The truth

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Aurora POV

I saw y/n get thrown out if the broken window. All I managed to do was scream her name. I ran towards Leo and began hitting him only for him to throw me back into Harlem's arms. Leo said "she isn't even that important. We didn't even need her". I began crying and fell to my knees. Harlem said "all of you get out". Luke said "sorry Harlem but we no longer listen to you. A knight heard of your little plan and told father. So now you are demoted and Aurora is going to marry me". Luke grabbed my hand and began to drag me out of the room. Harlem the third tried to come after me but was hit in the head by Leo and he fell to the floor unconscious. I screamed as Luke dragged me away. The castle shook again and I was able to get out of Luke's grip. I ran back to the changing room were Harlem's unconscious body lied. I locked the door and went to Harlem's body. I smacked his face a few times until he gained consciousness. I said "Harlem, we need to get out of the castle while we can". Harlem asked "how do we do that? If we jump out of the window we will die. Just like.....". I said "i know, but we need to find a way"."I can help with that"I heard Jane say as she stood in front of the broken window. I turned to her and asked "how did you get here". Jane said "I'm a mage remember, now come with me you two". I said while trying not to cry "wait but y/n she's.....she's". Jane's face went pale and said while trying to keep her composer"come on take my hand". Jane held out her hands which me and Harlem took willingly and a few second slater we were transported to a plain field. I asked "Jane where are we". Jane said "we are a 7 miles away from Ivanka". Harlem the third asked "Madam, why did you save me. I though you would leave me at the castle". Jane turned from us and said "when I spoke of an evil prince I meant Luke, not you Harlem". Jane asked with her voice starting to get shaky "is y/n really dead". I looked down and said "i'm afraid so". Jane broke down into tears and fell to the ground and said "i'm sorry y/n. I'm sorry I wasn't able to tell you". I asked "what do you mean Jane". Jane turned to me and was about to say something when we heard big footsteps coming towards us. We all turned to see the giant woman from before looming over us. She said with a big smile "we have won the battle against Ivanka. The rest of the knights and fey are coming back with the royal family". The giant looked at Jane and said "oh Jane, I caught this human girl from falling out of a window. It looked like she had been pushed". The giant bent down towards us to reveal y/n. Jane stood up and ran over to the giant's hand and held y/n in her arms. Jane said "thank you Pher. This is my daughter y/n". I asked with a confused look "wait y/n is your daughter". Jane said "yes, as soon as we finalize the adoption papers that made her my daughter". Y/n opened her eyes and when she saw Jane she began crying in Jane's arms. Y/n said with a small smile "I thought you were dead". Jane smiled as well and said "I know but we are here now and we are going to take you home". Y/n smile went away and said "but Borra and my children are dead". Jane said "no they aren't. Borra and all of your children are alive". Y/n broke down in tears even more and Jane said "i'll explain later but now let's go home".

Your POV

Everyone was either riding a horse or walking. The royal family were tied together and were being hauled by Udo. As I rode my white horse I began going off into by thoughts. Borra. My children. They are all alive? How? My attention was brought away from my thoughts by Harlem the third. He looked at me and asked "so your husband is a fey along with your children". I nodded yes and said "I miss them so much". Harlem smiled a little and said "it must be nice to have a family that actually loves you". I put my hand on Harlem's shoulder and said "you know I'm sure you'll find someone that will love you in the future". Harlem thanked me and we continued to walk and ride our horse back home.

Night Time

I got off my horse as everyone began putting up tents and setting up fires. I rubbed my belly and smiled as i felt a kick. Aurora came up to me and said "y/n Jane has asked for you to go into her tent". I got up and walked into Jane's tent where she was sitting on her small bed. I asked "is there something wrong Jane". Jane said "there is something I need to tell you. Come and sit next to me". I sat down next to Jane and asked "ok what's wrong". Jane said "it's about your parents. I need to tell you about them". I had a confused look on my face as jane continued "y/n your father had another child by your mother. I'm sure you met him. His name is Andrew and he works at the orphanage". I looked up at Jane said "Andrew is my brother". Jane said "yes. Your father and mother have found out about you and your family. They have since then been trying to find you. Where they are now, a fey's wing would probably sell for 10 gold a pair". I said "I am not going to let people I don't know try and take away my family". Jane said "I know. Also I should tell you about Borra". I asked with worry in my voice "what's wrong with Borra". Jane said "he has lost his memory. He doesn't remember you, Oliver, me and Udo". I asked with tears building up "so now what, now that Borra doesn't remember me". Jane said with a little smile "don't worry, someone has decided to help us get his memory back". I asked "what's this person's name". Jane said "her name is Kiu and the one outside with red and purple hair is Ema. Their protect is the giant who is Pher". I hugged Jane as she said "by tomorrow we should be back in Ulstead and there Borra's memory will be restored". I said "thanks mom". Jane hugged me back and said "your welcome my daughter".

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