Getting back to normal

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Your POV

I was sitting at the top of the mountain one early morning watching as Ulstead was almost done being rebuilt. Y/d/n and y/s/n were playing with one another next to me. Borra was sitting next to me, rubbing my stomach. Borra said "I'm glad that you and the baby are ok". I playfully rolled my eyes and said "Borra you've said that everyday for a 3 week ever since I came back". Borra nuzzled his head into my neck and said "I know but I'm still a little shaken by everything that has happened to us. I forgot about you and the baby. Ulstead got destroyed. Everything was falling apart in front of me and I couldn't do a thing to stop it". I said "I'm still shaken to but at least we are all ok. I thought that you, y/d/n, and y/s/n were dead. At that point in time I felt that I shouldn't return". Borra kissed my cheek and said "y/n I love you". I smiled and said "I love you too". Y/d/n came up to me and asked "can we go to the castle". I smiled and said "sure". Udo walked up on the mountain and asked "is it ok if I join you". Borra said "of course". We all began walking towards the castle of Ulstead. I smiled as all the fairies were helping with the rebuilding Ulstead. Udo said "the day after the attack on Ulstead everything went dark. Everyone was to scared to go outside. Philip seemed broken after he heard that Aurora and you were taken. He went pale and barely ate or slept. The moors began to die because the same happened Maleficent". I said "that's awful". Udo said "yea I know. Borra had forgotten about you and the only people he remembered were his children. I feared that it would get worse and he wouldn't even remember them". Borra rubbed the back of his neck and said "yea me too but I'm glad that I was able to at least remember my children". I smiled and said "did anything else happen while I was gone". Udo said with a little smile "well your mother or aunt opened a portal in order to bring Ema, Kiu, and Pher here". I said "well looks like I missed a lot". Udo asked "so what happened in Ivanka". I said as I frowned my eyebrows "well there, the queen always made me do labor not even caring that I was pregnant. She didn't believe that I was pregnant until my stomach began to swell up. Her sons beside Harlem the third was always trying to sleep with me and Aurora but they never got the chance to". Udo put one of his hands on my shoulder and asked "that sounds horrible. Are you ok y/n". I said "yes I'm fine". We made it to the river that separated the moors and Ulstead. I asked "why haven't they built a bridge here yet". Udo said "they are planning on it soon". Borra picked me up bridal style and Udo picked up y/d/n and y/s/n then we all flew over to Ulstead. Borra put me down and I began looking around. Everything was getting back to normal, people were walking around, guards and fairies helped finish the remaining destruction left behind. We walked towards the castle wall and walked inside the castle. Once we were inside the castle, we were greeted by Aurora and Philip who were chatting and laughing at one another. I said "hello Aurora, Philip". Philip smiled at me and said "hello y/n, I'm glad you and your family is ok". I smiled and said "me too. How are you two". Aurora said while giving me a hug "well me and Philip are fine but guess what". I asked with a small smile "what is it Aurora". Aurora said with a huge smile "I'm with child". We cheered with one another as Philip, Borra, and Udo watched us. I said "I'm so happy for you Aurora". Aurora said "thank you". Y/d/n came up to me and said "mummy when the baby going to arrive". I turned to face y/d/n and said "soon". Y/d/n smiled and went over to Borra. Borra asked "y/d/n do you want a little brother or a little sister". Y/d/n said "um a sister". Y/s/n stood up and said "brother". Borra said "well you can't have both". I said "or maybe they can if I have twins and one comes out to be a boy and girl". Borra said "that's likely not going to happen". I rolled my eyes and turned when I heard footsteps. It was Jane and Oliver walking towards us. Jane said "morning everyone". I smiled and said "morning Jane". Oliver said "Ulstead is finished being built". Aurora clapped her hand together and said "that's wonderful". I asked "where is Maleficent". Aurora said "she is sleeping. Ever Since you and I were taken, Maleficent never slept". I then asked "what about Harlem the third and his family. Where are they". Jane said "The king is staying here in Ulstead with us. His family however are down in the dungeon". Aurora asked "what about their kingdom". Jane said "Harlem the third is going back to Ivanka where he shall rule a true king". Borra asked "what about those three people from the realm that gave me back my memory". Jane smiled and said "they have chosen to stay in the moors among us". I smiled knowing that everything will be great again. Then I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and felt my water broke. I knew this pain too well. I pushed myself against the castle wall and said "my water broke". Everyone began to panic, especially Borra who was as white as a ghost. Udo took y/d/n and y/s/n to go play outside. Aurora and Jane helped me to a guest room. Borra and Oliver were running around like a dog that lost his tail. Once I was lying down on the bed Borra came it a bit more calmer along with Oliver. Together Aurora, Jane, Borra, Oliver, and I waited for the baby to arrives.

Time skipped(because your author doesn't feel like writing it so we'll get to the good part)

Borra POV

I was holding y/n's as she gave birth. Even though this was not the first time she's given birth, I still felt that it was my fault for her being in this much pain. I still feel the guilt from the first time she was pregnant. I didn't tell her what would happen after we mated until she was pregnant. I'm glad she forgave me for what I did. Then I heard the cries of a baby and when I turned. Jane said "it's a girl". I smiled and said "y/n we have another little girl". Y/n smiled as she held our new born daughter. Y/n asked "can you bring in y/d/n and y/s/n". Aurora went and soon came back with Udo, y/d/n, and y/s/n. Y/d/n and y/s/n came up on the bed and sat next to their mother. Y/d/n said "is it a boy or girl". Y/n said "you have a baby sister". Y/s/n began to cry and I picked him up in order to clam him down. Soon he did and y/d/n asked "what's her name". Y/n thought about it a little and said "how about y/o/d/n(you other daughters name). I said "I love that name". I then brought y/n, y/d/n, y/s/n, and y/o/d/n into a big hug.

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