14. Shared Holidays

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He rolled his eyes pouting, so I turned back to my desk. "Not everything can be done with your super amazing abs and oh so great other muscles, Jimin. If you wanna treat me like I'm another one of your so called working experiences, then just leave already. I said I don't care what you do, I'm not interested in a fuckboy." he frowned at me. "I'm not!"

"Well, you're acting like one. All the time. Good for you that you're skilled, I admit you have a nice body and all, but for fuck's sake, you're not the only ribbed guy on the planet, who can hump girls whenever he wants to. I'm just your neighbor, never even planned to be on any of your parties, so give me a break. Don't jump at me, grind on me, body roll over me and don't kiss me, just because I'm a girl. Leave that for when you're working, because I'm sure not gonna pay you for your random plays."

He's quiet again, then he glanced at me still pouting. "But you like it." I rolled my eyes and looked at him above my shoulder. "Well, yeah, it's fun having a guy all over me like that sometimes. But not like that." he frowned. "Like what?" I sighed. "I told you, from what I've seen, you treat every girl the same. Whether you actually know her or not, you just wanna make her feel you up, because that's what you do or you feel good about yourself that way, I don't know. I just don't like your cockiness, that's all. Yeah, you're hot, and? What about you being a stripper, it doesn't mean you're a superhero."

He rolled his eyes once again, then sighed. "Ugh, fine, I won't do that to you again. Unless I'm getting paid. Ok? Now we're fine?" I shrugged. "We should be, as long as you don't act up again." "Oh, whatever." finally I smirked amused and he bit his lip. "I'm sorry for the kiss part, really." I smiled actually satisfied. "Good." he glanced at the door and hemmed. "Well, see ya then." I nodded. "Mhm." I swear, he's such a weird neighbor.

In the evening I saw him hopping on his bike and driving somewhere, probably to work. No wonder he's working late with this kinda job. But when he came again the next day, I was frowning at him after opening the door. "Ok, now what? Seriously, stop coming here all the time already, will you?" he rolled his eyes. "Shut up, I have a reason. Your parents are home?" I blinked surprised and raised my brows. "Uh... dad's at work, mom's in the garden... why?" "Can you get her?" I frowned at him. "You're weird." he gave me a look. "Please?"

I sighed and shook my head, but let him in. "Fine, get in." then we went to the garden, mom blinked surprised, stopping with the plants. "Oh, hi, Jimin. So you're not fighting anymore?" I rolled my eyes. "Mom..." Jimin hemmed. "Uh, yes, mrs Kim, I apologized yesterday. But anyways, my parents heard that we fought too and they want to take you all on our vacation with us in return." 

Now I blinked and widened my eyes at him. "What?!" mom was shocked too and he just shrugged. "You know we go on a cruise every year, right? Well, my parents areinviting you with us this time. If you're interested, my mom asked you to call her for the details." I just looked at him speechless. "For real?" "That's... very nice of you, Jimin... and your parents. Of course I'll talk with Minjae as soon as he's back, so I'll probably call her tomorrow, alright?" he nodded. "Sure, I'll tell her. Bye, mrs Kim."

He bowed, so she nodded still surprised and I went with him to the door. "You're serious? About the cruise?" he shrugged. "Your mom called mine few days ago and that's why. I told her that we're cool now, but they said it'll be nice to invite you anyways, so yeah. Talk to your parents if you wanna go, I guess. Or not." I snorted amused. "Finally giving me a choice, wow." he rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Bye." "Bye."

I said still giggling a bit and then I shook my head going to my room. It's not like they're rich, but they are a bit more loaded in the neighborhood, I gotta admit, so yes, I know for a fact they have a small yacht. And they do go cruising every summer, usually around Jeju, but it's still cool. I've never been on a yacht before, for example. Nice!

So of course we had to talk about it during our breakfast. Dad raised his brows and blinked surprised hearing the news and mom nodded to me. "See? I knew they're good people." I rolled my eyes. We fought once, give me a break... dad hemmed. "Well, since they're inviting us... it would be rude to say no. Unless you really don't wanna go?" when they both looked at me, I shook my head. "No, it would be cool. Besides, Jimin's just a moron, it's not like he's really a bad guy. We just fought, that's all. So no, I wanna go. Cruise sounds awesome." dad nodded and sothe decision was made. I can't believe I'll be on a yacht this summer!

So right after that mom called mrs Park and they talked about everything. We're supposed to meet them at the harbor in a week, but I'm sure we'll see each other before, so yeah. I still can't get over the fact, that they invited us. Luckily for me there weren't any more parties, where I could somehow meet Jimin working again, so that's good. I could breathe in peace again.

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