Chapter One

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I wasn't born into this family, I've been with them for what feels like forever, their ups and downs were my ups and downs. The birth of their baby boy Carl, arguments, and everything else that comes with a happy healthy marriage. Before I was apart of the family their very best friend Shane was, the guy I've liked since I was 14, but I knew it would be fine, because I've always known I'd grow up and move on.

I'm what life considers an angsty college student. I drink I talk back. I sleep with idiots. I've had my fair share of pregnancy scares. Although, somehow my world ended before I stepped out of school and it all began with a phone call from an unknown number while trying to get to class.

"Hello? Who's this?" I spoke playfully while I tied my shoes with one hand and grabbed my keys. I checked my bag once, twice, and a third time right as I stepped out the door.

"Y/n? It's Shane. I need you to come home now." Shane's voice sounded broken and shakey, to say the least he was distraught.

"I've got class- Shane what's going on?" I spoke fast and rushed into the parking lot looking for my truck. I fiddled with my keys trying to get the door open. It finally clicked and popped open.

"Baby, your dad. He's- he was shot." Shane's voice broke and I could paused I couldn't believe the words that were just said. The tears already began to line my eyes. I got in the truck and punched the steering wheel with a tear breaking down my cheek.

"I'll be there soon Shane. Just- I'll meet you at the hospital. What room?" I was angry, trying to keep steady was nearly impossible as he told me the information. Luckily for me I stayed in State for collage, being only 30 minutes away. I pulled into the parking lot and parked my truck what felt like a mile away. I began to run towards the entrance when suddenly two hands stopped me by grabbing my waist and pulling me back.

"Y/n stop." It was Shane. He'd caught me, trying to get me to calm down before I went any farther. "You have to go in with a level head." Shane held onto my tight, I lifted a hand to my face and wiped my eyes.

"I can't. I've gotta-" I let out a breath collecting my thoughts. "Shane, I need to see him." I tried pulling out of Shane's grasp but, it didn't work. Tears blurred my vision. He only held onto me tighter. I turned around in his arms and realized I was crying more than I thought. I reluctantly wrapped my arms around his neck and sobbed into his uniform.

"This is beautiful Y/n." Rick, my dad, smiled as he held the watch in his hands. "Thank you."

"Of course." I smiled and hugged him tight. Today he turned 25 and I got him a gold watch with both of them his children's names carved into it.

"I'll never take it off." He smiled as he put it on and traced his finger along the names. "It's beautiful."

Shane let go of me a minute later once I had calmed down. I kissed him on the cheek, like I always did when he hugged me. I turned around taking a deep breath we walked inside together both of us trying to keep our composure. We went to the hospital room where Carl and my Mom were sitting holding each other. Mom was holding Dad's hand as she sobbed.

"Mom?" I asked gently as I entered the room. When she turned around I quickly walked over to her and hugged both her and Carl from behind. Nothing was said, but we all knew we were there and that's what was important. I noticed he still had his watch on, it made me happy knowing he did.

After about 2 hours Carl was asleep and I was getting ready to leave. I decided on staying at my parents house for the rest of the week and called and explained to my professors what was going on. I wouldn't have cared eitherway, my dad is more important than school.

"Okay Mama, I'm gonna take Carl home. I'll stay with you guys for a while and watch the house while your here. Alright?" I said as I kissed her on the head. She nodded and smiled weakly.

Our relationship has always been rocky. We've never been really close or distant. We've always been able to smile, talk and do stuff together, but never about personal stuff. We've never argued, unless one of us is just hurt or, well, I'm making stupid choices.

"Love you kids." Mom smiled and hugged us both before saying goodbye. Shane was waiting outside of the room and I'm not sure for how long. I'd seen him walk out earlier, he was pretty beat up.

"I'll meet y'all at the house in a bit alright?" Shane picked up Carl and hugged him tight, Carl smiled as he was set down. Shane opened his arms to me, which I accepted graciously. I wrapped my arms around his neck and we stood their for a long minute. "Okay. You've gotta go now." Shane whispered in a low tone in my ear. I nodded and slowly let go.

"We - most likely just me - will see you in a little while. Bye officer." I kissed him on the cheek again. It'd become a habit by now.

~ two months later ~

"I have to find my family!" My voice broke and I was being held back by my best friend, Angelina.

"Y/n! It's just a night! We have to stay!" Angelina held my wrist and pulled me back into my room. Another nightmare, she always was there for me. When shit hit the fan I looked everywhere for Mom and Carl. They left before I could get there. I didn't know what else to do, so I went back to the school.

We stayed in the apartment and all the cellphones had gone down. I have tried over and over to contact my mom or Shane. I had faith they were together, I knew Shane, I knew he would take care of them. Being my fathers daughter, I kept a gun in my apartment, recently being gifted another one I have two. The dead came to life about a month ago. Angelina and I had only each other.

Right up until the moment she died, at least that's all I can assume. She just— well she never came back.

I've been alone for over a month, slowly running out of food and sanity.

Thump. Thump thump.

"Angelina?" I walked slowly and cautiously to the door. Once I was at the door, I peered through the looking hole and saw nothing. "Damnit." I scoffed as I spoke. My hands shook as I brought my tense hands away from the gun, I laid it down.

"Y/n?" A males voice spoke. I heard it and I damn well know I did. Then I heard it again. "Y/n?"

Thump. Thump thump.

"Who- who is it?" I grabbed my gun off the coffee table and held it up as I put my hand on the door handle. I slowly opened the door and was amazed at what I saw. "Shane?" We both smiled bright. Shane then saw the gun.

"Holy damn, when did you start packing heat?" Shane smirked playfully and came inside I shut the door and locked it making sure to stay quiet as I did. As I turned around he hugged me tight picking me up and spinning me around.

"Shane!" I called to him when he pulled up in his Jeep. When he got out of the vehicle he came around and got on his knees to hug me.

"Hey princess!" His voice sounded so happy. "I missed your cute self." He poked my small nose and I giggled.

"You came back for my birthday!" I smiled my gap toothed smile. I kissed him on the cheek and he picked me up. My first friend at my new home.

"Shane!" I began laughing before thinking about my mom and Carl. He realized my face had went from happy to panic and set me down. "Mom. Carl... I don't think, Dad. How- how are they?" I looked up at Shane.

"Well you see..." He looked at me with a dim expression before cracking a smile. "They are perfect. They are 100% perfect." We both smiled as much as we could. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him tight. We held each other for a long while.


First chapter not to bad. I'm kinda proud of it. ❤️

Shane Walsh x reader (TWD fanfic) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now