War begins now

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Your POV

I'm were now 8 months pregnant , soon to be 9 months. For the past 6 months i've have been able to escape harsh labor thanks to Harlem the third. For some reason I don't see him as a threat unlike his family. His father is so snarky to me and the other maids if we did something wrong. His mother is just as worse as his father. All she ever does is drink tea and chat with her lord friends. I'm sure the only reason she talks to her 'friends' is because they are the only ones who can tolerate her ignorance. His brother Luke has been trying to get me and Aurora alone with him. It's creepy because he knows that Aurora is suppose to marry Harlem the third but he doesn't really care. His other brother Leo is just as worst, he sleeps with almost every maid in the castle. He has tried to make advances towards me but I wouldn't let him. Harlem the third and Aurora are suppose to get married tonight, I am going to be the maid of honor. "Aurora, I know your upset about this but don't worry. I have a plan" I said as I braided Aurora's hair for the wedding which was in a few hours." But i'm with Philp not Harlem. Harlem is a nice man but I don't love him" Aurora said as she wiped away one of her tears."Aurora, we both have lost our families but remember we have each other" I said trying to hold back my own tears."So what is your plan" Aurora asked."After the wedding, during the after party I'll sneak you out of castle and from there a horse will be waiting for you. You will ride back to Ulstead" I said as I finished her hair. Aurora turned to me and said "wait what. Your not coming with me". I nodded my head no and said "I have nothing left back in the moors but you have two kingdoms to rule". Aurora said "but I can't let you stay here". I sighed and said "Aurora, your kingdom needs you more than I do". We heard a knock on the changing room door and Harlem the third ask "um...is it ok if I come in". Aurora said in a shaky voice "sure". Harlem the third opened the door and we he saw Aurora he said "as beautiful as you look, I can't marry you". Aurora turned to Harlem and said "same for me but what can we about the wedding". Harlem sat next to me and said "y/n told me about her plan and I'm helping with it". Aurora asked "did she tell you that she isn't coming with me". Harlem the third said "yes, I know. She is staying here with me. I will protect y/n and her baby". Aurora asked "wait, how does your family feel about dark fey". Harlem rubbed his fingers through his hair and said "they don't like anything under their royal stature. If they met a dark fey then they would probably let the scientist do experiments on them". I felt my heart hurt a little after he said those words. I rubbed one of my hands over my stomach and Harlem saw this then asked "is the child your carrying a dark fey y/n". I sighed and said "i'm not sure. It could be human or it could be dark fey". Harlem the third said with a panicked look on his face "then you can't be here when that baby arrives. My parents we probably kill it". I nodded my head and said "back home there is nothing left for me. My family is dead thanks to your father's ignorance". Harlem the third said "about 290 miles away there is a cabin I go to when I don't feel like dealing with my family. You should be safe there. No one knows about it". Aurora asked "and what about you Harlem". Harlem said "I'm going to demote myself from being royalty". I asked "how are you going to do that". Harlem the third said "i'm going to have myself arrested for treason. I'll steal my father's golden sword and destroy it. That should make him mad enough. After that I has hoping you would let me come with you back to your kingdom". Aurora smiled and said "you have been the nicest person in the castle. So I don't mind if you come with me". Aurora than turned to me and asked "are you sure you won't come with us". I nodded my head yes and said "thank you Harlem, don't worry I'll fine my own way out of the castle". Then a big boom sound filled the castle as all the windows broke. Harlem the third ran to the now broken window and said "it looks like someone is attacking the castle". Aurora asked "who". Harlem said "I see a giant woman with purple hair , a lot of knights are invading the castle wall, dark fey are flying above the castle and I see a black haired mage and redish-purplish haired girl fighting along with the giant". My heart stopped and I quickly ran towards the broken window. I began looking around and finally spotted my aunt. I smiled and said "Harlem, Aurora I see my aunt". Aurora then came to the broken window and said "those are my knights fighting and those are the fey". Then the castle shook from the giant girl who was stomping on Ivanka's knights. The changing room door flung open and Leo,Luke and a few other knights came into the room. Leo said "listen closely you two, one of you sent the enemies outside our location and I want to know which on of you was it". Harlem nodded his head no and said "it wasn't them". Luke turned to Harlem and asked "so you were the one who sent them our location". The shook again but this time I almost fell out of the window but manage not to. Leo smiled and said "well we only really need Aurora. Guards push her out of the window". Aurora stood behind me and shouted "please don't kill her, she didn't send them the location of Ivanka". Leo fouled his arms and said "y/n has never seemed to like me or Luke which is odd because who wouldn't want to be with a prince. Now out of the way". Leo pushed pass Aurora and Harlem shouted at his brother "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU LEO. HAVE YOU GONE MAD?". Luke came from behind Harlem and held him as Leo came closer to me. Leo grabbed me and began pushing me out of the window until finally he got the best of me and pushed me out of the broken window. I heard Aurora and Harlem scream my name as I plunged to the ground. I guess this is it. My life is about to come to an end. I'll get to be with my family again. We'll be in a safe place in heaven. I finally be able to rest alongside my children. I know I said that I needed to survive for the child that I carry now. I know deep inside that I'll never get over my family's death and it will continue to have a burden on me. So all I want now is for Aurora to take back Ulstead and the moors. I want everything to be peaceful once I'm gone. I love you Jane and Oliver. You two have been the only parents i've ever known. Now it's time for me to leave this world and join the next one to be with my children. 

Then I felt myself hit the ground and everything went black.

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