into a situation like that? And with fucking Icy Hot?! What the hell did you think was going to happen? Did you just not care that you could have got yourself seriously injured like this, or worse, died? Were you not even thinking about that?! What did you think was going to happen?!"

His words were filled with such anger that I shrunk back. "I..."

I truly didn't know what to say as he stopped pacing and stared at me. My mouth was hanging open and my tears had stopped, likely due to the shock of this outburst. Did he seriously just come here to yell at me?

"Do you know how much," He started advancing towards me as he spoke. "It would have killed me if you weren't okay?"

I saw the flash of an arm movement before I closed my eyes, expecting the worst, when I felt his arms close in around me. His embrace was soft and tender, careful to avoid putting pressure on my chest. I felt his hand stroke my hair before letting it rest lightly on the back of my head.

"You idiot," He breathed. "I would never want to live a life where you were not okay."

The numbness I had felt since I'd woken up started to fade away. This was real. This was not a dream. Bakugo was here and he was holding me and I would survive this but I had to keep fighting. My hand reached up to grasp the back of his shirt. He held me as though I was delicate enough to break with the slightest movement and we stayed like this for a while before he started to pull back slowly and carefully.

"You drive me crazy," He said, placing a hand lightly on my cheek.

The feel of his skin was warm and rough against my own and I leaned into his hand, closing my eyes. I wanted to stay like this forever, relishing in the touch of his skin. When I opened my eyes, his expression was calm but serious.

"It should have been me that was with you tonight, not him." He spoke softly and it took me completely off guard when he leaned forward and pressed his lips against mine. The kiss was soft and gentle and his thumb ran across my cheek, sending a delicious shiver up my spine, before he pulled back. "Next time it'll be me. Count on it."

Emote: Bakugo x OC ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now