30. Working Stripper

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I slightly looked around again, just out of curiosity. I saw gay couples, or just friends, same with girls, I even saw some straight couples looking at the stage with anticipation. Huh, this should be interesting... especially since I literally have no idea of what to expect.

Finally the colorful lights lit up the stage, while the rest dimmed, and some handsome tall guy came to the middle to introduce the performance. Wow, even he looks like a cake. Those full lips and big eyes... wow. I bit my lip thinking what's about to happen, what it's gonna be like?! People woo-ed and clapped, when 2 first guys came onto the stage in police uniforms. Of course... I recognized one of them, Yoongi. Ok, let's see then.

They both... were clearly very proud of their tongues. Every once in a while each of them sticked it out or just did something to show it off. I didn't mind that, although I widened my eyes at that, but most of the audience clearly loved it maybe too much. Especially when they started grinding on the floor after losing their shirts.

They were still in the middle of some move, while 2 other guys came changing the music, the tall dimple one and the other being the mic guy from the beginning of the show. They chose slower mood for themselves, but there were still plenty of bodyrolls. And actually cute faces too. Huh, didn't expect that, but ok. So I guess they'll showcase each of them like that? To appreciate each one?

My thoughts were stopped by the silence right after the tall guys stopped moving. Not only the music vanished, but lights too, it was dark for a minute and I only heard people not able to wait any longer. Finally, when the lights came back, my jaw dropped. Along with the lights, the stage suddenly opened in 3 places, from where 3 men on poles came into view. Wait, poles?! They have freaking poles here?!

I gulped loudly, since one of the poles was right in front of my table. Not with Jimin though, I saw him on the other side of the stage, there was also another guy in the middle, I think I saw him at one of the parties possibly. But what the hell, I had no idea Jimin can pole dance! The guy in front of me, now doing some synchronized with others moves, he kinda looked like a bunny somehow. I swear, his cute smile made him like that. He was literally cute.

But then he jumped off from the pole and started grinding the floor. Ok, he's not cute anymore, let me take that back. I honestly couldn't even look at the other guys, since this one was literally made by angels. Perfectly sized body with a perfectly cute and handsome face, even though he still kinda looked like an innocent bunny. After taking off his white shirt, he smirked biting his lip and grabbed his black shorts. And I think I literally started drooling. His 6-pack... and thighs! Holy shit... he's even more buffed than Jimin! I seriously don't know where I am anymore.

I jumped back gasping, when he got on the floor again, humping it as if he wanted to rescue it somehow. Oh, and did I mention he was staring at me frequently? Since I'm one of the closest to him, I guess. Finally the music ended before I completely lost my breath, but the stripper was still on the floor, right in front of my table. Thankfully, I already had some cash prepared for him since earlier, but instead he smirked at me and nodded at my drink.

"Can I have some?" um uh... huh...?! I opened my mouth stunned and just nodded still entranced, so he pulled himself towards the edge of the stage and leaned to get to the straw. There was a sweat drop coming down on the side of his face and it took almost my whole reason to stop myself from wiping it. He took a sip still looking at me intensely, then glanced at my hand, where I was holding the cash. "I'll take that too, thanks." he said while pushing from the stage, took my cash and still fucking looking at me put it straight into his thong. Only after that he decided to finally spare me, waved and sent some kisses to the rest of the audience and hid behind the curtains. I swallowed blinking with my head spinning. What the hell was that?!

"Can I sit with you, baby?" I heard, when I barely closed my eyes to calm down, while taking few deeper breaths. So I blinked and widened my eyes surprised seeing sweaty Jimin without any shirt, only in some tight as hell glittery boxers. I opened my mouth, so he giggled and basically sat across my thighs, putting his arms onto my hips under the shirt already and pressed his bare torso right onto mine. I couldn't speak because of his colleagues already and now he's kissing my neck too... well, fuck me.

I moaned, making him giggle. "Enjoying the club?" I nodded. "Hell yeah." he body rolled over me and I closed my eyes tightly still feeling his fingers on my skin. "The main show's over, if you wanna know, now we're basically walking around the tables. So you know, keep the wallet opened." I snorted. "Very funny. I need to have some in case of a hospital, you know." he frowned and looked at me confused. "What? Why, what's wrong?" I rolled my eyes. "Do you see yourself?! I barely survived that part! And you could've told me about the poles, moron!"

He snorted again and laughed kissing my neck again. "Nah, I knew you'll like the surprise." "Surprise my ass, rather a heart attack." he just grinned probably making me a hickey right now. "Well, nice talk, but I gotta go do my job, so. Can I have some of that?" he pointed at my wallet, while pulling away, so I rolled my eyes and counted 200. He smirked, stood up and grabbed my wrist. "It's done like this in here." he placed my hand with the cash on his torso, slid it down and then nodded at me to put it into the boxers. I did it biting my lip, so he smirked and winked at me. "Thanks, baby." what the actual fuck, I swear...

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