Who are you

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"Come back here y/n" was all you heard  as ran away from the orphanage. All you could think about was how your life was going to be now that you were free from that stupid orphanage that made you do hard labor. You ran all the way to the moors. When you were deep into the moors you stopped to take a breath. You stood up and looked up at the dark night sky full of stars then closed your eyes. Everything seemed so peaceful until big gust of winds came pushing in your direction and pushed you so you were sitting on the ground. You looked up and saw a big muscular man with horns and wings." Who are you" you asked shaking on the ground." What's a human doing in the moors" the man asked you in a deep voice. He began to walk up to you and you began to get scared and he backed you up onto a tree. He bent down to your sitting level and said "you didnt answer my question human"." I-I ran away from an o-orphanage" you said still shaking. He came closer to the point where you could feel his hot breath on your lips and then asked "what's your name". You stood up a little and said in a shaky voice "y-y/n". The man picked you up bridal style and flew off. You screamed as a you looked down and saw the ground getting smaller. The man flew to a cave and dropped you on the ground and walked over to a nest." Oww that hurt" you yelled at the man and in response he threw a blanket at you and said "you are sleeping here with me until I figure out what to do with you". You threw the blanket back at the man and then got the stupidest idea. I'll jump on the man's back then I'll run out of the cave you thought and then smiled. When the man wasn't looking at you, you took this opportunity to make your plan action. You jump on the man's back knocking him off his balance then you ran out the cave. You thought you clevered the man but little did you know there was a cliff at the entrance of the cave. You screamed as you rolled all the way down to the bottom and got your hand crushed by a rock which made you scream more. You vision began to go blurry but the last thing you saw was the man fly down to you and pick you up.

Borra x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now