Memory Lost

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I looked at Borra confused and asked "what do you mean, who is y/n. She is your wife". Borra said "no i don't, I only have two children. In fact who are you". I said "I'm Udo, your best friend". Borra sighed and said "ok um, look i don't know who y/n is but and even if that person was real then she must not be wife". I stood and began to walk outside Borra's cave and soon Ini came and stood next to me." I think Borra is losing his memory" i said. Ini looked at me and said "are you sure, maybe it's from the herbs i gave him". I nodded my head and said "he didn't know who y/n or me were". Ini asked "how is this possible". I sighed and said "i'm not sure, maybe someone from the castle during the attack will know". Ini looked to the cave next to Borra's and said "a human man was brought here along with borra. I asked "is he awake". Ini nodded and said "yes, his wife is there too". I began to make my way to the next cave and when I got there i saw a man lying in his wife's lap. I asked "were either of you two at the castle when it was attacked. Then woman nodded and said "we were". I sat next to them and asked "did you see what happened to Borra". The man sat up and said "yes and we also know what happened to y/n". I asked "you know y/n". He said "she was my niece, now my daughter. What you want to know is what happened to Borra. While he was running with his children a piece of castle wall was about to fall on all three of them. Borra threw his children to me and the castle wall fell on him. I passed his children to my wife and began trying to move the piece of castle wall of Borra but i was soon hit by a piece of castle wall. I think the only reason Borra and I are alive is because my wife was able to transport us out pf the castle". His wife then said "i'm sorry, i'm Jane and this is Oliver". I smiled and said "i'm Udo". Jane asked "is there something wrong with Borra". I lowered my head and said "i believe Borra is losing his memory". Jane stood up and said "Oliver lye down and rest, i'm going to check on Borra". Then Jane followed me to Borra's cave. Borra was playing with his children and when he saw us he said "i already told you that i don't know who y/n is". Jane then walked up to Borra and asked "Borra do you remember who I am". Borra looked at Jane and said "no". Borra continued to play with his children and Jane turned to me and said "you are correct, he is losing his memory". I asked "is there anyway we could change that". Jane said "well it is said that there are two spirit sisters Ema and Kiu, i believe that they  can restore his memory". I began cheering until Jane said "how ever it does have a cost". I asked "what is it". Jane sighed and said "in order for someone t revive their memory back someone else must lose theirs". I said "oh no, now what are we going to do". Jane began pacing back and forth and until she stood, turned to me and said "we could find one of the enemies and trade their memory for Borra's". I looked down and said "but what if that person didn't want to be an enemy or maybe they were forced to do this". Jane said "your right, how about we find the King of Ivanka, after all he was the one who ordered the attack on Ulstead". I looked at Jane and smiled then said "that sounds like a plan". For the rest of the day we secretly began recruiting fey and humans for the attack on Ivanka.

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