Borra proposes

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Your POV

For the past few days Oliver and Borra have been acting strange. They are always sneaking around and trying to hide stuff from me. Today I was just picking a few apples from a nearby apple tree when y/d/n ran up to me and said "Mother, father and Grandpa Oliver are hurt and going to fall off a cliff". I stopped what I was doing and ran with y/d/n to a mountain. I looked around and asked "Where are they". Y/d/n pointed to the edge of a cliff and when I looked down I saw Oliver and Borra hanging over the cliff. Borra and Oliver were hanging on a branch about to fall off the mountain. I said "Borra can't you fly with Oliver up here". Borra said "When we fell I broke my left wing. I can't even lift myself up". I looked around and saw a rope, then I threw it down to them but then the branch began to break. Oliver grabbed the rope and climbed up but by the time it was Borra's turn, the branch broke and Borra fell. I screamed and ran down the mountain to try and see if he was ok. By the time I got there Borra had already hit the ground and wasn't moving. I ran to him teary eyed and held him close my chest when he spoke. "I'm sorry y/n" Borra said in a raspy voice. I said while trying to hold back my tears "No, It's not your fault. I'm going to get you some help". Borra said "No, it's to late for me. Just know that I love you and the kids". By now tears were pouring down my face as I said "Don't say that.....Borra.....Borra....BORRA". His eyes were closed and he went limp. I cried and out and said "Borra don't leave me. I won't let you die. Please stay with me". "Ok but will you marry me" I heard Borra say. I looked up and saw Borra smiling slightly holding a beautiful ring made out of wood and had a beautiful white pearl in the middle. I asked "Wait what? Didn't you just die". Borra said "This was my plan. Y/d/n would go and get you to come to the mountain, Oliver and I made it look like we were about to fall off the cliff, Oliver purposely broke the branch by kicking it, I made it look like I was falling but before you got here I placed some springy mushrooms around this area so when I hit the ground I wouldn't die". I wiped my face and asked "You did all of this just so you could propose to me". Borra looked away "Um yea. I wanted to do something to get your attention. I didn't mean to make you cry". I asked while sniffling " really want marry me". Borra sat up and wrapped me into a hug and said "Of course I do. I wish I would have asked sooner but I was scared". I smiled and asked "Scared of what". Borra said "Scared of being rejected". I rubbed Borra's back and said "Just ask". Borra smiled and asked again "Will you marry me". I kissed his head and said "Yes". Then he put the ring on my finger and Oliver, y/d/n, and every other moor folk around cheered. 

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