Little helper

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For the past 5 months you have mostly stayed in the cave with y/c/n. Borra would go out and get the food you liked and would cuddle you anytime you needed. One morning you woke up and saw borra about to leave the cave and asked "where are you going". He looked at you and said "I'm going to be going to the far side of the moors and I wont be back till sun set". I walked up to him and said "why are you going so far in the moors". He said "some fairies have said that humans from another kingdom have been trying to kidnap them so I'll be there for while making sure their safe, then by sun set I will return". He kissed your head then your daughter woke up and screamed "DADDY". He smiled and kissed her head and said "I'll see you later, take care of your mother for me". Y/c/n nodded her head and you both waved bye to borra as he flew off and disappeared in the clouds.

Around lunch time

You were making a salad and you had accidentally dropped the spoon you were using and y/c/n came running and screamed "are you ok mommy, let me help". She picked up the spoon and began to continue making the salad you were making. You smiled at how helpful she was being. Anytime you would drop something y/c/n would pick it up. Anytime you would trip in something she would check you to see of you were ok. You loved how y/c/n was acting so much like borra when you were first pregnant with y/c/n. She was almost like a mini borra. Thinking about this, made you laugh. Then you felt a kick which mar you groan in pain which got your daughter's attention. She ran up to you and asked "are you ok mommy" while rubbing your stomach. You smiled and patted her head while saying "I'm fine, it's just that the baby kicked". When y/c/n heard you say that she yelled at your stomach "STOP KICKING MOMMY". This just made you laugh and hold y/c/n close to you.

Around y/c/n's bedtime

You and y/c/n had finished dinner and it was time for her to go bed." No, daddy is not home yet, he told me to take care of you" you just smiled and told her everything was ok. Finally borra had returned to the cave with a smile when he saw you and y/c/n. He kissed you both on the head and asked y/c/n "did you take care mommy". She nodded her head really fast and then ran to her nest. You and borra sat down in your nest and he began rubbing your stomach. You smiled and asked "what should we name her". Borra looked up at you and said "I think you mean him". You just shook your head and continued to let borra rub your stomach then soon you both went to sleep.

Borra x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now