1. The Beginning

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This party was getting kinda boring. Well, this party is actually really boring. At least for me. I shouldn't have came. I didn't want to come. I'd rather stay at home. But my mom forced me since we're celebrating my cousin's birthday. My cousin, Annie, whom I haven't talked to in years. Apparently my mom thinks I need to socialize with people and get out of the house more.

Well, guess what, mom, I've been sitting in a corner alone for two hours, sipping air from my empty cup, while staring at these girls and how they had fun. Yes, I said girls. There were just girls here. That only adds up to the boredom that this party is. All they've been doing all night was playing fucking table games while listening to some beautiful relaxing music. How exciting.

Suddenly, the door bell rang and my cousin got up, but before she could go see who was at the door, some other girl stopped her and said she'll do it.

While my cousin stood there wondering what this was about, the rest of them were giggling under their breaths and even elbowing each other in excitement, as if they knew something my cousin and I weren't aware of. Well, now I was excited too.

We were all straining our necks trying to get a sneak peek of who was at the door, since we couldn't see from the living room. I was about to fall from my seat trying to figure out what was going on, when someone finally appeared in our sight. My heart stopped.

In front of us there were two policemen, although I saw only one and an elbow of the other. I expected everyone to start freaking out and tryto escape, but instead they all stared at them, as if they were anticipating something. Were they actually on drugs and I didn't notice? Is that why these guys came here?

"Everybody stop what you're doing and put your hands where I can see them!" said one of the policemen, pointing at us with his baton. Annie and I threw our hands up quickly, but the rest did it slowly, some of them even laughing a little. Only me and my cousin seemed about to pass out.

"We've been informed of the commitment of a crime in here and we can now both confirm it with our own eyes!" he continued and I gaped in disbelief. A crime? What crime?! We're drinking fucking apple juice! What the hell is this?!

"This is clearly a 098, a case of a fucking boring party!" WHAT?! Well... I mean, ok, he isn't wrong though... "And we are both about to change that fact right now! Hit it!" the other guy took a speaker out of nowhere and started playing music.

What, are they actually magicians? Wow, that suited this amazing party. But judging by the music, they didn't seem like magicians... the rest of the girls started clapping and cheering on them. Okaaay...?

The policeman left the speaker on a table and then they both entered the living room. They took out their batons slowly and looked at the girls they passed by with a glare. But not quite a normal glare, more like a... sexy kind of glare? You know, the naughty kind of glare...

As soon as they were in the middle of the room they dropped their batons. Right now I was really open minded and would take whatever was coming my way. But I definitely wasn't expecting what was coming my way.

Before I could process what's going on, they both took a hold of their pants, ripped them open and threw them in the air. And yes, one of those pants landed on my face. I was so shocked I didn't even remove the piece of clothing from my head.

Oh. My. God. So it was this kind of a show they were putting on! Not in a million years I would have expected these girls to actually bring strippers here. I was getting so excited I felt my hands trembling. After composing myself, I finally took the pair of pants off of my face and threw them on the ground. And my jaw dropped at the sight before me.

They were both on top of a table now, with their thighs in view and only thongs covering their noble parts. They were dancing in such a sexy way my cheeks started to burn. It wasn't even sexy in a dirty way, they moved really slowly, almost gracefully. I was so happy I started to laugh like a psycho. Fortunately, the music covered it, but some girl stared at me as if I was crazy. Well, can she really blame me for being a girl who appreciates a male body?

I focused on the guy who was closer to me. His thighs were so beautiful and muscular, I wanted him to wrap them around my neck and choke me with them. No, seriously. They were so fit they made me want to do something nasty with their owner.

Before I could look up at his face, he started opening his uniform shirt. With every button he opened, a little bit of his chest came in sight. I felt so hot, I could fry an egg on my forehead. And I was certain about one thing - the valley between his pectorals was the place I wanna live in for the rest of my life. Well... okay, never mind, now that I can see his abs I wouldn't mind living there either. He was thin but not too thin, fit but not too fit... I finally concluded that he was just perfect.

Okay, now I really should look at his face... no, wait, he turned around. Not that I mind. OMG, butts, my weakness! Kill me please! Suddenly, he started to bring down his shirt. OMG, backs, my other weakness! Yes, please!! His arms were so muscular I wanted to break something. Sorry, other guy, I can't look at you right now, this one's killing me! How in the world is this guy even real?!

As he kept on bringing down his shirt slowly, he revealed more and more of his back, and the difference between the width of his shoulders and hips made me have a philosophical debate with myself about the meaning of life. God, I want him so badly! Then he looked back and I could finally see his face. Wow, he's hot!

Wait... isn't that my neighbor...?

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