Chapter Five

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Shane and I walked back to camp hand in hand, I taught him how to play Twenty-One Questions, so we played as we walked.

"Wait so is it my turn now?" He pointed star himself and we laughed. I nodded and stepped over a rock. "Okay, well..." he thought for a moment. "Are you- actually I don't want to know that."

"What?" I looked at him questioning. "Oh. My. God! You are one of those guys!" I laughed and let go of his hand and made a fake disgusted face.

"One of what guys?" He squinted at me, before I could answer a twig broke beside us. "Go to camp, I'm pretty sure we got our second walker this week." He shooed me away. "Oh, and I still expect an answer later." He sent me a wink before walking off with his gun pointed towards the sound.

"Fine." I chuckled and hustled back to camp. I saw Carl and Sophia playing tick-tac-toe in the dirt together. As I reached the camp I saw Amy enter the RV and I saw everyone sitting around the fire. "Hey everybody."

"Y/n!" A slightly drunk Morales raised his beer towards me and laughed. Along with everyone else I chuckled. "How is our favorite college student?"

"I'm good," I smiled and took a seat next to my mom. "What about Glenn? He's a college student, right?" Everyone laughed and nodded.

"Hey guys we-" Amy began to talk as she left the camper before interrupting her own words with a scream. Andrea immediately took off after Amy as fast as she could, a gun raised to the walkers head.

"Mom! Carl!" I panic and grab my mom and Carl, I begin reaching for Sophia when her arm is grabbed by Carl before me. "Get to the RV!" I begin taking my small group to the RV grabbing the gun from my waist and shooting walkers.

"Y/n! Lori! Carl!" I hear someone calling, who I believe is Shane or my dad. Either way I continue to pop off the walkers surrounding the camp.

"Over here!" Carol and my mom yell at close to thesame time, as I assumed Shane ran over to us. I hadn't realized the group of people now gathered behind me. Morales and Shane had been yelling back and fourth as we popped off more and more walkers.

"Get inside the RV!" I cut off Shane I and backed up as I had everyone get in the RV. I suddenly heard gunfire from another direction. "Dad!" I say as cop uniform comes into view. I see Daryl, Glenn, and T-Dog come into view. I continue to pop off rounds until all the walkers are dead.

"Carl!" Dad hugs Carl while I look at Shane and hug him tight. He emerges himself into conversation with Carl and Mom.

"Y/n! Are you okay?" Glenn looks at me concerned as he speaks. I let go of Shane while smiling and nodding. We look over to see Andrea covered in Amy's blood holding her close. "She is gonna break..." Glenn makes an observation and then looks back at me.

"Yeah she is," I nod and Shane pats my back before walking away. "She will be fine though. That's what we have to believe, if we don't then she won't. Right?" I looked at Andrea and bit my lip.

"Right, now do we have and alcohol?" Glenn laughed while entering the RV, waving goodbye at me. I took a deep breath before approaching Andrea and Amy. I felt the sun slowly rise as I sat there next to them. All night we sat, just looking at Amy as her corpse faded away.
As the sun hit its peak in the sky we watched as everyone began to pick up bodies, Andrea just sat looking at Amy. Her voice empty, along with her heart. I'd gotten up and walked over to the group gathered by the fire pit.

"She won't move." I shrugged before wiping my blood covered hands on my pants. "Won't even speak. Grieving process I guess."

"Can't just leave her like that, outta do the same to her as the others. Burn the pre-dead, burry the fresh dead." Shane shook his head up and down with a stern look covering his whole face.

"I'll talk to her." Dad nodded and walked over there. By the time he approached her she had a gun aiming at him. They exchanged a few words before Dad backed away and Andrea set down her gun. Dad walked to the group and shook his head. Daryl walked off pissed and I followed him curious to what he thinks.

"What do you think?" I asked Daryl as he leaned back against the back of the RV.

"The girl is a time bomb. I suggest we take the shot. Clean, in the brain from here. Hell, I can hit a turkey between the eyes from here." Daryl looks at em for my opinion. I nod.

"I agree. Although, we should let her grieve in her way. She deserves it." Daryl nodded and smiled at me a bit. I had one more person on my side, good for me. I made my way around the camp checking on everyone that was to be checked on. I saw Jaccqi and Jim talking so I decided to walk over there.

"What's goin-" I notice some blood on Jim's shirt. "Jim, man. You good?"

"Yeah, just got some blood on me from the walkers." He shrugs it off his tone cool and calm but, his stance told me otherwise.

"You were bit." Jaccqi points out to me what I was already thinking. "Go on, show me."

"I'm fine." Jim's tone panicked along with his hands. He began to back up with his hands out. "Don't tell no one please."

"A walker got you!" I yelled out catching the attention of those around.

"A walker got Jim!" Jaccqi grabbed my hand and pulled me backwards. The men of the group began to circle around Jim.

"I'm fine! I promise!" Jim began to stumble refusing anyone to touch him. I see Shane motion to T-Dog and Daryl. I watched as Jim grabbed for the shovel on the ground and winced in pain as he did.

"Easy Jim." Shane began to inches towards Jim. Jim as expected took a step back, unexpectedly he tripped. T-Dog with a reaction quicker than lightning caught him while the shovel fell to the ground. Daryl lifted up Jim's shirt to find a deep wound bleeding everywhere.

"I'm okay. I'm okay. I'm okay. I'm okay." Jim began to repeat his words over and over.

"Oh my god." I gag and walk away, Carl and Sophia following me. I walk to the RV and open the fridge and grab a water.

"Y/n?" Sophia sits down on the couch portion. Her eyes sparkling as she does. I nod and raise my eye brows as Carl slides in next to her. "Is Jim going to die?" She looked down at her hands.

"You have to ask your mother." I smiled at Sophia as I kneeled one front of the table. She nodded and I saw as tears filled her eyes. "Go ahead. Run along now." I stood up and wiggled my nose, sniffling a bit.

I held my bunny as I sobbed, I watched as my home slowly left my sight. The feeling of the moving vehicle made me more upset than calm. My eyesight blurred with tears, I was breaking.

"Y/n. You are going to a new home now." Ms. Linda put her hand on my shoulder before lowering her head in silence. "Sit normally now honey. Remember last time."

"Yes m'am." I sat down normally on the seat and pressed on my knee where a bruise was. "Can I ask a question?" My voice slurred a bit. I looked at Ms. Linda who wiped under eyes and then looked at me.

"Of course honey." She smiled, and blinked a bit.

"Is my new family nice?" I sniffled and wiped my eyes. "Dad wasn't. He smelt like old apples."

"You will be able to tell me when you meet them right?" She smiled and held my hand. "Come 'ere kiddo." Ms. Linda had me scoot close and she wrapped an arm around my shoulder, allowing me to fall asleep.

Authors note

Okay, so now we know a bit more about y/n's past. I think we are making progress. Hope y'all enjoyed ❤️

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