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Author's note

So this 'chapter' is going to be kind of short, it's kind of a teaser and an author note since there are things I need to say about this book but the next proper chapter will be coming soon.

1. This is a sequel to another book I wrote called The Edge of the Universe and to understand this book you should probably read the other book.

2. I try and update daily and sometimes I update 2 or three times on weekends

3. Sorry for any spelling mistakes, I usually read over the book at the end and then edit it all.

4. If you have any requests of what you want to happen please feel free to comment them down below but I might not use them, it depends.

5. I obviously don't own star wars so all credit goes to George Lucas, I am using a few story lines from the clone wars series but the main part of this story is my own idea.

6. All the Jedi look like they do in Revenge of the Sith, Anakin is 23, Obi-wan is 39 and Ahsoka is 17. 

6 months after the last book took place

Obi-wan's POV

The war was far from over, after Anakin defeated Dooku the Jedi Council thought that the war would be over. But everything came crashing back down when Anakin discovered that the old sith lord Darth Sidious had a son who was still alive and seemed to be taking after his footsteps. More droids were being built and even more, Separatist leaders seemed to be appearing. Ventress has finally shown her face for the first time in months and wasn't happy after hearing about her master's death but she seemed to be serving under the new Sith lord Exar Palpatine or Darth Atrius. 

Coruscant has been putting a lot of pressure on the Jedi Council and the Senate for some action to take place. So far the Separatists seem to have built on their tactics and whenever we would send republic cruisers out, they wouldn't come back. The council was always weary to send Anakin out in case he encountered Darth Atrius who was definitely more powerful than Darth Sidious and Count Dooku combined but I could tell Anakin wanted nothing more to meet Darth Sidious' son who had killed his step-family. If Anakin did go on a mission then another Jedi Master was usually on the same mission to make sure he didn't step out of line and go looking for Darth Atrius or something like that.

I walked through the halls of the Jedi Temple after teaching another class and sighed, I hadn't been out on the battlefield in a while and I was longing for some action. I went down to the training rooms and like I expected Anakin and Ahsoka were training towards the back of the large training room. Some Padawans in the room kept glancing over at the pair in awe and amazement as they watched them spar, Ahsoka was arguably one of the best Padawans the republic has and she was quite advanced like Anakin was when he was my Padawan. 

"You almost had it that time," Anakin said as Ahsoka groaned.

"It's so awkward going from position 7 to position 29, my arm just doesn't move that fast," Ahsoka complained.

"Well, with your left-hand move from position 7 to position 21 and then with your right-hand move to position 29 in front of your body. See if that's easier," Anakin suggested.

Ahsoka nodded and moved into position, quickly practising the move before they engaged in combat, I stood at the edge of the large training mat they were sparing on and watched in fascination as they spared for a little bit before Ahsoka pulled off the move that Anakin had just taught her. She managed to strike Anakin's blade and blocking his strike and he moved around her blade, they both pulled back and Ahsoka grinned at her Master.

"Good job, Snips," Anakin said.

"Thank you Master, can we do free sparing now," Ahsoka asked eagerly, "Please?"

"She's just as eager to do free sparring as you were when you were a Padawan," I commented walking forward and standing next to Ahsoka.

"Hello Master Kenobi," Ahsoka greeted.

"Hello, Ahsoka," I replied warmly.

"Why don't you free spar Ahsoka?" Anakin suggested looking between both of us.

"I can do that," I said and Ahsoka smiled, "After all it's basically the same as sparring you,"

"Which means she'll probably win," Anakin commented grinning.

I rolled my eyes at my former apprentice as he walked off the training mat and stood on the edge.

"I see you do a lot of talking and not a lot of action," I retorted smiling.

He shook his head rolling his eyes as Ahsoka and I got into position, Anakin and I haven't sparred since he got those visions about us fighting on Mustafar which was almost a year ago. I missed sparring with him since it was always so unpredictable and challenging, we both knew each other's favourite moves and could always predict what we were going to do next so it forced us to switch our fighting styles and try some different things.

But, I didn't blame him, I saw the visions he got and I knew he was still wary of them since his visions tend to come true.

Ahsoka and I bowed to each other and then moved forward clashing our lightsabers together, I was right, fighting Ahsoka was like fighting Anakin when he was around 15 but not as powerful. Ahsoka and I fought for a while until I flicked both of her lightsabers out her hands and she was left defenceless.

"You did good Ahsoka, I don't think many Padawans could spar a Jedi Masters for that long," I complimented as she grabbed her lightsabers off the floor.

"Thank you, Master," she replied giving me a smile.

Anakin came over and complimented Ahsoka as well while giving me a sarcastic comment that I returned. Usually, when we were being sarcastic with each other we usually meant the complete opposite, it was our sort of secret way we complimented each other on our fighting skills, I don't know why we didn't do it the normal way but we had fallen into that rhythm.

Anakin's wrist comm beeped and he looked down and his eyes widened.

"Sorry I have to go, I have a meeting with the Chancellor," Anakin stated.

My panic spiked in my chest automatically and Anakin sensed it, he looked up and realised what he had said and a look of realisation hit him. He sensed my worry and sighed.

"Don't worry, I'm certain that the new Chancellor isn't a sith lord," Anakin replied, "Master Windu is there as well so it's fine,"

I nodded and Anakin raised an eyebrow at me before saying goodbye to Ahsoka and running out of the room. I sighed as the door to the training room closed behind him.

"Don't worry, Master, I'll keep an eye on him," Ahsoka reassured.

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