Chapter Twenty-Nine

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I didn't attend the funeral the next morning. I laid in the tent looking at the the sides. I couldn't bring myself to get up. Shane went for the both of us. Around high noon Shane was back at the tent.

"We're moving into the house for winter." Shane sat next to me. I just nodded and stayed staring at the wall. "Alright that's it. Your done." Shane rolled me onto my back and hovered over me.

"What?" I looked at Shane blank.

"You are getting up. So but on a shirt and pants or I'll drag you out there in what you are wearing." Shane was being completely serious. I rolled my eyes and tried to roll back over, tried to. I was pulled onto my back by Shane. "What did I just say?" He pushed his lips together sternly. I huffed.

"No. I don't want to get up today." I pushed Shane off me and as I expected he picked me up. "Shane. Put me done right now." I was frustrated.

"You going to put clothes on?" Shane smirked at me. I gave in and nodded. "Good, then you can help me out." Shane set me down and I put on some clothes. I left the tent with Shane, we collected all our things and got them ready to go. Shane already had tasks for us to do. He had a list of them. We started off by loading up the green car with wood.

"So we're moving into the house for winter? Just hope nothing bad happens?" I shrugged as I threw a plank into the trunk.

"Yeah, can you pull this thing forward a bit? Need more room." I nodded and opened the drivers side door. I heard Carl's voice and it distracted me.

"Hey Shane. Can I tell you something and you won't tell y/n or my parents?" Carl's voice was hopeful and empty at the same time. Shane leaned back and looked at me I nodded.

"I think it's probably a bad idea for both of us bud." Shane nodded at Carl and sighed. Carl nodded and started to walk away. Shane stopped him. "Hey Carl, c'mon back. Go on." Shane sat down on the edge of the trunk. I sat in the car and listened.

"I took it from Daryl's motorcycle." Carl held something up to Shane. I tried to look and see what it was from the drivers seat but I just couldn't. "If he found out I took it, he'd kill me."

"What you doing with this?" Shane investigates what it was. Carl paused.

"It's my fault. Dale. It's my fault that he died." Carl was firm and to the point.

"Carl, why would you say that man. Why you say-" Shane was confused.

"I saw that walker. I was gonna shoot it. It was stuck in the mud, I was throwing rocks at it and stuff. But I was gonna do it- shoot it right in the head. And it - it got free and came after me and I ran away. If I had killed it, Dale would still be here. And-" Carl's voice was pained and I could tell Shane was stunned.

"Carl, I want you to stop that okay? This ain't your fault. You need to hold onto this. You need to protect yourself. Now look, as long as I'm around you nothing's gonna happen to you Carl. I can't keep my eyes on you 24/7 only you can do that. Carl take it." Shane held out whatever Carl had given him.

"I'm never touching another gun again." Carl was frustrated.

"No, that ain't an option Carl, okay?" Shane raised his voice a bit.

"Just give it back to Daryl." Carl walked away. I got out of the car and walked around to Shane.

"Give it here, I'll do it." I held out my hand. Shane shook his head no.

"Let's get back to work." Shane smiled at me and we continued putting wood into the car. "I'm going to go up to the windmill, you go help load up the house." I smiled and nodded.

Shane Walsh x reader (TWD fanfic) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now