Y/d/n has a crush

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It was a early October afternoon and you, y/d/n, and y/o/d/n were just sitting around the cave while Borra took y/s/n out to hunt again. You were braiding y/o/d/n's hair when y/d/n came up to you. You asked "What is it". Y/d/n played with her fingers and asked "Can I talk to you". You said "Of course. Is something wrong". Y/d/n sat next to you and said "No. I kinda like this boy that I go to flying lessons with". You smiled and asked "What's his name". Y/d/n played with a strand of her h/c hair and said "Zaki". You asked "That's Shrike's son isn't it". Y/d/n said "Yea. I really like him and I want to invite him for dinner tonight and tell him how I feel but I don't think father will allow it". You finished braiding y/o/d/n's hair and fully turned to y/d/n. You said "I'll talk to your father ok". Y/d/n rubbed the back of her neck and asked with a frown "But what if father doesn't like Zaki and what if Zaki doesn't like me". I brought y/d/n into a hug and said "It's ok. If your father doesn't like Zaki, then there is no changing his mind. If Zaki doesn't like you, then you can't force him too". Y/d/n began to cry and I quickly said "Please don't cry y/d/n. I'm sorry. Just try not to think about anything negative ok". She wiped her tears and nodded her head."What happened to y/d/n? Why is she crying" I heard Borra say. Y/d/n went pale and turned to me for help. I said "Borra, we need to talk". Borra handed the two deer they caught to y/s/n and Borra and I walked outside the cave. Borra asked "What happened to y/d/n". I sighed and said "Ok so y/d/n has a crush on Shrike's son Zaki and she wants to invite him to dinner tonight. She wants to tell him how she feels but thinks that you won't like Zaki and that Zaki won't like her". Borra rubbed his finger through his hair and said "It's not that I won't like Zaki. It's if he hurts her". I asked with a small smile "How about you go and tell y/d/n that so she can calm down some". Borra and I walked into the cave and sat down next to y/d/n. Borra said "Y/d/n I don't mind if you like Zaki and want to be with him but if he hurts you in anyway don't be afraid to come to me and tell me. Your mother and I are always going to be here for you". Y/d/n hugged Borra and said "Thank you father". Borra hugged her back and said "Your welcome. Now you go and see if Zaki will come over to dinner and we will get dinner started". Y/d/n squilled and flew out of the cave without hesitation. I smiled and asked "Promise you'll behave yourself". Borra stood up and said "I'll try". 

Around Dinner

Y/d/n returned to the cave with a big smile on her face and said "Zaki will be over in a few minutes". I smiled and said "I'm glad now go get cleaned up". Y/d/n left and soon came back just as Zaki arrived in our cave. Zaki had light brown skin, blue eyes, shortly cut black hair mixed with red and blue, along with red, yellow, and blue wings. He said "Hello y/d/n's mother and father". I smiled and said "Hello Zaki". Zaki came over to the rock like table and sat down next to y/d/n. We ate all of our food and Borra asked "So how do you feel about y/d/n". Zaki cheeks went red and he said "I mean she's a really nice girl". Y/d/n quickly asked "Um Zaki can you come outside the cave with me please". Zaki said "Sure. Thank you for dinner y/d/n's mother and father". Then they both left the cave. I began to clear the rock like table of all the plates and cups when Borra said "Um...I think they are taking too long out there". You rolled your eyes and said "Let them be Borra". Soon y/d/n's returned with a wide smile on her face and she sat down in her nest. I asked "So, does he like you back". Y/d/n said with a wide smile "Yes and he kissed me". Borra's face went white and he asked "Excuse me? What?". Y/d/n hid her face in her hands and said "Me and Zaki kissed.". Borra said while walking out of the cave "I'll be right back". Me, y/d/n/ y/s/n, and y/o/d/n spent the next few minutes trying to keep Borra from leaving the cave. 

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