Chapter Eleven

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Jenner lead us into a big control looking room, I held my coffee in one hand and had the other interlocked with Shane's. He held a firm grip on my hand, he was staring down Jenner and someone else his eyes flickered between the two but, I couldn't tell who the other person was. I figured it was either my mom or dad. Considering he didn't agree with all of either of their decisions.

"Give me a playback of TS-19." Jenner yelled out as he leaned on a console, the big screen lit up.

"Playback of TS-19." a woman's voice played, who I assumed to be VI.

"Few people ever got a chance to see this. Very few." Jenner pointed out to us, the screen had a brain on it. Carl said something , but I was to far away to hear. "An extraordinary one. Not that it matters in the end. Take us in for E.I.V." The screen changed to show the upper shoulders and head of the subject. The screen moves to a horizontal view then increases to a more detailed and clear view of the brain its self, there are bright blue threads of energy running through each strand of the brain, some areas seemed denser than others. The image becomes closer and the lights are distinguished.

"What are those lights?" Shane gripped my hand tighter, he was frightened and didn't want anyone to see.

"Those are synapes. Electric impulses in the brain that carry all the messages. They determine everything a person says does or thinks from the moment of birth to the moment of death." Jenner seemed sad as he watched the screen.

"Who is this?" Andrea stepped forward towards Jenner, with an emotion between hurt and scared.

"Test subject 19. Someone who was bitten and infected... she volunteered to have us record the process, VI scan forward to the first event." Jenner turned around to look at everyone we all watched the screen intensely. The brain had lights still flickering in the outer area of the brain, but the center had become dark, black roots looked to be growing inside.

"What was that?" Glenn pulled himself back from the leaning position he was in, we all grew tense.

"It invades the brain, like termites. The brain goes into shut down, then the major organs." The brain goes completely black. "Everything you ever were or ever will be is... gone." Jenner explains. Andrea beings to sob catching Jenner's attention, she falls to the floor Jacqui holds her attempting to comfort her.

"She lost her sister two days ago." Jacqui gives a sad look to Jenner.

"I lost someone too, I know how devastating it can be. VI, scan to second event." Jenner swallows. I find myself in front of Shane with his arms wrapped completely around my mid section, the railing was holding him up. He held me up. The brain has a red glow flickering at the base, random red sparks shoot our into the larger area of the brain, it stays mostly dark. No red grows further.

"It restarts the brain?" Mom says as she pulls Carl closer to her.

"No, just the brain stem, gets them moving. Dark, lifeless, dead. The frontal lobe, the human part. That doesn't come back. The you part," he emphasis 'you', "Just a shell driven by mindless instinct." Jenner looks down and goes to slam his hand against the console but, doesn't. The subject moves and opens its mouth, a gun appears and the patient gets shot. "VI power down the main screen and the workstations."

"No one knows what is is, wrath of god maybe?" Jaccqui sighs as she brings herself and Andrea to stand. Jenner nods and I cling to Shane, I turn around in his arms hugging him tight.

"Doctor Jenner, I know this has been taxing for you and I hate to ask one more question but," Dale pauses, "What happens when that clock hits zero?"

"The basement generators, they run out of fuel." Suddenly Jenner beings to head for the door.

"And then?" Dad steps up following Jenner. He is ignored. "VI what happens when the power runs out?"

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