Chapter Seventeen

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I walked around outside by myself looking for anything and everything that could possibly be useful. As I assumed I found nothing. Eventually I just decided to kick my feet around and do whatever. I just thought to myself and stayed calm about it. Looking around I saw Mom and Shane talking. I looked over to see Andrea sitting and listening. I came over and squatted next to her doing the same thing.

"Think it's best for all of us?" Shane wasn't looking at her, just looking aimlessly in the woods.

"I think it is." Mom shot back, she was farther away but still close enough to hear. "What made you decide?"

"Gotta back away just trying to be the good guy here Lori, even if you don't see it. None of this was intended, I hope you know that." Shane sighed and kicked his foot a bit. "It don't matter long as I said it."

"You just gonna disappear? You're not gonna tell Rick or Y/n?" Mom lowered her voice but, not enough.

"You can try to stop me, that's on you." Shane cleared his throat, "Tell him if you want, or tell him nothing at all. Your his wife."

"And Carl? We dragged him into this. What about Y/N, you know for damn sure she'd be broken without you." Mom was practically begging.

"I love Carl, you know that." Shane kept ignoring the part about me.

"He thinks you hate him."

"Tryin' to put some distance. I'm trying to make this easier, this ain't easy on any of us-" Shane lowered his voice so it was in auditable.

"What about y/n? What's she gonna do without you?" Mom was gonna break.

"I- I intend on taking her with. If she don't wanna go, well. I don't know." Shane's voice shook a bit, but he held his ground. As mom walked away and he turned around I walked away quickly and then turned around and walked back, trying to seem like I wasn't listening. Andrea on the other hand just stood and listened not moving at all. I looked at Shane who smiled when he saw me. "Y/n, c'mere."

"Coming!" I smiled and jogged up to him. "What's up?" He put an arm around my shoulder and walked of with me.

"I know you were listening, you aren't good at sneaking." He smiled and kissed me on the head. I smiled a bit in defeat.

"Only all of it." I looked up at him. "One question though." I stopped walking and looked at him. He smiled and nodded. "What exactly didn't you intend?" He thought for a moment.

"You, me." He swallowed hard. "I had promised your parents back when you turned 18, that I'd never, never ever, claim you as a girlfriend unless you had felt the exact same and you were out of college." He sighed and grabbed my hand, slowly rubbing his thumb anxiously against the back of my hand.

"You followed your promise." I smiled. "Technically, I'm out of college. I sure as hell feel the exact same." Shane began to speak but, I held my finger up to stop him. "I'm not entirely sure how you feel, but I know how I do. Maybe we aren't perfect, but I don't care. I'm old enough to make my own damn decisions. A promise you made with my mother and father two years ago, means nothing to me or the end of the world. Okay?" I huffed our a breath after rambling. Shane's face was smiling brighter than I'd ever seen, he lifted up my chin and kissed me. Gentle and slow, but more importantly passionately. We stood there for about two minutes, before pulling away.

"That's how I feel," Shane kissed my head. "If you need clarification I will happily explain in words how I feel, and then hope to god I don't embarrass myself by doing so." I smiled and nodded.

"I think I understand." I licked my lips. "But I'd never object to another non-verbal explanation."

"Okay, fine." Shane kissed me again with a smile all over him. We held for a minute before pulling away. "Ya know, this sneaking around Ranger Rick shit is kinda amazing."

"Yeah, you could say that." I smiled and hugged Shane. We stood there smiling. I let go first and he groaned because he didn't want to. "Alright, let me go check on the adults." Shawn laughed and I kissed him on the cheek before walking away. As I walked away Andrea came towards Shane from another direction. I figure she was watching us and waiting for us to go our separate ways. I jogged back to the church and looked around to see if I could find anyone. Of course I found my dad first.

"Y/n," dad smiled as he saw me. "Come talk to me." He held is hand out gesturing for me to come talk to him. "What are your thoughts on going and finding Sophia?" I was stunned, he finally asked my opinion instead of doing things his own way.

"Well- I..." I thought for a moment. "I'd make this more organized, those walkers we saw on the highway... there's no way in hell they haven't grown bigger and maybe even closer if they heard those bells too. Might be what drew them over towards here in the first place." I scrunched my nose up and thought. "If we split up, two groups. Couple of us stay here, Sophia could have heard those bells. The rest are taken back. Then couple from that group go out lookin' again."

"Our best bet is to always have someone with us." He smiled and hugged me. "I'll take that into consideration. One more thing." Dad paused, "your mother is worried about you. Said you are still a child." He ruffled my hair. "She's wrong, but I never said that." He smiled bright. I smiled back and jogged off toward the church. Figured I might as well say my piece while I can. Never know when I'll get the chance again. As I end there's the church the only person inside was in fact Daryl. He sat in the front looking up at the cross like he was trying to figure something out. I shut the door behind me to let him know I was there. He turned around and nodded at me. Nothing else. I sat in the back row and mumbled to myself.

"Please God. Help us find Sophia. She is just a kid and deserves a chance in this world. Let dad be welcoming me to Shane and I's relationship. I'm not really sure house this works, but I'm begging of you to please let this all go smooth. Maybe this world is your wrath on humans for taking advantage of this earth. Maybe you just mixed the wrong things together. I'm just begging you to let this go smooth, I want to live in peace with this world. Maybe find somewhere calm and okay to stay for a while. Make everything alright. Just please..." my voice broke. "I don't want to live in this world without Shane... I don't want to do this bullshit alone. So if there is anything you end up doing for me- make him stay alive for me. Even if that is selfish to say, just please."


Authors note

The next chapter is in Shane's POV as requested❤️

Stay safe

Shane Walsh x reader (TWD fanfic) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now