Chapter Twenty

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Shane and I sat in front of the truck he pulled up in waiting for Carl to come out of surgery. I leaned against him listening to his rapid breaths, he was gently playing with end strands of my hair.

"Y/n, Shane?" Dad sat on the porch only a meter and a half away. He motioned for us to come over and I sighed doing so. I got up and then Shane, he injured his leg while he was gone and now he had a slight limp. Nothing too bad though.

"Yeah?" I yawned as I stood in front of my parents, Shane took position leaning against the pole of the porch. Mom and Dad looked at one another and she nodded at him.

"Yes, I do know." Dad shrugged and looked at Shane. Letting out a sigh dad scratched his head. "Let me get just one thing straight," I swallowed at Dads words afraid he was going to say something I definitely didn't like. "How long?"

"As in... officially? Or how long we've liked each other?" I gulped my words and put my hands in my front pockets afraid of the answer I was about to get.

"Both." Mom chocked out. Her tone was fragile and disgusted.

"Officially about, I think-" I thought about it, I wasn't really sure.

"Three, maybe four days now." Shane interrupted my thought process. "Y'all know how long I've liked her." He smiled at me and mom pulled her face a bit.

"They know and I don't!" I had a shocked expression, completely stunned I stood back a moment. "That's just not fair." Shane grinned at me.

"Go on, answer their question." Shane smiled even bigger knowing he'd won the war. I rolled my eyes and looked directly at my dad.

"Since I was in Junior high." I could feel Shane's expression through the air. When I looked over it was as I expected, shocked but content. "Your turn Walsh." I turned towards him.

"Since you were about sixteen." He nodded as he did the calculations. "Yeah, about then." Suddenly I couldn't stop smiling, I felt like the whole world was fine and I had nothing to worry about. The door behind us opened and Hershel was the first out, followed by Glenn and Hershel's daughter Maggie.

"He seems to have stabilized." Hershel smiled while presenting us with the news.

"Oh god." Dad exhaled heavily, I hugged Shane tight as dad did Hershel.

"I don't have words." Mom smiled brighter than I'd seen her smile in a while. She clamped her hands together and cried a bit.

"I don't either, I wish I did." Hershel paused for a moment, "How do I tell Patricia about Otis?" His tone became serious and strong.

"You go to Carl. I'll go with Hershel." Dad sighed and nodded at us. Dad and Hershel went in before anyone else. I stood there with mom and Shane for a minute.

"Go mom, Carl will want to see his mother first when he wakes up." I smiled and she simply shrugged me off. "Mom, I don't care what you think okay. Just don't let it affect my baby brothers life." I sighed and kissed Shane on the cheek before going inside. I was fired up on my toes and ready to go. I noticed the canned food we brought sitting on the counter and I smiled. I forgot Glenn offered to carry it. I smiled and walked into the bedroom where Carl laid. I held is hand and curled up in a chair. I could faintly hear sobbing in the next room, I figured it was Patricia crying about Otis. Probably blaming Shane.

"Y/n?" I heard someone's voice peek into the room. I turned to see it was Maggie. I smiled at her and she smiled back. "I sent Shane to shower, figured now'd be the time to talk to you."

"What about?" I moved my legs a bit to refuse them from stiffening up.

"That Glenn guy, I noticed earlier y'all were with I think two more people..." her voice trailed of looking down. "Secret is, I think he's kinda cute. Situation?" Maggie's face lit up a bit. I laughed and she turned red.

Shane Walsh x reader (TWD fanfic) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now