Chapter Twenty-One

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At the CDC we got shelter and showers. I got closer to Shane, in a variety of ways. We officially declared ourselves boyfriend and girlfriend. Of course we attempted to hide it, Shane could have slipped or mom just figured it out. Dad was in fact clueless until mom said otherwise. After the CDC we traveled towards Fort Benning, one hundred twenty-five miles the other direction. We knew we could make it eventually. We reached a highway that was a complete traffic snarl, we scavenged for food and found plenty of water. We were on the highway when a huge herd of walkers can through, we hid under vehicles and waited until they strode past us. Sophia, she poked out early and got chased into the forest by two walkers. Dad and I did our best to have them stay but, we couldn't do much. Sophia is lost in the forest somewhere. Shane, Dad, and Carl were out in the woods and Carl got shot by a man named Otis. They ran to a farm where they met a doctor Hershel Greene and his family. They saved Carl, Otis tragically got killed. But, right now everything is fine.

Recap end

We stood around the hood of the cruiser and talked as we decided a plan on how to go ahead with finding Sophia. Maggie had found a map of the surrounding area.

"We'll grid the whole area, start searching in teams." Dad was determined to get this right.

"Not you, not today. You have three units of blood you wouldn't be hiking five minutes in this heat before passing out." Hershel drew his attention to dad and Shane. "And your ankle- push it now. You'll be laid up a month. No good to anybody."

"Guess it's just me. I'm gonna head back to the creek, work my way from there." Daryl pointed out on the map and nodded at Dad.

"I can still be useful. I'll drive up to the interstate see if Sophia wondered back." Shane nodded and looked at me.

"Alright, tomorrow then. We'll start doing this right." Dad nodded and gave a look at Shane and I.

"That means we can't have our people out there with just knives. They need the gun training we've been promising them." I smiled at Hershel who grew a worried look on his face.

"I'd prefer you not carrying guns on my property. We've made it so far without turning this into an armed camp." Hershel stayed calm but stern.

"All due respect, you get a crowd of those things wandering in here-" Shane started talking before dad cut him off.

"We're guests here, this is your property and we will respect that." Dad emphasized 'will.' He pulled out his revolver and set it on top of the map. Shane rolled his head back and pulled out his gun doing the same thing. They both looked at me and I looked up at the sky and sighed. Pulling out my gun I set it on the map as well. "First things first: set camp, find Sophia."

"Hate to be the one to ask," I sighed. "What if we find her and she's bit."

"Think we should all be clear on how to handle that." Shane put an arm around my shoulders and leaned on me a bit.

"You do what has to be done." Dad sighed.

"And her mother, what do you tell her?" Maggie looked at dad with slight anger.

"The truth." Andrea looked at Maggie then Hershel. Shane grabbed his gun and put it back in his holster. He scrunched his nose.

"I'll gather and secure all the weapons, make sure no ones carrying 'til we have a range set off site. I do request one rifleman on lookout. Dale's got experience." Shane nods at Hershel and silence fills the small group for a moment.

"Our people would feel safer. Less inclined to carry a gun." Dad licked his lips and nodded at Hershel. A small nod cane from Hershels direction. "Thank you."

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