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Your POV

I was in shock. Oliver being one of the many members of the orphanage who made me do hard labor for 18 years is my uncle. Tears began to fall from my eyes. I said between my tears "if you were my uncle why didn't you abopt me". Oliver looked down at the floor and said "because if I broke the contract I signed, you would be in the same place as your mother". I screamed "what does that mean Oliver". Oliver said "i saved you from working in a brothel. If your mother were to have kept you she would have needed another way to make money". I laid on my back and continued to cry then I felt my restraints release my limbs. I sat up and rubbed my red wrist. Oliver was about to leave the room when he said "I'm not proud of the way that I treated you or any other children. I'm so sorry for everything that has happened to you here. You had every right to run away". I stared at him as he walked out of the room and closed the door. I got up and expected the door to be locked but it wasn't. So I opened the door which led to a long hallway. As I walked  down the hallway i could see at the other end there was a door and from that door I could children laughing. As I got to the other door I opened it and saw children smiling and laughing and playing together with toys. I walked into room full of children and they all didnt seem to mind me being there. I looked at the other side of the room and saw Oliver standing against the wall. Oliver saw me and used his hand to motion me over. I walked over to him and said "I thought this place closed". Oliver said "no, but it didnt change. The children are still forced to do labor. Any time that the other members go out to get food and supplies I stay here and let the children play but I keep it a secret". I looked down and said "what happened to Wendy and Jane". Oliver looked at me and said "Wendy still works here but Jane disappeared a few years ago". I smiled to myself that Jane was gone but it soon faded when I heard a door open. Oliver snapped his fingers and the children began to hiding the toys in hidden places all over the room. Oliver grapped my arm and said "follow me". We then began to walk to a closet on the other side of the room. He put me inside and said "there is a spare change of clothes in here put it on then come out but don't say anything to anyone" then he closed the door. I looked down and saw some blue and white robes. I quickly put the robes on and make sure to cover my face. Then I came out and saw all the children sitting on the ground looking miserable. I stood next to Oliver when five members came into the room. They all stopped when they saw me. One of the members screamed "who is she". Oliver said "this is May, I hired her. You know we need more help around here Andrew". Andrew came up to me, far to close for my liking and said "feed the children then Sara will show you to your room". He then pointed to a female with short brown hair. I nodded my head and turned to the children. I said "ok, it's time for lunch everyone". After I said that I heard someone laugh and then snap at me saying "that's not how you get these brats attention". I turned to see a tall skinny man walk up next to me and screamed "GET UP AND FOLLOW MAY TO THE DINING ROOM NOW". I turned to the man and said "you do not have to yell at them". I turned to me and said "does it look like I care ab-". Oliver stepped in and said "quit it Henry. She just got here, she is learning ok". Henry rolled his eyes and walked away. Oliver said "follow me children and you too May". All the children started to walk behind Oliver and I walked behind them. After a few minutes of walking through hallways we made it to the Dining Room. The dining room was made up of a round table with 8 chairs surrounding it. I said in a whisper "Oliver, there are not enough chairs for all the children to sit at the table". Oliver said "the children dont sit at the table. They sit on the pillows on the floor". Looked around the room again and saw on the ground that there were about 15 to 20 pillows. All the children sat on a pillow and began small talk with one another. Oliver then called me over to a large pot. He said "ok fill the powls then give it to the children". I looked into the pot and saw what looked like to be dirty water. I asked "what in gods name is that". He said "its water mixed with pack of nutrients". I said with a stern tone "over my dead body will let you feed these children that". Oliver said "very well, the kitchen is across the hall. The cabinets should be restocked". I gave a sassy smile and walked over to kitchen. Once I was in the kitchen i looked and found a bag of rice, some chicken, carrots, and peas. After 10 minutes i finished the food and brought to the children. It made my heart melt when I saw those big smiles on thier faces. Its reminded me of my own children. I turned to Oliver and said "oliver I cant stay here, I need to go". Oliver said "I dont know how that's going to be possible. All the members who work here stay inside the orphanage". I said "Oliver, I have a husband and kids who are probably worried sick about me". Oliver sighed and said "I'll see what I can do". Then Oliver left and walked out of the room. After all the children were done eating I began to clean the bowls. Soon Oliver came back and said "I'm sorry y/n. They dont trust you enough to let you leave". Then Sara came up to us and said "ok May follow me". I began to follow Sara down a set of stairs and to a wooden door. She said "you will sleep here. You need to be up by sun rise then met us in the dining room for breakfast". She then opened the door to reveal a lit room with candles and a soft bed. She then closed the door leaving me by myself. I sat down on the bed and began to feel a knot in my stomach. My heart started racing like the beat of a brim. I felt like I was trapped behind a wall from my family. I took off the robes that covered my clothes then reached into my pocket and found a purple flower that y/d/n gave me earlier today. Then a gust of wind came and carried the flower away and out the window. A few seconds after that I heard a knock on the door. Then heard Oliver say "it's me, is it ok if I come in". I said "sure". Oliver came in with a worried look on his face. I asked "what's wrong". He sat down next to me and asked "did you say that you had children". I said "yes, why". Oliver said "your record here says that since you were never adopted you legally have to stay here". I folded my arms and said "ok, and what does that have to do with my kids". Oliver said with and even worried look "there is a rule that if an orphan were to have a child, that child will be put here along with the rest of the children". I looked at oliver and said "you mean if they find out who I am and that I have children, they will bring them here to work for the rest of their lives". Oliver nodded and said "that's why I brought you here, I dont want you to be bonded to this place anymore. So, with your approval I'd like to adopt you".

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