58. Thanks Mom

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Already crying, I leaned against my front door after closing it and just trembled even more. Why the hell am I such a moron?! My mom stopped in the middle of her way from the bathroom and frowned at me worried, already coming towards me. "Honey, you're ok? Why are you crying?" I blinked, looked ather and quickly shook my head trying to wipe the tears away, then I just run to my room. I don't know!

I laid trembling on my bed, when she obviously followed right after me. "Hey... Sujan, what's wrong?" I just started crying all of the sudden, so she quickly hugged me. "Oh, honey... is it Jimin? Did you fight again?" I clenched my teeth and cried louder. I don't know! It was him, but it wasn't in the same time...! Mom kept patting my head while waiting for me to calm down a bit. She didn't let me go, until I went to sniffing and a minor hiccup.

Then she smiled warmly. "Can you tell me what happened now?" I sighed. "I... I don't know, to be honest..." she tilted her head. "Did you fight? Did he hurt you?" I quickly shook my head. "No, mom, he didn't, I... it's really not like that. We... we didn't even fight... I think..." she sighed clearly confused. "Ok, what exactly happened then? Clearly something did." I took a deep breath to steady my trembling voice. "Well, we... had a misunderstanding, I think... he said he's not mad, but he screamed at me... so I just left..." I felt like crying again, so I sniffed closing my eyes, because of what mom hugged me again.

"Oh, baby, I'm sure he didn't mean to hurt you. He probably was as confused as you." I nodded swallowing. Maybe... maybe not. Mom kissed my hair and then pulled me away to look at me. "Sweetheart, he's your first boyfriend, isn't he? You're probably both just trying to figure things out between you, it's normal. Things like these can happen to anyone and I'm sure it's not the last misunderstanding you'll have. It just works like that. No need crying over it, it's probably not as complicated as you think." haha, yeah... why I think differently though? He didn't look cool about it to me at all.

My mom finally sighed and patted my head again. "You said you don't even know what happened, didn't you? I think you should talk it out then, straighten things out. Maybe not right now, calm down first. But it's better to talk than not do anything at all. Hm?" I smiled faintly, but I did actually felt a bit better after talking to her. So I nodded. "I know. He really didn't do anything wrong, mom, don't worry." she pouted though and fixed my hair behind my ear. "How can I not worry, when you're crying? I'm your mom, of course I worry about you." I rolled my eyes with a face. "Mom, I get it, ok? I'm fine, really." she smiled and stood up nodding. "Alright, alright. Want anything to eat?" I shook my head. "No, I'm not hungry right now." she sighed at my doorstep. "Rest up, honey, it'll be fine." "Thanks, mom."

I didn't see him for the next 2 days. Even on our street. We also didn't text or anything... I just didn't know what to say. Should I apologize? I felt like I should... but then again, it wasn't like I did something wrong... if anything, he screamed at me... but I also didn't need him to apologize to me either, I just... I really didn't know what to do basically.

Jimin sighed heavily getting off his bike after getting groceries for his mom, and then looked at my house biting his lip. He didn't feel this awkward even when he stripped for the first time. Why the hell did I yell at her...? She's already freaked out, I only made it worse... and I still don't even know what happened in the first place...!

He's fixing his hair with another sigh, when my mom was coming back from the store. She raised a brow seeing him and decided to come closer. "Hello, Jimin." he gulped quickly recognizing my mom's voice and quickly bowed feeling nervous. "Good evening, mrs Kim." did she tell her...? he asked himself, while my mom sighed in front of him. "I heard you had a thing lately with Sujan?" he blinked and made a face. "Ah... yes..." "She didn't say anything bad about you, if you're curious. But she did cry." Jimin frowned and opened his mouth confused. "Cry? But..." he looked down fixing his hair. Why the hell did she freak out so much?! She said she's fine!

My mom tilted her head narrowing her eyes at him. "It looks like you're confused as much as she is. But you can't blame me for worrying." "Of course, mrs Kim, I understand..." he said still nervous. "She said you didn't exactly fight. But I heard you screamed at her?" now he made a face opening his mouth. "Ah... that... well, yeah, I... I did..." like a complete moron... "Can you tell me why?" he pretty much bowed to her. "I'm sorry, mrs Kim, I really didn't mean to... it's true we didn't fight, but she kept saying she's sorry and I still don't know why, I just wanted her to stop and it kinda happened... I really didn't mean to scream though, I'm sorry."

My mom sighed and shook her head. "If anything you don't need to apologize to me, Jimin, I understand couples fight and have things to sort out. But I would be glad, if you talked it out sooner than later. Do you have time tomorrow actually? Come have dinner with us, you can talk to Sujan then." he blinked and hesitated. So... with her parents there...? Knowing she cried, her dad's probably pissed as hell...

But it's not like he can say no to an invitation like that, so he forced a smile and nodded swallowing. "Of course, mrs Kim, thank you." she smiled and nodded. "Perfect. We usually eat around 5, ok?" he nodded again not feeling happy about tomorrow at all. "I'll come at 5 then." my mom smiled wider. "You're such a good boy, Jimin. See you tomorrow!" he bowed with another forced smile, when she turned to our house. Mr Kim's gonna kill me, isn't he... "Bye, mrs Kim..." he whined with a face going to his house while face palming himself.

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