Chapter Eighteen

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Shane's POV

"I'm coming with you." Andrea followed me around some headstones in front of the church.

"I don't know what the hell you're talking about." I shrugged it off, I didn't want to take another person with Y/n and I. Especially not Andrea, they openly don't like one another and I'm not gonna risk that cat fight.

"I'm not stupid, and I'm certainly not deaf." She continued to follow me farther and father out. "Look, I don't know the story-"

"There is not story." I finally started to understand why Y/N doesn't like her.

"Fine, I don't care. Don't confuse me with someone who does, all I care about is getting out of here. As far away as I can. Like you." As she was talking she grabbed my arm and stopped me. She was pleading with me to let her come.

"We gonna all sail off into the sunset together? Gotta hold hands?" I smiled at my own comment, I knew Y/N would giggle at it. In the silent way she does when she's trying to be serious.

"I'm not asking you to go steady Shane, I'm asking you for a ride. A chance to start over somewhere else." She huffed out a breath. "You observe this group lately? I have. I see two people who don't belong we're the odd men out. Between the two of us we make a great third wheel."

"So what? Say we do- y/n included because I ain't leaving' her behind." I sighed and looked at her annoyed. "We run off, what's in it for me? 'Cept for the extra ass I got to cover."

"The chance to do something for someone else and a door that swings both ways. Put a gun in my hand I'll cover your ass too." She looked past me and spotted someone before running off like a lunatic. "Think it over." I rolled my eyes, there was no way in hell I was taking Andrea with Y/N and I. Hell, if I did I'd ruin the perfect little thing her and I got goin' on and I refuse to do that. I took a deep breath and turned around, I saw Rick and store that way. He seemed stressed, I figured I might as well figure out what our next course of action is.

"Gotta move here man. These people are spent, there's only so many hours of daylight left, still got a long way back." I tried to reason with Rick to go back to camp, figure we all need a rest at this point.

"Can't stop yet." Rick refuses eye contact and kept looking ahead of him.

"We still got a lot of ground to cover, whole other side of the creek bed. Search that on the way back." I explained my idea.

"She coulda heard those church bells, she could be near by." Rick finally looked at me.

"She could be a lot of things." I knew my mistake in words once I said it.

"I can't go back, her being out here is my fault." Rick explained, I knew exactly how he felt. I also knew that Y/N was out here too and she doesn't feel like it's her fault.

"That's great, now I've got you doubting yourself." I sighed.

"What about you? You doubt me?" He was trying to put his focus elsewhere.

"We can assign all kinds of blame."

"This means something. Finding her. This could be the miracle we need. We can't give up." Rick knew he had upset me. So I blew it off. I wasn't going to bring Y/N into this. I pat him on the back and looked at the odd number group, Y/N was nowhere to be seen. I swallowed my instinct to ask where she was and just focused on the task.

"Y'all gotta follow the creek bed back, Daryl your in charge. Me n' Rick we are just gonna hang back search this are another hour or so, just be thorough'." I looked around the group looking back at the church.

"You're splittin' is up. You sure?" Daryl question and made sure it was smart.

"I think it's good. There is enough of us headed back to the highway that we can defend ourselves. Ain't gotta worry bout' the boys. They are smart." Y/n spoke up she had snuck up behind the group when I wasn't paying attention. Her voice caught my attention and I smiled looking at her. She looked at me and turned red slightly and looked down at her feet. Slightly peeking up to see if I was still looking. Of course, I was.

"Yeah, we'll catch up to you." I nodded at Daryl. He nodded back and understood the chain.

"I wanna stay too." Carl spoke up and looked directly at me and Rick. "I'm her friend." Rick and I exchanged glances. I smiled to myself a bit, he showed absolute courage and strength.

"Just be careful okay?" Lori hugged Carl and said her goodbyes.

"I will." He smiled and hugged back. Ready to go. Rick kissed Lori and hugged her, real quick not letting it worry to much.

"I'll be along soon enough." Rick smiled at Lori. I grinned at Y/n and she turned red and scrunched her nose. I casually walked over to her and hugged her.

"Be safe alright?" Y/n whispered into my ear in a loving fashion. "Take care of Carl, If anything happens just know that. Well imma miss you." She kissed my cheek.

"Is that an I love you in Grimes?" I grinned at her. She nodded slightly red. "I love you too baby." I smiled at her and she looked at me in surprise then hugged me again. Saying the words just felt right. I never said that to any other woman before. Saying it to Y/N just make me feel whole and loved. We hugged for a minute before slowly letting go. "Be safe." I nodded as she ran off with the group.

"I love you boys!" Y/n yelled out to us, Rick and Carl figures she was just talking about them. I knew she wasn't though.

"We need to talk." Rick pulled me aside and we took Carl to go sit in the church. Rick and I stood outside while Carl went in.

"What's up man?" I raised my eye brows and leaned on the railing.

"Lori told me," Rick sighed. "What are you doing with my daughter?" I knew he'd find out eventually, finally he found out and I hadn't gotten punched which was a good sign.

"That's a conversation we need to have with her here. I don't get to decide what me and her are, before we are." I shook my head.

"No, I want your definition. What you feel, what you think." Rick sighed and opened the church a bit to check on Carl.

"I love her man." I smiled at my words. "I don't mean in the way I loved that one girl from high school back in the day, I mean love. Love in the love way. I mean yeah, she's 20. She's your daughter, but I love her. I do." I looked up to see Rick holding back a smile. "She's my other half."

"Okay." Rick kept his answer simple and I was confused. It was a typical Grimes move.

"Okay? What's that supposed to mean? No, you are dating my daughter I'm gonna best your ass?" I was completely shocked.

"Okay, I trust you." Rick smiled. And nodded at Carl. "Now give me a minute." He ushered Carl out to me. I looked over to see our group just barely leaving the Church field. Y/n was in the back, she was bouncing out of enjoyment. She'd been doing that since she was little, not many people noticed it. She gets excited and her step is bouncy and longer. She would step with a small hop. That, that's the girl I love and I can't believe her father is okay with it.


Authors note

This chapter I had so many slip us writing, I would write 'mom said' or 'dad and I' for Lori and Rick. Although it makes my heart sing so loud this chapter. It's so wholesome. ❤️

Stay safe

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