The escape

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Your POV

Me and oliver had finally finished planning my escape and now all we had to do was wait. Oliver said "ok I'm going to go down into the basement, tell them you have the plague, then tale you to Ulstead. Does that sound good". I said "it sounds fine, I'll wait by the front door". After that Oliver went to the basement.

Oliver POV

I speed walked to the basement and said " Andrew, May has the plague". Everyone gasped and Wendy screamed "then take her away. Neither of you come back until she is cured". I then looked at Andrew for an answer and he said "like Wendy said dont come back until she is cured". I nodded my head and ran up the stairs and all the way to the front door where y/n was waiting. I said "ok let's go". Then we left the orphanage and got on a brown horse that was waiting outside.

Your POV

I was just about to fall asleep when Oliver asked "y/n did you think about what I said". I said "yes, a little". Oliver sighed and said "I understand if you won't allow me to adopt you. No one would blame you. I never protected you". I said " even though you didn't protect me, you still have been more of father to me then my real one". Oliver said "so what is your answer". I took a deep breath and said "when we get to Ulstead, there I will make my decision ok". Oliver said "I'm ok that". We then continued to ride and after a few minutes I fell asleep.

In the morning
Borra POV

"Daddy wake up. I'm hungery" I heard y/d/n say as shook my arm. I sat up and said "ok, where is your brother". She then pointed to y/s/n how was sitting infront of me playing with the same rat from the other day. I said "y/s/n why do you still have that rat". He turned to me and said "he's my friend". I rolled my eyes and said "I'm going to make you two some breakfast, stay here". I then got up and walked to the kitchen where I made some eggs and sliced apples for my children. After I gave it to my children I then felt a knot in my stomach. As if y/n was close by.

Your POV

I woke up to Oliver staring at something infront of him. I said "why did we stop". Oliver turned and said "we can't go to Ulstead, not today at least". I said "what, why. What's going on Oliver". Oliver said "someone has sent scouts around Ulstead". I said "ok". Oliver said "these are assassin scouts. If they see us they will kill us". Then Oliver turned the horse and we hid in some bushes. I looked at one of the scouts and saw that there was a circular mark with a cross in the middle. I said "oliver that mark on the scouts, do you know where they are from". Oliver looked and said "oh God. They are from Ivanka. Andrew said that Ivanka was planning a war against Ulstead". I said "we need to get into Ulstead and warn Aurora and Phillip". Oliver said "we need to wai-". I saw out the corner of my eye Oliver fall to the ground. I turned to see one of the assassins hold a crossbow at Oliver then he turned it to me. I screamed "please dont kill me, i promise i won't tell anyone". Then I felt him hit me in the head with the same crossbow.

Back at the orphanage
Andrew POV

I sat on a chair looking at the records of all the children to see how many children we had. I then came across and old record from almost 6 years ago. I went to put it back when I saw a familiar face on the record. It looked closer and saw that it looked like May. It then came to me that May was not may but a girl named y/n. She was brought here by Oliver when she was a newborn and had lived here ever since. I smiled to myself and then I screamed "HENRY, WENDY GET IN HERE". Then Henry and Wendy came in. Henry then said "Andrew we are about to leave as you ask". I said "do either of you know a girl named y/n". Wendy said "a few years ago there was a girl named y/n. Why do you ask". I said "because it turns out May and y/n are the same person". Wendy said "so what do you want us to do". I said "Oliver knew and I dont think y/n had the plague or else Oliver would not have asked to take her away. When you two get to Ivanka tell the king that Ulstead is planning a attack on them. Then I wont matter hoe much gold I give them. We will still be safe. No go". Henry and Wendy nodded and then left. I said "dad was right, me and y/n do look alike".

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