Forgiving Each other

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You were sitting on the ground outside malifecents cave and after a little you heard wings start flapping away. Then you turned around and saw borra flying away. You wanted to scream for borra to come back but then you looked at the ground and saw most likely borra's foot prints behind where you were sitting before then looked at what you wrote in the dirt.

The following conversation will go like u for udo, I for ini, m for malifecent, and y for you.

Y:Did borra walk outside the cave udo.
U:Yes, he was going to apologize to you but then I think he saw what you wrote in the dirt.
Y:What is happening between me and borra. I thought that being with borra would be a good thing. Then he goes behind my back and does this and the worse part about it is that you knew about it udo.
M:Udo I think me and ini should talk to y/n and you should go and talk to borra.
Udo nodded flew off to you and borra's cave.
M:Y/n I understand that you are very upset about this but I need you to calm down a little.
Y:Ok. Then you started taking deep breaths and calmed down.
Y:Malifecent what can borra and i do to make this right.
M:Well dear there is nothing me,ini, or udo can do. Only thing I can think of is you and borra talking about it.
You looked down at your stomach then back up to ini and malifecent.
I:So what will you do y/n?
Y:I'm going to talk it out with borra.
Ini and malifecent smiled and all three of you began to walk back to you and borra's cave.


I landed outside the cave and began calling for borra to come out and talk to me.
B:Udo go away. I've lost everything and the woman I love hates me.
U:Borra even though I'm not in your position right now I would still try to sort things out.
B:Udo it's to late already.
U:Borra no its not believe me.
B:If it weren't too late y/n would be here with me and we would try and talk about it.
After borra said that I heard foot steps start coming up to the cave then I saw ini,malifecent, and y/n.

No ones POV

You,ini, and malifecent walked up to the cave and saw udo standing outside the cave.
U:Y/n please forgive me after what I did.
Y:Its ok udo, but right now I need to talk to borra alone.
That gave ini,malifecent, and udo the hint to leave and they did.
Y:Borra are you in there.
There was silence and then you spoke again.
Y:Borra please talk to me.
B:Dont you hate me y/n.
Y:What makes you say that.
B:Your little message in the dirt remember.
Y:Borra I'm sorry please forgive me. I never meant for this to happen.
Borra came out of the cave with red eyes from crying then came so close to you to the point where you could feel his body heat.
B:Y/n you should not be the one apologizing it should be me. It's my fault you are now carrying my offspring. It's my fault that you now hate me.
Y:Borra let's face it we both know it's our fault. But we can work together and fix it. Even if I didnt know you impregnated me I still love you. Do you still love me?
B:Of course i do y/n with all my heart.
Y:Then let's stay together as mates like before and this time let's raise our child.
You said as you took borra's hand and put it on your stomach. He smiled and promised that from now on he would not keep anything from you. You two hugged and kissed and you two sat outside the cave and watched as the sun started to set.

Borra x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now