Below the Orphanage

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Your POV

I sat on my bed, staring at the opened window. I said "why do you want to adopt me, I don't understand". Oliver said "ever since you were a baby I have not protected you from the orphanage like i should have". I asked "so why are you choosing to protect me now". He said "because there is something happening here that I don't want you, your children, or the children already here to be apart of it". I looked at him and said "what is happening". Oliver said "I need to go back to my room before the others get suspicious. We can finish talking in the morning". Then he left me in my room alone. I got under the covers and began silently crying then soon I fell asleep.

Borra POV

I was sitting on the castle floor trying to calm y/d/n down." Mommy's not coming back is she" y/d/n said with tears coming down her cheeks. I said "your mother is coming back, I promise". I then picked y/d/n up and began to walk to the throne room where maleficent, aurora, and phillip were. I said "how is the search coming along". Phillip said "we are still waiting for the knights to report back". I sighed and saw the y/d/n had fallen asleep. "I see that y/d/n is asleep, so has y/s/n. How about we out them to sleep in one of the guest rooms" Aurora said. I nodded and followed Aurora to one of the guest rooms and we put my kids down on the bed and then went back to the throne room. I sat against a wall until I heard the knights come back. Phillip said "what have you found". The leader said "we have checked all the clinics and orphanages but found nothing". I said "what do you mean, that other knight said that the cloth he found were used by clinics and orphanages". The leader said "I know but there is just nothing, I'm sorry". Phillip thanked the knights and sat down on his throne. He said "we can try again tomorrow it's almost night time, borra would you like to stay at the castle for the time being". I nodded my head and began to walk to the guest room where my children were sleeping. I kissed them both on the head and laid down on the floor next to the bed they were sleeping in and soon fell asleep.

The next morning
Your POV

"Wake up May" I heard someone say. I looked up with half closed eyes and saw it was Sara. I asked "what time is it". She said "its early dawn, now get up we need to start making breakfast". I nodded my head and got up and out on the same robes from the day before. As me and Sara walked I decided to try and talk to her." So how long have you been working here" I said with a small smile. She said "about 3 years". I asked "do you have any children". She said "no but I'm ok with it". I nodded and asked "how about a husband". She her face went red and said " really". Looked at her with a little awkward smile and just continued to walk down the dimly lit hallway all the way to the kitchen. I said "so what are making for the children". She said "we are just going to make them applesauce". I asked "is that all". Sara said "well I mean yes. Unless you can find something else to make along with the applesauce". I said "ok give me a few minutes". Sara nodded and left the kitchen and I began looking around the kitchen and found some oats and flour. After a few minutes of cooking I finished and brought out a big cauldron full of oatmeal and applesauce. Sara looked at me and said "wow I didnt know you care so much about what these children eat". I smiled and soon the children came into the room and sat down on the ground and me and Sara began to pass out the oatmeal and applesauce. As the children ate I came up to Sara and asked "when I asked you about having a husband, why did you say not really". Sara's face went red and she took me aside and said "you can't speak about this to the others. Only Oliver knows ok". I nodded my head and she continued "I am married but to a woman". I looked at her and she said "I know its disgusting but please don't judge me". I smiled and said "if that is what makes you happy then I have nothing against you". Sara smiled and thanked me. Soon I heard a bell start ringing and all the children got up and stood in a straight line. Then I saw Andrew walk to the children and say "walk to the basement, work starts there. If you dont finish your work today then you get no food today. Now go". The children began walking away as Andrew walked towards us. Andrew looked into the cauldron and said "why is this here, today the children are suppose to eat only applesauce not oatmeal along with applesauce". I said "I made it, if the children are to work for so long then shouldn't they get a good meal". Andrew grunted and walked away but before he left he said "Sara and May tonight we will be meeting in the basement to discuss something, be there".

At night

Me and Sara had finished bathing and putting the children to sleep and we began to head for the basement. As we walked down the stairs to the basement I began to feel a knot in my stomach and started to feel I little nauseous. Once we got down to the basement I saw what made my heart stop. It was a large underground mine. The children were being forced to mine for hours on end. Not a minute later I heard Andrew,  Oliver and all the other members talking. Me and Sara walked to the table they were sitting at sat down. Andrew said "you are finally here. Now let's discuss about the gold the children are mining up". Henry said "the children are starting to find less and less gold, I think we need to start to a new mining system". Oliver said "I dont think that's a good idea". Henry said "why not". Oliver said "because were are we going to start a new mining system. We don't even have enough children to work". Andrew said "you are right Oliver. Wendy how much gold do we have". A wrinkled woman said "we have in total 163 peices of gold". Thrn andrew said "tomorrow I want Henry and Wendy to pack your stuff". Henry said "why". Andrew said "after tomorrow I want you and Wendy to travel to the kingdom of Ivanka. I am good friends with king Roland, he will give me anything I need". I said "if I may ask why do you need so much gold". Andrew said "this is how I'm going to pay for our protection". I said "protection? Protection from what?". Andrew said "the kingdom I mentioned earlier is planning an attack on Ulstead and I have made an agreement with the king of that kingdom that if I can provide him with about 300 peices of gold then we will not be harmed". I asked "why is he planning on attacking Ulstead". Henry said " I'm not sure if you heard but when queen Aurora was growing up away from her original kingdom her father King Stephen had promised her hand in marriage to king Roland's oldest son. When he found out Aurora married another man we started secretly planning a war against Ulstead". I said "May I be excused, my stomach hurts". Andrew said "Oliver take May to the medical room and give her some herbs". Oliver nodded his head and walked me out of the basement. I said "what in the name of Ulstead is happening". Oliver said "I had no idea about the war with Ulstead". I took a deep breath and said "I'm going to sneak out of the orphanage tonight". Oliver said "are you mad? What if someone catches you? We are too far away from Ulstead". I said "how long would it take to get from here to Ulstead". Oliver said "on horse you would be at Ulstead by late dawn". I looked down and said "aren't they going to know if I go missing". Oliver said "I have an idea how to get them off your back". I asked "how". Oliver said "i could say that you have the plague and then take you to Ulstead, they wouldn't dare try to follow you". I nodded my head and we began to plan my way out of the orphanage.

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