It's over

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Your POV

That's it. It's over. Borra, my children, my family is all gone. I began breaking down in Aurora's lap as we were carried to Ivanka in a metal cage. Aurora said between her own tears "y/n, i'm so scared". I sat up and said "so am I but we have each other ok". Aurora nodded and we both stayed silent for the rest of the ride to Ivanka. 

Two Days Later

"We are here" i heard one of the knights say. I leaned my head against the side of the cage as we past through the town of Ivanka. Soon we made it to the castle where we were forced out of the cage and into the castle. Mine and Aurora's hands were chained and we were guided into a large throne room. The room had marble floors and golden walls and pillars surrounding the room. In the middle of the room there were 5 large thrones. I turned to Aurora and said "i've been here before but never saw the whole castle so lets stay close". Aurora nodded her hand and soon a few guards came in and said "bow now for the king, queen and their 3 sons have arrived". Everyone expect me and Aurora bowed at a man, woman and 3 younger men came in and looked us up and down as they walked to their thrones. The older man with brown hair and blue eyes wore red and gold clothing with endless amounts of jewelry all over him. The older woman with long greyish-brown hair and brown eyes wore a long purple and silver dress that dragged behind her and she as well had endless amounts of jewelry all over her. The younger men had brown hair and blue eyes wore armor and each of them wore a different color cape behind them. One wore a gold cape, another wore a blue cape, and the final one wore a red cape. After they sat on their thrones the queen yelled "didn't you whores here what the guard said. BOW DOWN TO US NOW". Me and Aurora began bowing and the whole royal family began to laugh at us. The king said "Piper, my orders were to bring me the Queen of Ulstead". A guard wearing golden armor stepped up next to us. He had green eyes and blonde hair and his skin was like Auroras. Piper said "the one with blonde hair is Queen Aurora of the moors and Ulstead and this on i'm not sure who she is". Piper continued "King Harlem, Queen Merlin I brought you the queen of Ulstead, and now for my reward". King Harlem looked at me and said "your reward is that you can take 200 pieces of gold". Piper smiled and thank the king then went off to claim his reward. Aurora asked "if you needed me so badly why did you have to destroy my kingdom". King Harlem said "because my men hadn't had a good fight in months so they needed the practice". I asked "what will you do with her and i". King Harlem said "Aurora is going to marry my oldest son Harlem the third and you are going to be a maid". I looked at Aurora and said "it will be ok". The king then said "Harlem the third go claim your soon to be wife". The oldest prince stood up and as he walked to Aurora his golden cape sparkled behind him. He crouched and said "please don't struggle, i'm just going to show you around the castle". I quickly screamed "your not going anywhere alone with her unless i'm there". The prince with the blue cape screamed "hey whore, how dare you talk to my older brother that way". Harlem the third said "calm down Luke, it's fine". Me and Aurora stood up and began to walk out of the throne room with Harlem the third. 

Some time later

It's now late at night and Harlem the third finished showing us around the castle. He opened the door to a room with pink wallpaper and two pink beds. Harlem the third said "Aurora this is the room you will sleep in along i'm sorry whats your name". He pointed to me and I said "it's y/n". Harlem the third then passed us daggers and said "in case anyone tries to come into your room". Aurora asked "so your not going to force yourself on either of us". Harlem the third's face went white and he said "no, no i'd never do that to a woman so please don't think that". Harlem the third began to walk away when he said "just to be clear, I didn't want this to happen. When father said i would be getting a wife i didn't know that it was going to be someone that didn't love me back or already married to someone else". Then he left and me and Aurora went into our room and slept in the same bed to stay safe.

The next morning(Borra POV)

I woke up to the feeling of bandages rapped tightly around my head, chest, torso and left leg. When i tried to sit up I fell back and groaned in pain. I looked around and saw that i was in my nest. I then tried to sit up again and it worked. When i looked around i saw that Udo was playing with my children. When he saw me he came up to me and asked "Borra are you ok". I said "no, where is y/n". Udo said "i don't know, we looked for her but her and Aurora are gone". I said "Udo, i can't be here. I need to get up and go fine her". Udo said "you need to rest". I grabbed Udo by his robe and pulled him close to my face and screamed "UDO YOU DON'T GET IT. Y/N IS PREGNANT WITH MY CHILD. I CAN'T JUST SIT HERE IS REST WHILE SHE IS OUT THERE SCARED AND ALONE". Once i calmed down and let Udo go and said "i'm sorry for grabbing you". Udo smiled and hugged me and said "It's ok Borra, if the same happened me i would do the same". I smiled but then i felt my head start to hurt and it felt unparable and finally it stopped. The man in front of me said "Borra are you ok, you know y/n would be worried about you". I looked down and asked "what are you talking about". The man said "we were talking about finding y/n". I looked at the man and asked "y/n". I then paused and asked 

"Who is y/n".

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