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Obi-wan's POV

I sat behind a large part of concrete that had been blown off the building with Ahsoka next to me, I gripped Anakin's lightsaber tighter in my hand. I felt the force strongly flowing through it and giving me strength and power. He's watching over us. I can just tell. 

"Are you okay?" I asked Ahsoka over the roar of battle.

She nodded as she caught her breath, we nodded at each other and popped back over the rock with our lightsabers ignited as we deflected all the bullets. All the Jedi and storm troopers had fallen back to here as all the droids came here and began pushing us back towards the ruined Jedi Temple where the wounded and dead were being held. 

Every time it felt like we had cut down a good amount of droids the cruiser above would deploy hundreds more. The airstrike team was trying their best to blow up the bombers and they didn't have enough time to focus on the cruisers.

As we were blocking the bullets something changed in the force, it all came rushing back at once and it kind of just felt like we've been in a dark room and someones finally turned on the light. The force flowed all around us and the area and even the clones began to straighten up and become more fierce. 

I felt a spike of panic within the force and as soon as I reached out to see what it was I came across Ahsoka's emotional force signature. I spun around seeing her defenceless without her lightsabers which had been shot out of her hands, I sent her a warning in the force and threw Anakin's lightsaber across the battlefield while I still held my own. She caught it and ignited the dark blue blade as she blocked a few bullets and called her lightsabers back into her hands, I saw her look to her left at Mace Windu who was still injured from his battle with Darth Atrius, the spare lightsaber he was using kept flickering and disappearing.

"Ahsoka! Give him the lightsaber!" I shouted.

Ahsoka threw him Anakin's lightsaber and he gave both of us an appreciative nod as he ignited the blade and began blocking the shots before he got another spare lightsaber from one of the many fallen Jedi. I saw him throw Anakin's lightsaber to Yoda and from then on I'd see it fly around the place to Jedi Masters and anyone that needed it. 

I snapped out of my deep concentrated state when I realised the 501st had disappeared and the 212th was replacing there position and spreading out more to cover it.

"What's going on Cody?" I asked.

"The 501st has been called somewhere else, we were told to cover for them," Cody explained.


I looked around and couldn't see any of the 501st in sight, who would give them that order?

"Ahsoka, did you give any orders to the 501st?" I asked.

"What, no. What's going on, I thought you gave them that order," Ahsoka replied.

I sighed but there was nothing I could do about it right now, I'd figure it out later. I reflected the shots back at the droids and they dropped to the ground like before the next row emerged. 

"Obi-wan!" someone shouted.

I looked up to see Anakin's lightsaber flying towards me and I reached out my hand to catch it but it was shot away. My gaze followed it before it stopped and went flying in the other direction, I followed it and that's when I saw multiple gunships landing behind the droids and the 501st jumping out of them. The lightsaber landed right in Anakin's hand. Anakin. He was alive. He was right there. Everything around me just seemed to disappear as I tried to comprehend it, it all made sense. The 501st following his orders, the force suddenly getting stronger and brighter. He was back. He wasn't dead. 

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