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You, borra and your two children were invited to breakfast at the castle along with malifecent. Once all five of you got there Aurora and Phillip were all there waiting. Once you all were there, you all started eating. All of a sudden you all starting hearing screaming. It was one of the maids and she screamed "Queen Aurora there's a rat in the kitchen. It ate the food we prepared and we can't catch it". Aurora said "um...phillip, borra would you mind helping the maids catch the rat and y/n would you mind going to the market and getting more food". Borra whined "but why me and phillip, cant you just step on the rat". Malifecent snapped "or I could just take the rat and let it crawl through your pants while your sleeping". Borra quickly got up along with phillip and they both speed walked to the kitchen. You got up and began to walk to the market. Once you got there you picked out eggs, bacon, potatoes, and green peppers. You paid for everything and as you were about to leave you felt someone was watching you. Before you could make it back to the castle some grabbed you into a dark alley. You closed your eyes and said "please don't hurt me". The person said "dont worry y/n, I wont hurt you". You opened your eyes and felt your knees weakening. It was Oliver, one of the members of the orphanage you ran away from. He smiled and said "you've gotten so big since the last time I saw you". You tried to pull away from him but then he said "I let you escape on time I'm not making the same mistake again". After that Oliver took a rag and put it over your mouth. Soon you felt your whole body start to go numb and the last thing you saw was Oliver pulling a bag over your head.

Borra POV

I was running around the kitchen along with phillip, trying to catch this stupid rat."I got him" phillip said as he jumped up and was about to grab the rat when it then ran to me and phillip landed on his face. I laughed at him but soon when I tried to grab it the same thing happened except phillip was laughing at me. Maleficent and Aurora came in saw me and phillip lying on the ground laughing at one another. Maleficent then asked "I'm guessing that you two didn't succeed in capturing the rat, yes". I just nodded my head when i saw y/s/n waddle into the kitchen and when he saw the rat he just picked it up gently and said "here da da". I looked at him and saw surprised at how the rat was not struggling to get out of y/s/n's hands. Aurora said "wow borra, your son seems to be a natural with catching rats". I smiled then a maid came in the kitchen and said "Queen Aurora, y/n has not returned from the market yet". Aurora said "maybe she got lost". The maid said "I asked a few guards if they had seen her, one guard said he saw her in an alley with a shadowy figure". Aurora said "bring that guard here". The maid nodded and a few minutes later she came back with the guard who claimed to have seen y/n. The guard bowed down to Aurora and Phillip. Aurora then asked "is it true that you saw y/n in an alley with a shadowy figure". The guard said "yes, but also I saw the figure put a something on her face and drag her away". I said "wait, so you saw someone drag my wife away and you did nothing". I could feel my blood starting to boil when the guard said "I was went to get help but when I came back het and the figure was gone, but the figure did leave this behind". The guard then pulled out a dirty piece of fabric. I snapped "how is this suppose to help find my wife". Phillip said "borra calm down for one second". I took a deep breath and the guard said "this piece of fabric is from a bed that clinics and orphanages use, maybe the figure took her to one of the clinics or orphanages". Aurora said "that sounds like a great, set up a search party and search every clinic and orphanage there is". The guard nodded his head and left. After that I could hear y/d/n crying in a corner. I walked over to her and asked "what's wrong sweetheart". She said between her tears "the maid said that mummy is missing. Does that mean that she is never coming back daddy". I held her in arms and said "shhhhh, dont worry she coming back". It was hard for me to hear my little girl say those words but at the same time I'm hoping that y/n is ok. Y/d/n said "does mummy not love us anymore". I held y/d/n tighter and said behind my own tears starting to build in my eyes "don't say that, don't ever say that about your mother. She loves us, she would never leave us".

Your POV

I woke up in dimly lit room. There was light on the top of the ceiling. This room seemed so familiar. I then looked to my left side and saw a row of perfectly made beds. Then it hit me, I was in the orphanage I grew up in. Then when i tried to get up I fell back and saw that my legs, arms, and torso were chained to the bed. I then heard laughter coming from the corner of the room. It was Oliver laughing at me. He said "about time you woke up y/n". I said "what do you want Oliver, I'm past the age to continue living here". Oliver walked over to me and showed me a piece of paper then he said "do you know what this is y/n". I nodded my head then Oliver continued "this is a contract that your parents signed stating that you belong to me. They signed me as your guardian, meaning that by you running away you breached this contract. Your parents were paying me to keep you away from them". I could feel tears in my eyes as he red the contract to me. I couldn't help but break down and said "why, why would they do this". Oliver sat down next to me on the bed and said "your father was a lord and your mother worked in a brothel. Your father bought your mother from that brothel and when he found out your mother was pregnant he have her the opinion to either keep you and he would leave her or stay with him and get rid of you". I said "how do you know all this about my parents". Oliver said " I know this because your father is my brother".


Hello everyone, I hope your all are safe. I forgot to mention this in my last update on this story. I want to give a shout out to ShootingStar_718. Thxs for helping me. Bye bye guys😊😊😊.

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