62. More Strippers

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So with a grin I looked around waiting. I saw couple of guys I've talked to already and some I was yet to meet. But I could tell who's who pretty easily. Or at least I think so. "Here you go." Jimin came back and put the glass in front of me, so I smiled and quickly took out the cash. Then I glanced at his pants and called him with my finger to come closer.

He snorted amused, but swiftly kneeled across my legs on the seat, leaning with his hands behind me against the back of the couch. I bit my lip having his abs right in front of my face now. "You bad girl." I rolled my eyes amused and put the cash under the hem of the pants, after slowly sliding it down his abs first, just like he showed me last time I was here. When I looked at him with a smirk, he narrowed his eyes already leaning to my face. He suddenly sighed and licked my neck, although I knew he's going for my lips at first.

"We don't kiss here, since some clients get the wrong idea after that. So please don't tempt me at least when I'm working." I giggled. "I thought it's pretty normal for you to get the cash like that? You said it before." he nodded and kissed my neck before coming off of me. "Yeah, but not when you do it. Gotta go, show's in 5." I nodded with a smile and watched him go towards the back, they probably had some space there for themselves. To change or rest for example.

This time's show was pretty much the same, only there were no poles this time. Oh, and they started dancing in a group first. Ok, fine, it was different, it shouldn't be exactly the same every time anyways. I only kept biting my lip feeling hotter and hotter, when Jimin danced not far from me keeping his hungry eyes on me most of the time. Not all the time, obviously, he looked also at other people, but I really didn't mind that as much as I thought I would before.

He ended up in just a black leather thong, on the floor, on his back, so panting he turned onto his stomach and slid to the edge of the stage with a smirk. He simply grabbed my drink and took a sip, then stood up winking before hiding behind the curtain. I snorted amused and shook my head at that clapping with other clients. I swear, this guy...

"Welcome back, noona." I blinked surprised and turned my head, when someone sat next to me with his hand already on my exposed thigh. I smiled seeing the wide boxy grin of a guy with light brown hair and short shorts, which were actually perfect for him. Maybe his character was literally cute, but he had a 6 pack worth a stripper.

"Hi, TaeTae. You're a very good dancer, you know that?" I said, because it was true, they're all awesome. I think I triggered his inner bad guy though, because he narrowed his eyes at that and quickly leaned to my neck with an evil look. I literally swallowed widening my eyes. "Yeah, I know. Thanks." he murmured so low I got chills and then he bit my ear, so I closed my eyes exhaling. Holy...

He took my hand and placed it on his neck, along with moving down with his lips onto my collarbones. I blinked as he slowly bodyrolled, making it look like I was doing that to him while swaying my hand down to his shorts. Along with it he's licking the whole height of my neck. I just moaned. He evilly smirked and bit my neck finishing, then pushed my hand away from him before I actually touched his pants. I blinked. He literally looked like a hooligan who's just escaped the cops.

He nodded at me. "Anything else you want? I ain't got the whole day just for your one ass, you know." I frowned confused at first, but quickly rolled my eyes grabbing my wallet. Calm down, 2 faces, remember? "Ya, don't get noona mad. I like bad boys, but no need to be this rude." I said holding 200 in front of his face, so he quickly reverted back to his puppy-like character, grinned happily and stood up taking his money. "Thanks, noona, bye bye!" I snorted amused as he turned away and left acting like a literal kid, who's just got a candy. Either he's a genius actor with a stunning composure, or he's in fact 2 guys in one body. In any case, I loved the concept, somehow it suits him.

I was in the middle of a satisfied sigh after finishing my drink, when another half naked guy landed on my thighs already biting my neck. I widened my eyes and automatically tried to push him away with a frown. "Ah, hey, excuse me?" Yoongi giggled and smirked at me, when we looked at each other. "Yo, long time no see, Jimin's girl."

I rolled my eyes. "I have a name, you know." he shrugged and sat next to me now playing with my hair between his fingers. "I'm not good with names. So, you said it's weird seeing him with others, but you're here again? Isn't that weird?" I blushed a bit shrugging and started looking for my boyfriend at that. "I just felt like it."

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