40. The Honking

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My mom smiled. "That's nice. It's very mature of you to be working, even though you still don't have to. We told Sujan, that she can wait with that, if she doesn't want to study in the same time." I rolled my eyes. Now it sounds like I'm lazy! Jimin giggled and shrugged. "Well, I'm just thinking of moving out on my own, that's why. Maybe not right now yet, but I'd like to have my own money for it." I only saw my mom's eyes getting more and more shiny and impressed with him. But like I'm saying, if only she knew he's a stripper!

She smiled widely. "I'm so proud of you, Jimin, you're such a nice young man now. Good to know my daughter has such a cool boyfriend, not gonna lie." she even winked to him! I face palmed myself blushing and Jimin just giggled. "Mom..." "Thank you, mrs Kim. I'm trying." I rolled my eyes. He knows how to impress parents, I give him that. Finally she stood up with a sigh. "Ok, eat up, guys, I'll be in the bedroom if you need me." she patted both of our heads, so I rolled my eyes yet again and Jimin nodded politely.

I sighed relieved, when she left. "Finally." he snorted. "Hey, I like your mom. Compared to mine, she's not cringy at all, trust me." now I snorted. "Uh huh. Because she's basically melting every time she sees you? You know how to sweet talk her, I swear." he laughed. "Hey, I need to make a good impression, if I wanna date you without problems, right? It's important she likes me." I gave him the look. "Yah. She literally knows you since birth, there's no point in impressing her now." he laughed again and nodded. "True. But still, now I'm your boyfriend, not just neighbor. If she likes me like that, that's all the better." I just shook my head rolling my eyes. I guess he's right.

After eating he went home, since it was getting late. And then on the next day, after my breakfast, he texted me if I wanna go out with him. "Like on a date?" I asked. He sent me a smiley emoticon, because of what I snorted amused. "Yep. I have off today, let's hang out." I nodded still smiling. "Sure. When?" "In couple of hours. Come out when you hear the honking." I frowned. "What?" I swear I literally heard his giggle. "My bike. Just come out when you hear it." I rolled my eyes. "Show off. Fine, see ya later then." he sent me an emoticon sticking out the tongue for bye. I snorted amused again. Cute.

Then I sighed biting my lip while looking at my closet. Our first date, huh... what the hell should I wear? Dresses and skirts are out, if he wanna go by his bike... I giggled to myself going to the closet. I feel like in a movie! I've always wanted to date a biker, not gonna lie. So I finally decided on skinny ripped jeans and some crop top, because it's still hot outside. Long earrings, some bracelets... I also picked my hair up in a high ponytail. Not too much make up though, I've never liked looking like a doll, even though it's more and more popular these days. I don't get it.

When I was done, I came downstairs to tell my mom I'm going out. "Mom?" I asked, since I didn't see her inside. "Garden!" of course. She loves her plants. When she saw me, she gasped theatrically widening her eyes. "Sujan! You look amazing!" I blushed. That was the idea... "Let me guess, going out with Jimin, huh?" I bit my lip and nodded. "Yeah. I don't know what's he planning though, so I don't know when I'll be back, ok?" she nodded. "Well, as long as you don't wake us all up at night." I rolled my eyes. "Mom... I'm sure I'll be back today, don't worry about it."

She narrowed her eyes, so I quickly shook my head. "Mom, seriously! It's not like that!" kinda, at least. So she sighed. "Well, I'm just saying I'm ok with it, if it's him. He's such a good boy, I'm so happy for you, Sujan." I rolled my eyes and then I heard the honking from the road. I snorted amused. Shit, he really did that... even my mom blinked surprised, so I hemmed. "Well, I'm going then. Bye!" she waved to me with a smile. "Have fun!"

I got out of the house to see my boyfriend in a black tight T-shirt, showing his muscles perfectly, and ripped jeans with Tims. Damn, he's hot. And he's mine, I grinned at that. He turned from his bike with a smile, then weirdly blinked to check me out, when I was walking to him. I rolled my eyes blushing.

"Hey." he whistled still looking at me with raised brows. "Damn, girl, now I wanna stay in." I frowned. "Huh? Why?" he grabbed my hips, pulled me towards him and leaned to my neck, while caressing my bare sides with his thumbs. "Maybe we should just go to my room and use the bed instead, huh?" I snorted, smacked his shoulder and stepped back. He's still smirking. "Moron. So, what's the plan?"

He murmured and slid his horny look down me again. "Well, first I'd take that top off, then maybe..." "Jimin!" I raised my voice, but still giggled. I like that he likes it. He rolled his eyes and sighed fixing his hair. "Well, not my fault you just look so fuckable now. All the guys will turn their heads drooling." I snorted closing my eyes feeling blushes on my cheeks. "Ok, thanks, you look hot too. But seriously, what you wanna do?"

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