16. Sleeping Stripper

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It was around 9pm, when Jimin got into the room. He whined and laid face flat on the bed, right next to me, so I giggled. "What, had fun?" he murmured still into the mattress, not happy at all. "It's just so boring... you throw the thing and then wait. And wait. Until maybe you'll get something. Amazing."

I smiled and he turned around to look at the ceiling, but he stopped in the middle to look at me and blinked. So I raised my brows. "What?" he suddenly sat up and fixed his hair, since his face was right next to my hip before. "I just didn't think you'd be this close all the time here." I snorted. "Yeah, one bed, remember?" he shrugged and sat next to me leaning against the wall, taking his laptop out of the bag. "I don't mind that." I rolled my eyes at his obvious smirk. "Stop." he giggled.

I glanced at his laptop, because I didn't expect technology here. "You brought a laptop?" he raised his brow at me. "Yeah?" I sighed making a face. "If I knew there's power here, I'd bring mine too." he giggled shrugging, then we went to our own stuff. It was a rather calm evening, I heard our parents chat on the deck, but we didn't wanna join, so we just chilled in our room.

Then we all started to go to the bathroom around 11pm, me and Jimin went as last ones. Jimin went after me and when I got back, I bit my lip. We're really gonna sleep in one bed... I made the bed and went in, then Jimin got back in just some loose shorts. I decided on a loose, big T-shirt and leggings. He put his clothes on his bag and went in next to me with a smirk. "This is gonna be interesting." I just rolled my eyes and turned backwards to him after turning off the lights. "Goodnight, Jimin. And hands to yourself." he snorted. "Yah, how many times do I have to say this? I'm not like that." uh huh. I just shrugged and closed my eyes.

Yeah, the swaying was weird, but not bad at all, just different. The bed though... wasn't the most comfortable. Or maybe I just need to get used to it. I made a face and tried some other position, but I just couldn't get there. So I turned... only to have Jimin's face right in front of mine. I grimaced even more and quickly went back to my previous side, so he narrowed his eyes at my back.

"You always move so much?" I pouted. "I'm trying to get comfortable..." he snorted. "Well, I'm not stupid. Can't you just turn or something?" I closed my eyes irritated. "Not if I don't want your face on mine." he snorted amused. "I can always turn too, you know." I bit my lip and blushed for some reason. "Yes, please..." I whispered embarrassed. He shook his head smirking and then I felt him turning, so I glanced over my shoulder biting my lip before turning too. "Thanks." he snorted again. "I don't bite, you know. Unless you want me to." "Ugh, shut up already. Goodnight." "Night." he said amused and we finally fell asleep.

He was still sleeping, when I woke up in the morning, so I stretched out quietly and then left the room to change in the bathroom. When I came back... he was doing just that. Or, well, I saw him putting on his pants, so I quickly went back into the corridor. "Oh, sorry!" he snorted and opened the door for me after a moment. He had his pants on now, but still no shirt. "As if you never saw me before." I rolled my eyes and put my pajama under my pillow. "That's different." he shook his head amused and put his shirt on right before his mom knocked on our door. "Guys, breakfast!" "Coming!" Jimin answered and nodded at the door. "Well, let's go." somehow I smiled at that.

First couple of days were really calm and interesting, Jimin's parents kept telling us about their previous cruises, mr Park especially liked talking about fishing, mrs Park about cooking and preparing various sea food. While my mom was more than happy to talk about new recipes, my dad... well, let's just say he wasn't really into fishing.

Finally Jimin's dad decided to stop at some small town for shopping, so we all got off their boat. Our parents said that we should stay around here, while they'll go for groceries, so we nodded our heads. I walked slowly through the decks of the harbor, looking around and breathing deeply the scent of the ocean. When I sat at one of the wooden decks facing the water, I heard someone coming over. I turned my head and Jimin sat next to me with a smirk.

"What's up?" I smiled and shrugged. "Nothing, just chilling. I like it here, it's so quiet." "Yeah, it's a small town, mainly fishermen live here." "Oh, so it's like your usual spot?" he nodded. "You can say that." I nodded too and then took a deep breath closing my eyes. Jimin snorted amused. "What are you doing?" I shrugged. "It smells nice in here." "The fish?" I rolled my eyes. "No, moron, the ocean."

He giggled and then suddenly pushed me. "Then enjoy." "Yah!" I screamed and held onto his arms, while he's still pushing me off of the deck giggling. "Moron, stop! Yah, hajima! YAH!" when I really felt like I'm falling, I screamed louder, so finally Jimin pulled me back and I landed on his torso, when he laid down. He's still giggling, so I slapped his arm. "Idiot, I could've fallen in!" he nodded. "That was the plan." "Ugh, let me go!"

I pushed away from him, but he grabbed my hips and laid me back onto him again. I blinked surprised with my face on his collarbone. "Nope. You don't really wanna fall, do you?" I rolled my eyes. "If you won't push me, then I'm not gonna. C'mon, Jimin, let me go." I tried again, but he just chuckled at me, so I clenched my teeth and glared at him. "Yah, we've talked about this. No touching unless getting paid, remember? Your words."

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