The Wedding

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It had been almost 6 months since Borra proposed and today was the day that you and Borra got married. You were feeling s many emotions right now. You were excited, scared, nervous, and most of all happy. You were sitting the cave you and Borra shared with y/d/n, y/o/d/n, Jane, Ema, Kiu, and Phir who was sitting outside the cave. You said "You guys I'm so nervous". Jane said while brushing your hair "It's ok y/n. I was nervous when Oliver and I got married". You played with your fingers while you said "I know it's normal but I never thought that Borra and I would get married". Ema said "You two were made for each other". You asked "How do you think Borra is acting". 

Borra POV

"Ok I'm getting married to the mother of children. No reason to be nervous" I told myself as I kept pacing back and forth in Udo's cave. Y/s/n was there along with Oliver. Oliver said "Well you seem happy". I said "I am. I just can't believe I'm getting married". Udo said "Come on Borra we need to get you ready for your wedding". I asked "Wait. I'm not wearing my normal clothing". Udo said "Um. No". Oliver laughed and said "It wouldn't be fair if Y/n dressed nicely for you and you didn't dress nicely for her". I said "Ok but I'm not dressing up like a lord or king". Udo laughed and said "I brought you a wedding robe that fey men wear when they get married". I sighed and said "Ok I'll wear that". Y/s/n asked "When do I get to marry someone". I said "When your older and fined someone you love dearly". I put on the robe and said "You know, I didn't think that she would say yes". Oliver said while helping me tie the robe "I didn't think Jane would say yes either". Udo said "Ok, lets go. It's almost time for your wedding to begin". I nodded and we all left to the field where y/n and I would get married. The reason we picked the field was because that field was special to us. That field was where we first met.

Your POV

Kiu began lacing up my dress as Ema and Jane helped y/d/n and y/o/d/n get into their dresses. Their dresses were knee length, had short sleeves, and was yellow with pink flowers on the bottom of them. My dress was pale white, had short sleeves, went to my feet. Y/o/d/n came up to me and said "Mummy you look like a princess". I smiled and said "So do you". "I love that dress" I heard Aurora say with wide smile. Y/o/d/n walked up to Aurora and asked "Where's Phil. I made something for him". Aurora crouched down and said "He is with his father. You might see him at the wedding". Phir said "The wedding is about to start". I nodded my head, picked up my roses, handed the girls their flower baskets, and together we all climbed on Phir's hand and she took us to the wedding. 

Borra POV

I was standing at the alter with Udo, my son and Oliver when Philip and his son Phil came up to us. Philip said with a smile "Congratulations Borra". I smiled back and said "Thanks. I'm really nervous". He said "So was I when I married Aurora". Soon loud foot steps could be heard coming our direction. We turned and saw Phir coming our way. Once she was close she crotched down and one by one the girl walked down the aisle. First it was Aurora, next Ema and Kiu, then Jane. Then my two little girls walked down the aisle in their beautiful dresses, throwing rose and daisy petals on the ground. They hugged my knees and went to stand with Jane. Then y/n walked down the aisle. Oliver went up the aisle so he could walk her down. Then they walked down they aisle together. Y/n smiled sweetly at me. I felt tears start to build in my eyes. She was so beautiful in her white dress. Soon they reached the alter and she stood right in front of me, handing her flowers to Jane. She held my hand and I couldn't help but kiss her. The crowed of moor folk and humans cheered and clapped as we kissed. Maleficent who stood next to us raised her hand indicating that the wedding had began. "Welcome moor folk and humans. Today we gather here for the wedding of y/n and Borra" Maleficent said as the crowed quieted down. Maleficent turned me an said "Borra, I understand you want to say something". I said "yes". I turned y/n and said "Y/n, I wanted to marry you here in this field because this is where we met.  You and the kids have been the best things in my life. Before I had you and the kids I was alone. Besides the fey friends I had I still felt lonely. After the war between the humans and fey I was a little happy about that but I was still surrounded in darkness and sadness. I'm glad that I ran into you in this field. If I hadn't then we wouldn't be here. Our children wouldn't be here. Through all you and I have gone through my love for you hasn't decreased. Instead it increased and as long as we are together the more my love will grow". Y/n had tears streaming down her cheeks and a large smile appeared on her face. I couldn't help but shed a few tear myself. I brought her into a hug and wiped some of her tears away. Maleficent said with a small smile "That was lovely Borra. Now if anyone has any reason or problem that these two shouldn't be wedded on this day, please speak now or hold your tongue for the rest of your days". After a few seconds of silence Maleficent said "With this silence I pronounce the marriage of Borra and y/n. You may now kiss to conclude your marriage". Y/n and I happily kissed and everyone cheered. 

After Party

Y/n and I sat as all the humans and moor folk danced and laughed. Aurora was dancing with y/d/n and y/s/n was dancing with Jane. I turned to my left and saw y/o/d/n handing a blue flower to Phil. I laughed slightly. grabbing y/n's attention. She said "I think those two are going to end up together". I said "Let's just enjoy having our kids to ourselves while we can. Pretty soon their going to go off and have kids of their own. Then they won't need us anymore". Y/n laugh slightly and held my hand "Let's just live in the present and not the future". Oliver came up to us and said "Hey. Um I don't want to bother you two but I want to know if I could dance with my daughter". Y/n smiled and said "I wouldn't mined. What about you Borra". I smiled and said "Go head and dance with your dad". Y/n stood up and walked off to dance with Oliver. I'm happy that y/n and I are now married. Her and the kids are the light to my darkness. I will always be there for y/n and the kids, nothing can change that. She's my mate. She's the mother of my children. She's my wife. Most of all she's my y/n. 

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